Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

358 They're gonna make a breakthrough.

"I\'m already screwed up"

There\'s no point in Flau leaking words like that.

Lotus Mita\'s battleship in the swarm of evil dragons flying around the sky moves forward without a problem, whether it is roasted in the air or blocked.

The evil dragon that crashed into the hull became indiscriminate and fell to the ground, and the evil dragon pierced its body by the continuous release of Lianya from the bridge became a black mass of charcoal and splashed apart as it fell.

Of course, the battleship side can\'t be intact.

Evil dragons bursting all over their hulls burned what burned, and those that didn\'t burn were sure to build up damage to battleships by melting or destroying them, causing less human damage.

The reports coming up from all parts of the battleship are all about the damage that is becoming immense, and the faces of the crew packing on the bridge are gradually beginning to hide something like rush and fear.

"Are you okay with this?

Every time < breath > lands a bullet in the hull, a shock and vibration are transmitted.

It was Shion who stood beside Lianya and raised his anxious voice when he came to the bridge.

"The damage the ship\'s taking, it\'s not half, is it?

It\'s not enough to get shot down.

Though Flau said so to reassure him, the colour of anxiety was not dispelled from Zion\'s face.

Even if it\'s still okay now, eventually there\'s bound to be limits.

Even if the repair squad is mobilized, it is known to be a first aid repair that can be done during the battle, which cannot be a fundamental repair.

It\'s not that we have infinite supplies of materials to use, but if we keep using them, we\'ll all run out of bottoms and not even be able to repair them.

"The dragon cavalry..."

"I\'m struggling. But the numbers are still the problem."

There are only a few less than ten dragon cavalry that Lian Mita was able to prepare.

In contrast, although the Evil Dragons are the only riders, their numbers are about several to a dozen times higher than those of the Dragon Cavalry.

Nature and the dragon cavalry are all over the place that they can\'t cover no matter how hard they try, and the firefighters continue to rise all over the battleship with the aim of attacking evil dragons.

"At least half of the enemy evil dragons could have done anything with a dragon cavalry. But I didn\'t have the human resources... there\'s nothing I can do."

"It\'s a pitiful story to have to go into the Imperial Castle because of the damage."

Even during such conversations, the damage spreads.

Damage reports from all parts of the ship that come up next are telling Lotus Mita that the battle power of the Lotus Mita Expeditionary Army is definitely being cut off, and that the vibrations running on the hull are uninterrupted.

I am also heavily aware that every shot of that is consuming the lives of the soldiers who participated in this expedition, but I asked myself if I had any valid hands, and the answer did not come up at all.

It is Lianyi\'s contention that the act of defeating the Demon King, a threat in this world, should be done by the hands of those who originally lived in this world.

The idea that Lianya herself, if you look from this world, is like a Gentile who should not be, and should not be involved in the fate that she originally laid down in this world, remains unchanged.

But if the damage spreads so far, the thought of bending my claims but should I have confronted the Demon King really brings me to my head.

"Now you are."

Even if you bend the claim here, nothing lost will ever come back.

Then Lianya closes her eyes over her seat on the bridge, thinking that she should penetrate through to the end.

On the other hand, knowing or not such Lotus Yaya\'s thoughts, Flau was working to make everyone wonder if this guy was really Silky, the spiritual guardian of the house, in response to a report coming up from the next.

We need a repair team at the location where the hull was destroyed immediately.

The injured person pulls into the back of the ship, treats them with the medication they have stockpiled, sends out those who can return to the front, and sends those who do not, collectively, into the infirmary.

Calculating in your head the number of soldiers that are decreasing gradually, while making the extraction to send the necessary personnel to where you need them, Frau was a reminder of the historical generals that any country would want if you did not only take into account their appearance.

"Majority of severely ill! I\'m getting anxious about the number of beds!

"We\'re gonna use another hospital room! You pull the bedding on the floor and rest there!

"The drug residue from the First Warehouse is about to run out of bottom!

"You can put your hands on the Second Warehouse! Move the treatment room near Warehouse 2!

"Many direct hits to starboard! I can\'t get in touch with some compartments!

"Run the liaison personnel...... no, seal off the compartment! Follow the holes in the surrounding compartment!

"Master Leppard is making a scene about letting him go out!

"If you don\'t want to be folded into four, tell them to stay quiet!

When it breaks, the liaison rushes off to the compartment where the braves are waiting, barely pressured by the force of Frau, who first breaks it on his back side and says it off with a sitting eye.

Scion, who was looking at Flau with a slightly convulsive face, with a recoil in which the entire ship sank heavily in the next moment, bracing.

"You can fall over here, but don\'t touch the chair."

Lianya said that with a proper gaze, but Zion\'s ears couldn\'t afford to be turned to Lianya\'s words.

"Now Ha!?

To find out what happened to the ship, the crew screams for reports to all parts of the ship while trying to stick to the voice tube.

Before the reports against it came up, Frau figured out what had happened to the battleship and bit his lips off a lot.

"The damage done to this ship exceeded a certain value. The lifting power generated by the Master\'s magic is weakening and he\'s starting to lose support of the hull."

"I want a simpler explanation"

Asked by Zion in his true face, he tilts his neck to see if he would have used such a difficult word, but Frau opens his teasing mouth thinking of words that briefly communicate the status quo to Zion.

"The damage is too much, and we\'re starting to have problems flying."

"In other words?"

He\'s crashing.

Even if there were no problems with the supply of magic from Lianya, the ship would not be able to continue flying if there were problems with the path of communicating it and with the technique of transforming that force into lift or propulsion.

Those paths and procedures are stretched or shaped around the hull, but it was the sinking of the ship that some of them began to cease to function as the hull deteriorated.

If you continue to take damage as it is, you will have difficulty even floating and the ship will crash from the sky.

"Doesn\'t it matter!?

"I just understood!?

Flau asks Sion, who peeled off his eyes and shouted, as well as peeling his eyes.

Flau put his hand on his forehead as if he could take a headache at the appearance of Scion, who is questioned and honestly nods, but he can\'t afford to be on Scion forever either.

Silent, albeit for a few moments, the contemplating Frau eventually lowered his hand, which was on his forehead, skipping the instructions out loud to the crew, who were heading right and left.

"Lower the Dragon Cavalry!

"Here it is!?

Even though the numbers are small, the dragon cavalry manages to prevent collaboration with the riders and a significant portion of the evil dragons who are raiding with previous proficiency.

Even though an unprotected attack is damaging the hull, it is an important air defense force, and if you lower it, the only attack against the Evil Dragons will be the anti-aircraft turrets located throughout the hull.

"If you can\'t prevent it, stay like this and you\'re poor! Open it by hard means! Activate the merging mechanism!

Speaking of which, Lianya recalls.

Before building two accompanying ships and one battleship, Frau said something about the deformation mechanism that he gave up.

But I can\'t make him give up about the merging mechanism, and that seems to have been adopted as it is.

"Concentrate your magic on defensive junctions! Purge part of both outboard plates!

Battleships slow down.

The magic of the fallen velocity poured into the line protecting the entire ship, causing the evil dragons to pour rain and down toward the battleship, but was stopped by an invisible wall and scattered flames in the air.

As the Dragon Cavalry returns to the Walking Ship as instructed, the two Walking Ships form one on each side of the Battleship.

Then the battleship and part of the belly of the accompanying ship peel its outer plate with a small explosion.

From beneath it emerged the arms of countless metals.

As these stretched from both the battleship and the accompanying ship, they connected their tips so as to hold each other\'s hands and were shaped to ground each other by pulling each other.

"Check the connection with the accompanying ship! Pathways open!

"Begin parallel excitation of the three magic furnaces!

"Confirm output increase due to mutual interference. Refill the Shortage Magic with Demon Stones!

"Transport squad, it\'s work! Hurry!"

The magic furnace, to the knowledge of Lianya, hits something like an engine, but there is so much difference that if asked whether it is the exact same thing, it has to be answered immediately that it is different.

Something remarkable about it was the parallel excitation of several magic furnaces within a certain range.

This means that magic furnaces that consume magic and convert it into physical force interfere with each other, creating phenomena that do not normally occur.

This probably causes trouble close to a runoff, but Frau was successful in braiding a formula that simultaneously excites three magic furnaces and generates a lot of output without leaving these in a runoff state.

"It\'s not just a hobby!

"You have a hobby part, too, huh?

"It\'s not like Benefit Only!

Lianya exhales a small sigh in her chest stretching flau.

In the meantime, the force generated from the three magic furnaces, which also increase their output acceleratively, travels to the entire three combined ships, pushing back the Evil Dragons by increasing the force of the defensive junction that prevents them from falling apart.

Further, the speed at which it was about to fall will begin to increase, further accelerating beyond the original speed.

"What\'s going on!?

Scion manages to withstand the shock that suddenly starts accelerating.

Flau responds to that question, but this one holds his hand against the nearby wall and manages to withstand the acceleration, while returning the answer.

"Three-group parallel excitation increased propulsion! The defensive junction is gaining power, so we\'re going to slaughter the Evil Dragon and go to the Imperial Castle!

"If you could do that, wouldn\'t you have just merged it from the beginning?

"I can\'t stand the hull and furnace\'s raised output! Then, once you excite it, you can\'t drop the output!

Even if we don\'t run wild, the downside is that we can\'t get back to normal output, Frau says.

Theon thought for a moment before turning his slightly blue face towards Frau.

"So how do we stop this acceleration?

"It also has a stopping mechanism! But basically, the plan is to go straight into Demon King\'s Castle and get Demon King\'s Castle to stop us!

"If there was one like that wall in Demon King Castle too..."

There should also have been something like a wall in Demon King Castle that almost certainly protected the realm of the Demon Nation.

That\'s what\'s expected, but I don\'t think Zion wants to have the experience of going into such a powerful force field at such an incredible rate.

"Break it with a magic cannon! If it doesn\'t tear, it sucks, stick it in the wall and fall apart!

"Isn\'t that a defect? It!?

"I can\'t help it! It\'s a last resort!

If Scion looked out of the bridge while listening to Frau\'s cry, the sight of the defensive junction being generated by the combined ship clashing with the evil dragon, who had missed his way out of the direction of travel, jumped into his eyes, under the propulsion of the ship.

Even for defense, there is not a single dragon\'s body if a force field is pushed in with considerable acceleration that has enough power to play the attack.

That sight, which seemed small because of the distance, created a bright red stain in the sky as if it were to crush the nuts, and the body of the bounced evil dragon dispersed and scattered on the wood tip fine dust.

Maybe that sight is the future we\'re waiting for ourselves.

Theon was caught in such ominous thoughts as he watched the blood clinging to the junction and the body of a fragmented evil dragon that was bounced away and blown away far away.