Night's Nomenclature

Chapter 230

In the floating car, yue'er, Li Changqing's assistant, sat opposite her: "boss, the result of face comparison has come out. The boy's name is Qingchen. Now he is in high school in the Sixth District. His family used to do building materials business under the Qing family. His family name was Zhang. Later, 112 years ago, he was given the surname" Qing "by the previous Qing family leader. With the change of Qing's power, their family's business began to decline. Their father and mother died in a robbery a few years ago, but the truth may be that someone wanted to rob the last family business, so they hired someone to murder deliberately. "

With that, yue'er handed Li Changqing a piece of transparent crystal plate and continued: "two years ago, the teenager sold all his family property and went to the black market to exchange two FDE gene drugs. The seller is Su Xingzhi. We've checked this, and the information is accurate. It's the two FDE gene drugs that we released before. "

The woman leans on the back seat of the comfortable floating car, and her long skirt outlines her graceful curve. She frowns and says: "little dust is so pathetic..."

The moon opposite her said nothing. She said that the boss was a little different from her usual image of being vigorous and resolute.

Li Changqing looked at the information on the crystal board: "he's still playing black boxing in the boxing hall in the fourth district to earn money and pay tuition. It's too hard. He's only 17 years old."

Yue'er said in a low voice: "boss, he's not hard at all. Qingchen's alias is qingxiaotu. Now he's the most attractive boxer in the fourth district. At present, the boss of Haitang boxing house seems to want to hold him as the tiger weight champion of the 18th city."

Li Changqing glanced at her: "black boxing is all about fighting for life. Why is it not hard? Don't measure his hard work by how much money he makes. "

"The boss is right," said yue'er with a low eyebrow.

"By the way, what's the matter with tiger heavyweight?" Li Changqing asked.

"The boss of Haitang martial arts center gave 20 million yuan to challenge him," yue'er said. "It is understood that other martial arts centers seem to want to win this prize, and after the appearance of Qingchen, the business of other martial arts centers has been affected. It seems that people do not want him to continue to win and are ready to press his momentum. Just now, four people have launched a challenge. The fight is scheduled for tomorrow night, and one of them is the tiger heavyweight champion of the fourth district. "

"Eh, why does Haitang boxing hall sound so familiar?" Li Changqing frowned and recalled: "isn't this the one Enoch used to visit?"

"Yes, boss, you have just been there this evening, and miss Yinuo is a frequent visitor there," Yue er said. "According to the time, when you are waiting for Miss Yinuo outside tonight, he has just finished six high-intensity fights in it."

"After six high-intensity fights, he can come home to clean up so quickly to see me?" Li changqingxin said, it seems that she is very important in each other's heart. She thought about it and said, "cancel all the itineraries tomorrow night for me. I'm going to watch the boxing match."

"Boss," Yue Er confirmed her itinerary, "tomorrow evening you will meet with the chairman of the 18th City Public Security Administration Committee."

"It's arranged for the afternoon," Li said.

"Afternoon is..." yue'er raised her eyes to observe Li Changqing's expression, and said nothing more: "I'll arrange it for you."

"You say, he's making so much money now. How can I pay him?" Li Changqing said in distress: "no wonder he refused me at the beginning of this evening. It turned out that he didn't look up to the bodyguard's salary. But he promised me later. Does that mean he doesn't value my money? "

The moon's eyes look at her nose and nose at her heart, but she doesn't say a word.

They don't know. In fact, in reality and on the Internet, the person chatting with Li Changqing is not alone at all

Li Changqing said: "how much is the quota of FDE gene medicament in our hands? 003, 002 and 001. "

Yue Er replied: "boss, the remaining 20 sets are being configured this year, but they are all going to be sent to the first group army. Of course, they don't dare to say anything if you spare a set, but the whole army will compete in martial arts in the early spring of next year. I'm afraid that the gene medicaments of Qing's and Chen's have been put in place, and it won't be too late for shendai and Ludao... "

"It doesn't matter if there's one less set," Li Changqing said. "There's still something redundant in 004 and 005. This batch will not be put into the black market, but will be handed over to the group army for their own distribution."

"OK," yue'er said, "I'll contact the Research Institute and send you a set when this batch of genetic agents are ready."

Even consortia can't mass produce genetic drugs, which is why they are scarce.

Under normal circumstances, we can find 003, 004, 005 series with relatively large output on the market at most, 002, 001 are absolutely not seen.

In the back of the floating car, Li Changqing closed her eyes and had a rest. When she recalled Qingchen's appearance of refusing to welcome her, and her sweet words on the Internet, her mouth turned up slightly.

I didn't expect that such a shy boy had two faces.

At this time, yue'er suddenly said: "boss, I just got the news from Su Xingzhi, confirming that a gene drug fde-003 that we once released was secretly bought by Miao Qifeng. In other words, strictly speaking, Miao Qifeng is no longer a tiger heavyweight boxer, but a land cruiser. "

Li Changqing suddenly opened his eyes: "cheating?"

"Well, judging from the rules of black boxing, it's cheating," Yue er said, "do you need me to terminate this fight?"

Li Changqing thought seriously for a long time: "don't stop. First, you collect all the evidence that he secretly bought the genetic medicine, and then let Lao Liu stay by the octagonal cage. Once Xiaochen is in danger, Lao Liu will rescue him. In this way, I'll be the one who saved him once! "

Yue'er was stunned for a moment: "boss, the rule of octagonal cage can't save people halfway. It doesn't mean you can't save him. The rule of Li family naturally ignores the rule of small octagonal cage. Only in this way, qingxiaotu can't fight any more. "

"Isn't it good not to fight?" Li Changqing said with a smile: "it's just a matter of fact to be my bodyguard. I'll let him earn all the money."



The next night, there was a long line at the gate of Haitang boxing hall.

The propaganda about tonight's boxing match has already been carried out. In terms of Haitang's words, tonight will be the day when the new king of tiger weight will be crowned. The old king will eventually be replaced, and the new king will step on the bones of the old king to ascend the throne in Haitang boxing Hall

Miao Qifeng, the tiger heavyweight champion of the Fourth District, had many supporters. When he heard the propaganda words of Haitang boxing center, he immediately exploded.

A lot of people came to Haitang boxing hall just to see how Miao Qifeng solved qingxiaotu.

However, many people were stunned when they came to Haitang boxing hall, because qingxiaotu had to fight not only Miao Qifeng, but also three talents before that!

This is equivalent to four people bullying one person. When qingxiaotu fights Miao Qifeng, he will have consumed a lot of physical strength.

The most important thing is that Miao Qifeng himself did not refuse the schedule.

Does this mean that Miao Qifeng is not sure?

At 7 o'clock in the evening, Li Yinuo's team arrived as scheduled. The fight was so noisy that not only Li's dandy came to the scene, but also a number of Qing's dandy.

No. 18 city is the home of Li and Qing's, and other consortia are basically squeezed out, just like No. 7 city has only Chen's.

However, many people were surprised when they entered the Haitang martial arts center, because they saw a strange Li's motorcade. Some knowledgeable people soon recognized that the license plate of one of the floating cars was Li Changqing's exclusive car!

Black boxing is a place where at most three generations of the sons of various consortia come. But I didn't expect that tonight's competition attracted the real power figures of the consortia?!

Not only these passers-by were confused, but also Li Yinuo was confused when he saw his aunt's motorcade appear again.

She walked slowly to the side of the motorcade, only to find that it was empty, leaving only a few drivers to watch.

Li Yinuo found Yueer and asked, "where's my aunt?"

Yue'er honestly replied, "the boss has already gone in. He said that if he meets you, he will tell you that she is waiting inside."

"Wait, didn't she come all the way to me?" Li Yinuo said strangely.

Yue'er said, "no, boss. She came to see the boxing match tonight."

"Oh," Li Yinuo took Nan Gengchen and Li Tongyun to go inside, but the more she thought about it, the more wrong she was.

She once invited Li Changqing to watch the fight, but the other side didn't find it interesting.

According to Li Changqing, a group of E-class fighters, what's good to see? It's better to look at the actual combat records of the federal army group and the small-scale wars of shendai and Kagoshima than this.

But is it such an aunt who despised underground black boxing that she came to watch the fight?

After entering the private room, Li Changqing sat in the middle of the sofa early. Nan Gengchen and Li Tongyun were somewhat reserved, because they were not very familiar with each other.

Li Changqing looked at Li Tongyun with a smile: "come here, girl. I held you a few years ago. I've grown so big in a twinkling of an eye. Please sit next to my aunt. You don't want to follow your sister Yinuo's example to practice the tiger sect. If you practice her like this, you won't please your aunt. "

Li Yinuo was black: "aunt, you don't have to belittle me if you like Tongyun. By the way, how did you come to see the game today? There must be something important to discuss with me secretly, right? You can rest assured that there is no eavesdropping and monitoring in this private room. The woman Jiang Xiaotang knows the weight. "

"I don't have anything to look for you. I just came to see the competition," Li Changqing said with a smile. "I heard that a boxer named Qing Xiaotu had beaten through the tiger heavyweight boxer. I specially came to have a look and was ready to find a good seedling for my bodyguard team."

"Didn't you say that there was nothing good to see in the E-Class? And your bodyguard is not the lowest D level? " The beautiful girl and the strong man's eyes were wide open.

"It doesn't matter if his strength is low. His aunt is in charge of genetic medicine. It's not a matter of a word to improve his strength," Li Changqing said.

Li yinuoxin said that Qingchen would not like to take genetic medicine.


Ask for a monthly ticket! The boss pities the child, the code word is not easy!

Thanks to Zhan Yiyang, Meng Zixuan, Feng Lingbo and Zhang a for becoming the new League of this book, and the bosses are happy and happy!

You can search Baidu for the latest chapter in "the naming of night, nine peach novels (9txs. ORG)"!