Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

359 Combined shelling, apparently.

From above, the evil dragons panic to the battleship, which merged into a Kanji mountain-like shape and began to advance at higher speeds.

The suddenly thickened defensive force field bounced back the evil dragons\' < breath > without anything, and came to halt the battleship\'s foot so as to hit it halfway, and the evil dragon devoured the overwhelming amount of material rush, spreading its life one after the other, falling toward the ground without even screaming.

The evil dragons, who were not caught up in the battleship rampage, immediately turn their heels and try to chase the battleship, but it was finally time to fly to keep the distance apart, not very much, but there were no dragons trying to attack them.

Even if I were to spit it out, I couldn\'t do anything about it as evil dragons because the battleship itself would earn a light distance just to do its prep motion and get away to a distance from which it couldn\'t reach, but I could only increase the speed possible and chase after the battleship.

"We need to make allowance for the injured and for the injured dragon while we can!

By decree of Frau, the ambulance was immediately dispatched to all parts of the ship.

The two combined ships are also able to come and go from the part where they merge with, and treatment for the dragons and dragon cavalry who were returning to the ship in parallel begins.

I wonder if it really needs that much, and if people who see it are brought in with a quantity of chemicals or something that will tip their necks, they will consume it, but if it\'s still not enough, then more additional drugs will be carried all over the place at a rate that could just run out of warehouse stock.

"Hurry up! I can\'t afford that much time!

"Is that such a chopped story?

If there is no mistake in the stories heard, prior information, previous rules of thumb, etc., the Demon King\'s Castle should be present in the central part of the continent, and Lianya thought that there might still be a distance.

But Frau shakes his head violently to deny such an optimistic notion of Lianya.

"Even if we can\'t pull the Evil Dragon apart, we\'re fast enough not to catch up! You can\'t lick a dragon\'s flying speed! It\'s the central part of the continent.

Lianya said looks out the bridge window.

The view I could see was due to the flying altitude there, all blue and sprawling skies, and I couldn\'t help but see if Flau was getting as fast as he said, but after a while Lianya understood that from the speed of the clouds flowing in the sky, I see there did seem to be quite a bit of speed out there.

"Why don\'t you just slow down?

"The Evil Dragon will catch up to us and the battle will only continue."

Overnight with Scion\'s suggestion, Frau shouted loudly that this was the best he could do when he opened the lid of one of the transmission tubes located inside the bridge.

"Everyone is paying attention! Treatment is as quick as possible! Those of you who are free are ready for impact! There\'s not a lot of money left until the Imperial Castle! Magic Artillery personnel ready to fire!


The voice pronounced by Lianya was so small but weighty that Frau, who was screaming for instructions to stick to the vocal tract, looked back in an atmosphere such as unexpected.

To Frau, who stares at what exactly he is going to say, Lianya says something so surprising that all those who were on the bridge lose their voices.

"You can\'t. Get ready to fire two shots."

"Master!? That\'s too unscrupulous! I can\'t believe I just shot one shot, but I\'m preparing a second shot..."

The hull had accumulated considerable damage by firing demon cannons and fighting evil dragons.

It was Frau who had managed to take one shot there, exhausting his hand so that he could shoot.

Flau protests that it is impossible to get past the impossibility of being able to shoot another shot there, but Lianya was also unwilling to retract her words.

"Ignore the hull and system damage. Worst case scenario, after releasing the second shot, I don\'t mind self-destructing. If it were to be like shooting a second shot anyway, Demon King Castle would already be at the end of his eyes and nose. It\'s going to be like sticking it in."

"To be prevented," he said?

To Lian Yan\'s attitude, which speaks too clearly of impotence, Frau asks with the thought of what is expected to be the worst.

"If I were the Demon King... you\'d soon understand from the power of that demon cannon that it\'s not a substitute for many shots."


"No matter how much you mislead and manage to operate everywhere, it\'s not hard to guess that you can shoot and have a few shots to the limit"

From the viewpoint of the inhabitants of this world, Lian Yai cannot understand how out of common sense substitute such as the demon cannon of the battleship on which Lian Mita rides.

However, Lianya thinks it will soon be discovered that a substitute with that much power will not be something that can be used over and over again.

"Then you can\'t do it here a little bit, but you should think about preventing the first shot."

There is no way to know how powerful the Demon King is.

However, from the side of the Demon King, it has already been discovered several times that the power of the Demon Guiding Artillery is something that has been experienced, and to what extent it can prevent a single shot if it is impossible.

"If one more bullet prevents the demon cannon from becoming unusable and the force field protecting the castle is not broken, we will be stuck in an uninteresting situation with the evil dragons chasing this ship from behind and the demon king"

If you abandon the ship and Lotus Ya can wave the sword, the force field itself can be torn apart, and it is not impossible in itself to attack the Demon King\'s Castle.

With that method, however, the number of people who could be sent into the castle would be very small, and at best it could have been the mountain of Seoul that allowed a line of brave men to dive in.

In that case, the brave men entering the castle will have to fight properly against the remaining forces in the castle, and they will find themselves in a very unfavourable situation, and the soldiers left outside will have to fight the evil dragon with no winner.

"In order to keep the power of the brave man warm and fight in the most advantageous circumstances possible, I believe we really need to let the soldiers on board enter Demon King\'s Castle."

If we could have allowed soldiers to enter the castle, we should have been able to hold them down by the soldiers when it came to the forces in the castle other than the Demon King.

Plus Lianya thinks you won\'t have to worry too much about the evil dragons.

Exactly. Neither should the Evil Dragons be able to imitate shooting into Demon King\'s Castle, nor can they fight while flying in order to fight the soldiers without using their breath.

Plus I still don\'t know what a Demon King Castle is, but if you think it\'s like a normal castle, there shouldn\'t be enough room to get inside even if the Evil Dragon came down to the ground, and if it was carried well, it might have gotten better without thinking about the Evil Dragon until the battle with the Demon King was over.

"If you\'re on your way home with me and the brave men, you can manage as much as a bunch of evil dragons."

"I don\'t know if I can ask you to do it now. I don\'t know."

"I fly this ship, so I keep consuming most of my power, and the brave men are still warming up for the Demon King. I can\'t right now."

As much as Lotus Ya thinks of what to expect, when Lotus Ya instantly cuts and throws away a word of Frau, who giggles and giggles and makes a fragrant noise, Frau turns his grin off his face and starts to roar small, low.

After repeatedly acknowledging that ordering two more shots at the demon cannon was unscrupulous, I wonder if there is any alternative to what my lord Lianya said or understandable, but yes, the proposal could not come to mind, and the time left to arrive at Demon King\'s Castle was too little.

"Ah, already! I have no choice! I\'m sending word to the Magic Gun Squad! Keep your eyes peeled for damage to the system and hull, and fire two more shots for the Demon King\'s Castle attack!

Various angers rang from voice tubes everywhere at the same time as Frau shouted to the voice tubes.

It was a curse and outrage from workers and technicians scattered all over the hull, a sight that seemed to instantly make sense of how they were doing the work in a cornered situation, but the loser and Frau raise their voice to it.

"I don\'t mind the first shot at normal operation! For the second shot, this Flau replaces the virtual shell construction and output control operations in part!

The anger stopped at the same time as the declaration.

After a moment of silence, one voice tube exhales like a panic.

"It\'s impotent, Chief Maid! No matter how out of common sense a made-up is, this system is not the kind of thing that can replace one\'s shoulder with another! No matter how much load it takes for one operation of control…"

"Just do it! For Frau and the others today, this ship is the same as your home! Then there\'s nothing impossible about this silky flaw because of your home!

"Frau, I have nothing to do alone"

Lianya calmed down and spoke to Flau in a shouting manner that seemed half self-abandoned.

Looking back to Frau, Lianya tells him as he pokes his temple with his index finger.

"If you\'re using parallel-minded surgical control, I can help you with some of it. Turn it here, too, to the extent that Flau can\'t."

"Are you okay, Lenya?

Even if he doesn\'t understand the details of the matter, did he grasp in the atmosphere that Lotus Ya and Frau were trying to do something that seemed dangerous, and Lotus Ya turns his gaze unchanged to Sion, who sounds worried.

"I don\'t know if I\'m gonna be okay, but I\'m gonna be able to recover as long as I don\'t die."

"As long as Flau doesn\'t disappear, we can come back to life."

"Not a single ingredient to feel safe about!?

To Scion with his head, a report came in from the watchtower as if to make a chase.

"Check the demon castle and the architecture with the naked eye!

"I just have to do it! All you have to do is be wild, be mountain! Prepare to fire the Magic Gun! All personnel versus impact, versus flash defense! Capture Demon King Castle in the direction of travel and watch out for hull posture control!

Give instructions to the vocal tract, and then Frau meditates on his eyes.

Concentrate your consciousness on the hull and connect each one with your own consciousness when you extend your consciousness from it to the various techniques that are controlling the demon cannon.

At the same time, Flau opened his eyes when he connected part of it with Lianya\'s consciousness.

"Master, you don\'t have to do anything because the first shot bribes the original system. Now that I\'ve connected my master\'s consciousness to the system, I can shoot without pulling the trigger this time."

"Shouldn\'t you have done that to me from the beginning?

"It\'s beautiful in style! This is the part where you can\'t pull off as an engineer!

I think you would be a maid of honor, not a technician, but looking at Frau\'s face, who said so with a serious look, I feel that it is impossible to influence Frau\'s spirit in any way where he has so penetrated, and Lian Ya searches for the part of the magic cannon technique that has something to do with the firing that he has become somehow able to feel by being very connected to his consciousness.

"I found it. You can shoot anytime you want."

If you order me to shoot you later, if Lianya speaks up making sure that you can fire the demon cannon at any time, just as you pulled the trigger on that firing device, the crew at the bridge will begin to check the situation immediately.

"Fire Preparation Sequence Successfully Ended"

"Due to parallel excitation by three magic furnaces, the filling rate reaches the firing range and is still increasing. We\'ve got a target in active range."

"Confirm the evacuation of the workers in charge of the Magic Gun. Anti-shock, anti-flash defense ready. Anytime!


Because the technique for aiming is also linked to Lotus Ya\'s consciousness, Lotus Ya captures the Demon King\'s Castle that the soldier on the lookout confirmed in his sight.

The moment the aim captured the Demon King\'s Castle, without feeling it, he probably didn\'t have to say it, but because of his mood problems, Lianya said it so small.