Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

273 I heard you had a bad feeling.

Jade\'s city that sent out the Scions on the other side.

Here Lianya was checking on her body as she looked around from the balcony of the room in the highest position of Jade\'s Hall to the entire city and the surroundings of the flying city.

Beside it is the figure of the cloir that has followed me because I am worried.

I didn\'t even know that the feeling of magic exiting would stop, but I was nevertheless realizing that Lianya was getting back in shape, albeit slightly, to the feeling of magic slowly recovering.

Next to Lotus Yay, who seemed to be recovering slightly, but increasing, in addition to decreasing consumption, would be what was causing him to recover while flying an object called a huge city, Jade, who was also looking around to find out what was going on around him, stares at Lotus Yay\'s face with the eyes of an incredible substitute.

"I don\'t have a hobby for men to be happy with?

When Lianya says that while she feels uncomfortable with Jade\'s gaze, which can be called staring at her, Jade responds without distracting her gaze.

"I don\'t have that hobby either"

"Then turn away. If you\'re gonna stare anyway, keep it pretty over here."

When Lianya said such a thing while pointing her gaze at the cloire standing by her side, Cloire let it illuminate the surface.

But Jade returns the words pale without changing his expression or tone.

"I\'m not interested in thin elves"


"I see, it doesn\'t shake."

"Even Lenya!? It\'s time to hurt me too. Yikes!? And that demon clan over there!

Lianya and Jade miraculously uttered the same dialogue about the cloire eaten against two people who would have been wiser as living beings to throw away both shame and hearsay enough to deal with these two, Jade, the Demon Nation, and Lianya, who is out of standard as a person.

"I didn\'t say anything about breasts."


"Being in thin shape should be like an elf trait, and my opinion should be general. It does not point to a specific part"

"Are you talking about a skirt that I can\'t shake? It\'s too much iron, it\'s yours."

Come on, Lotus Yan is pitiful that something called Lotus Yan flirting with this story, but among the women around me, there is nothing other than Lotus Yan that seems to be given to this story\'s balls, and besides, this is the first time I have ever pretended to be a story from Jade, so Lotus Yan thought I\'d have patience here, and Lotus Yan thought I\'d collapse as it was, and Lotus Yan said with strength to his gaze as he grabbed Lotus Yan\'s arm and prevented him from falling.

"Yum, there\'s about a shaking part!

"... say it"

"Hair, or..."

Probably said it and left it empty.

Lianya thought as a complete other HR that it would be hard to look good as well, looking down at the cloire, which at the same time lost its power and would kneel on the floor as it drifted.

"Anyway, if it\'s not eye care, why are you staring at us?

Even after the current series of interactions, Jade\'s gaze is not off Lianya\'s face.

If you ask him that, thinking it\'s not a very pleasant thing, Jade answers in a calm tone.

"If you have something incredible in front of you, it\'s something you\'ll stare at unexpectedly"

"Make people look like monsters..."

"The monster is still cuter"

I don\'t think that evaluation would have been much, Lotus Yama, but Jade goes on with his words with the utmost seriousness.

"What else can I describe as something other than a monster that you are beginning to recover further from it when you say it\'s worth the surprise to just not deplete while consuming all this magic to fly through mass?

"Is it an honor or an honor to be evaluated like that by the Demons..."

Even with such an answer, Lianya\'s gaze was pouring in the direction of the city\'s progress.

It\'s been quite a while since the Scion and the others flew on your back, Dra, and given your flight speed, it\'s not strange that you\'ve already reached the point where the wall appears.

"Kroir, do you feel anything?

"Light despair..."

To the words of the answered croir, Lianya gently cocked her shoulder.

Lotus Yaya takes Cloire\'s arm, which remains unrecognizable, and lets her stand, and mouths it with the thought of words that Cloire might be able to recover anyway.

"Don\'t worry, I don\'t judge women by thickness or sway"

"If you\'re going to follow me, you\'re wrong, right?

It was a word after thinking about Lianya, but she was dissatisfied with Cloire.

Still somewhat of a rejuvenation, Cloire, who was made to stand but still stood up by Lotus Ya, turns his attention to the direction of the city\'s progress in order to give an answer to Lotus Ya\'s question.

"If Theon and the others are doing something, I don\'t think it\'s strange to see anything visually extraordinary before I feel it."

"That\'s well... because it\'s Frau to Emil to Theon..."

Depending on the story, they are three much more dangerous than the Demon King if you look at them from Lianya.

Those three flew off to destroy something, so there\'s no wonder, even if something outrageous happens, like Chloe said.

However, there was no noticeable movement in the direction of the city\'s progress, only that the forest could be seen extended.

"You don\'t even feel the woods disappear."

A cloire leaked pompously staring ahead.

I can\'t even see the explosion.

"Something like this, you don\'t even show signs of black, do you?

"You guys... you\'re talking about your people, right?

Jade interrupts the conversation between the two with a slightly pulled feel, but the two did not try to answer Jade\'s query with their eyes sighted equally far away.

"What do you think?

To Lianya, who asked without saying what, Kroir thinks a little before returning the answer.

"Failure is hard to think about. It\'s that member. Thinking about it, did you succeed in a smart and quiet way..."

"I don\'t think so."

To Lianya, who immediately denied it, this time continuing the words as Cloire cocked her shoulder.

"Or have you come up with some other way, maybe?"

"Other ways…"

"There will also be a slight chance that it is failing, but even in that case it will be okay. Dora, it\'s not like I fell from you, Mr. Zion."

Whether this is a word of trust or a word of throwing up giving up, it was Lianya who is lost in judgment, but there is no disagreement about what she is saying.

"If there\'s a problem, it\'s us."

Both Lianya and Kroir, assuming Jade\'s city broke down in the air, were of course confident they would manage to crash into the wall.

But there is no way that we can demand the same thing from the demons who would now be anxiously driven and close to each other in this city.

Some may be helpful or able to help, but most demons will be lightly caught in the collapse of the city and lose their lives.

"For a moment, if you let go of the control of the city, I might manage to break down the wall alone..."

"You\'re saying a hell of a thing right now, aren\'t you? That\'s definitely not human dialogue, is it?

"You can\'t get your hands or your legs out when you\'re obstructed in a way that hits the walls into the city."

"In that case, I thought about putting defensive boundaries across the city and dropping them on the ground once and for all."

Even if they tried to lower or raise the shutter and took a way to hit the city with the outbreak of the wall itself, Lianya thought that if the city itself did not even collapse, it could resurface.

To that end, it was the opinion that once we let go of the control of the flying magic and put all our energy into the defense, the cloir denies it.

"Even if we could protect the city itself from the impact of the crash, I think the majority of the people inside would still die because they would normally be walled and slapped to the floor"

"Soft, Demon..."

"Hey, man, man, beast, elf, dragon, but you\'re probably gonna die. That\'s it!

"And when I resurface, and I think I\'m going to need just the same magic as when I start up again, do you think I can twist it out, Lenya?

Cloire told me, Lianya shook her head honestly to the side.

With capacity growth due to the enormous consumption of magic, and possibly enough holdings to start more easily from a full-fledged state, Lianya\'s magic is now recovering and not at full speed.

If you asked me if I could give you the magic at startup from that state, I could only answer that I couldn\'t.

"It\'s hard to twist the time to restore the power to reboot with people in the middle of the woods that need to be protected. Not Recommended"

"If you try this, the demon tribe that people used to say was scared and horrible, it\'s no big deal."

"There are pinkies for the devil clan! Stop thinking about things by your standards!

"No, I\'m using Emil as a reference."

If Lianya replied that it would be bad to continue ignoring Jade, who kept raising his voice in protest, he silenced Jade with an indescribable look on his face.

To be honest, I guess I just want to tell you not to be with that one, but it seems hard to say inside not to be with that one against my real sister, and if you can\'t say that, there\'s no way to protest, and there\'s no help I can take other than to shut up, it feels like.

"Well, that\'s about it to make fun of a serious lord"

"Hey Elf......"

"I seriously need to think about some kind of help and move on to execution, with so much time...... ugh?

In the middle of the conversation, Cloire\'s expression changed.

Lianya looks strange on Cloire, who holds her shoulders to embrace herself and trembles with her mouth.

"What\'s up?

"Now... there\'s something cold... doesn\'t Lenya feel anything?

Lianya, told, looked around consciously, but she could not feel any signs of anything that would make her tremble just because she felt like Cloire.

I just feel some strange discomfort and tilt my neck.

Something, I feel like I\'ve felt it before, but I can\'t immediately remember what those signs were.

"What? Anything?

"What? What the hell are you doing here?

All I don\'t know is Jade, but I know he\'s close to something even as Lianya, but I don\'t know what that thing is, so I can\'t explain it.

I felt like the identity of that sign was hanging out to my throat, and before Lianya crossed my memory with some strange thoughts, it seemed that Cloire had somehow noticed about the identity of the sign, but she held her forehead with her left hand as she let go of the hand she was holding her shoulder and turned her right index finger up.

"Er... uh, look. Um... Flau followed me from the seaside saying I could..."

"By the sea? You mean Baron Goldner\'s territory?

When it comes to the seaside Lianya has been to before, that\'s about it.

And when it came to what Frau had followed from it, there was only one applicable being.

"Then this sign..."

Here Lianya finally remembers the name of it.

In this planar world, a superorganism that lives in a space between the bottom of the world and the continent and stretches its great tentacles in masses enough to sweep the oceans around the world.

"Is that Katru!? No, but here on shore... you were also here in Klinge, right?

If Katru is said to be stretching its tentacles all over the world, and if it is near a demonic continent in the heart of the world, which seems to have its main body.

It is not strange to be able to pierce the earth and put that tentacle near the surface.

But in the middle of such a land, Lianya doesn\'t know what the hell she\'s going to do with her tentacles extended.

In the first place, Lianya even pondered why there was that tentacle of difficult Katru to communicate with here, recalling the existence of Fufu Frau.

"... I don\'t think so..."

"Is it something, like you came up with?

"Theons, you managed to slip through the wall... didn\'t you go back to Klinge this?

In Klinge, the end of Katru\'s tentacles is pulled in place of the path of the transfer gate to Baron Goldner\'s territory and is plagued in a room with a transfer gate procedure.

And if that Frau was able to get there, he could do Katru a favor via tentacles in some way.

"I only have a bad feeling"

"I agree."

"I don\'t know what we\'re talking about, but I just agree with the unpleasant feeling"

It was the moment when the three of us saw a consensus.

It was from the balcony that the earth vibrated, and the trees swayed, and it was up from the earth that the earth thrust up with all the momentum that went through the heavens.

It was a crowd of countless giant tentacles.


"It may be too late, Jade, but is it too late to tell the people not to look outside"

Looking down at Jade, who made a mild noise and fell and stopped moving while he passed out, Lianya only prayed that there would be no harm among the inhabitants and the soldiers.