Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

272 They're going through.

Lianya was the first to notice that.

That was because Lianya was currently in the middle of infusing magic into the law formations that were covering the entire city, and she was somehow in a position to see what was being done inside it.

When the reaction of the Zions climbed the giant trees growing from all over the city, the branches above were broken apart from the blasphemy, and Dora jumped out of the space where she could.

Even Lianya knew that she remained caught in the area.

But there\'s no way to get it down to the ground, so the cloir jumps in, thinking about what the hell you\'re going to do with the arrowhead event you were thinking about leaving it there until you get to Klinge.

If that cloire explains to Lianya the measures against the wall that was blocking the determined demonic realm, then Lianya, who heard about it, will turn back to the too cluttered measures.

By and large, I also feel that it is cluttered that once we dig the ground, we can exit the junction, but that\'s why I thought the idea of drilling enough holes for this huge chunk of flying through the sky right now might be too much of a measure.

But there was no such thing as complaining.

After all, Lianya herself did not have an alternative to the conclusions reached by those Scions, she is still recovering her magic and is not in a state where she can move.

Lotus Yak thought it would be absurd for a human being in a state where he could do nothing to complain about someone trying to do something, so he could only pray that whatever the method was, it would work.

"It\'s hard not to have anything to do."

Whether it is hard or teethy, Cloire responds to Lianya being attacked by such emotions as she sighs and drips a little.

"I\'m depressed when I think about the forest that\'s going to blow up"

"Uh... well, when you get back to Klinge, do you want to plant as many trees as you\'ve wasted"

Or to restore the forest for a certain amount, Lianya stroked the head of the crawling clower so that she could at least be distracted.

The Scions, who have no idea about that, explain the situation to Rialis and Az, and when they take you out and rescue you from the bush trees as if you were half abducted, they are getting on that back and leaving the city at once.

Dra, the highest point of your flight speed is the speed enough to keep it light in the city where Lianya is flying, and if you can steer away from the existence of Dra, who is not an enemy but an even threat from you: Scion, Emil, and Frau, Dra, you became desperate to fly with Dra, and quickly left the city behind, Dra, and you drove through the sky.

"D, Dora, hold it down a little..."

That speed was enough to make me worry about the Learis I\'m manipulating, but the later you arrive at that wall position, the less time you lose to create the passage you need, and both Theon and Emil are asking Learis to fly, even if they\'re somewhat forced to.

Only Frau, however, formed over your head, Dra, put his arms together, and kept thinking about something the whole time he was flying in a horseshit.

"Frau, you often sit in such a small place and you don\'t fall."

"Maybe we should stop thinking of Frau as a normal silky now."

Now I look at Scion with a frightened gaze, but there is a difference in the degree of recognition between what someone actually says and what their surroundings vaguely think.

If you don\'t know the existence of silky properly, there may be people out there who assume that\'s what Flau is if he claims to be silky.

There shouldn\'t have been any real harm, but if we hadn\'t always had the right perception, it would have been a troubling story when something happened, and from that point of view, Emil\'s words might have been one that someone had to say sooner or later.

"But when I do, what is Frau, should I recognize him?

"Yeah, well, with a fairy named Silky as his nucleus, he filled the deficiencies by taking in countless souls, truncating unnecessary parts, because in a way, he can\'t even be considered a soul close to perfection."

If I could see the shape of my soul, I\'d be quick to talk about it, but hey, etc., and I\'d been thinking about it for a while, Emil made a sinister voice with a look that I could tell from the side that eventually he didn\'t want to talk about it too much anyway, that he didn\'t want to be unacceptable or convinced.

"It\'s also a strange story for me, the researcher, to say. I was wondering if he was close to God already."

There is always some kind of defect in the soul of an organism.

If there is a soul whose defect does not exist, though it is a common presence in the world.

If only a soul in a true sphere state, analogous to form, had detached unnecessary parts from itself so that all the parameters that are countless are aligned at the same value.

Emil says that the bearer of that soul can only be described as God.

"It\'s an understandable story... but being close doesn\'t mean it\'s perfect?

"Right, \'cause Frau\'s not divine or anything, is he?

Emil finally gave that rating with a laugh on.

Said Scion, as always, glanced at Frau\'s back as he was forming over your head, followed by a glance back at Emil next door, then nodded so much.

From the front of the two as soon as possible, something like a small piece of debris flies in and hits the two foreheads.

The object itself was small and light, and there was no great power in the place where it was hit, but when I saw Zion fall around the knee where it was sitting, it was a small candy ball.

Dra, Flau shouts out from above your head at Zion, who picked up this thing.

"I hear you!

"Oh, I\'m sorry, but why candy balls?

From the position and direction, if Scion asks if it was Frau or not who threw the candy balls, then apparently it was the right answer, and Frau answered with a voice.

"As much as I\'m talking about extra things, I\'m even licking candy balls!

"Yeah, thanks"

Honestly thanking him, Theon throws the picked up candy balls into his mouth.

The gentle sweetness that spread in my mouth as soon as possible was the flavour that made me see that its candy balls were made from pretty good quality sugar.

The sugar itself, once commonly distributed, was a substitute for more impurities, worse colors and more clutter, but the unmixed sweetness is presumably even more fine than what Zion was eating when she was a princess, which surprises Zion.

"Were you making sugar in Klinge?

At least this quality of sugar is not in circulation in the Principality of Triden.

To Sion\'s inquiry with that in mind, Frau was good at distracting himself over your head, Dra.

It\'s homemade.

"... oh, in a moment of something, I doubt the quality..."

"What do you mean?!?

I felt bad to spit it out, and it was a Scion that kept licking it, but I felt like something I had felt for gentle sweetness earlier had subtly tasted black for some reason, and I flaunted my face.

"Frau made it so hard! Sister Theon, it\'s terrible!

"I think it\'s getting more black."

"Sister Emil is terrible, too! If it\'s too bad, I\'ll make it a sugar ingredient!

If they say they\'re going to chop it up, melt it down, and put it aside, then both Theon and Emil think it\'s probably a joke, but I\'m afraid if you mean it.

"Ah, so nervous..."

"Come on, Learis, it\'s best not to get involved here"

I stop Rearis inadvertently pinching his mouth so AZ can hug him and strain his body.

As for the tragedy that would ensue if Flau or Emil pinched his mouth without being prepared to go to a place where he was kidding, I could say that AZ was right in judgment and behavior because I also somehow knew Zion, but apart from that, Learis was just a little envious that he was loved by the way they showed him.

"I think Theon loves you, too, but hey"

Somehow, out of the atmosphere and signs, Emil says something like that about you perceiving something.

As I turned my gaze in your direction of flight so that Frau could pretend not to hear me, Dra, Zion tilted his neck, including only a little suspicion.


"Definitely, hey, \'cause if you weren\'t, people of that character wouldn\'t bother traveling long distances to get it back, or hang out with me until you hold me back where I\'m rampant."

If it was someone else, Emil laughs that I\'d normally be abandoning her.

I don\'t know about that, Theon thinks.

You look thin and cold, and you let the situation and the situation flow you lightly, and you\'re just saying that it\'s normal to do that, and for some reason, that stray guy there.

Maybe even someone I know enough to rub their sleeves together can\'t help but feel like they\'re going to help out without a loss account.

Even if I did it for no reason, I lied that I only did it because I wanted to after I went, and that swordsman, terribly chaotic, stopped to suspect that there might be something only bystanders who could not imagine where they would have special emotions, but the parties could not understand.

At least, I guess I don\'t have any worse feelings than I have beside me, and then I might notice these feelings either.

"I feel like I\'m even kissing you now."

"After all, isn\'t it because you haven\'t crossed the line properly? They\'re failing to crawl at night, aren\'t they?

"Next time, I\'ll throw some ecstasy into your lumpy meal."

"I wonder if it works for Lenya. That?

To the outfield conversation he could hear, Theon held his head wondering if he could even sink poorly into thingies.

In the meantime, I thought I should pay strict attention to my meal. I look down on the ground from above your head, Dra, as Flau noticed something.

"Probably another saying that this area was where the walls were!

To Frau\'s words, who shouted as he pointed to his foot, Theon and Emil looked down at the ground from the edge of your torso, Dra., I did see the parts of the trees disappearing in a straight line as if something was just there in the woods, just a little further in your direction.

It stretches perpendicular to your direction of progress, Dra, and I don\'t know from your back how far the extension lasts.

"Sounds like it, but it doesn\'t look like there\'s a wall."

Emil stares into a space where there is nothing.

Flau, who had something in mind for the word, eventually pointed forcefully in the direction of progress as if he had come up with something, and slapped you on the head, Dra.

"Dora, we\'re moving forward at full speed!

"Hey!? Frau, what the hell..."

The words of Zion, who tried to ask you what you were thinking, are dispelled by your sudden acceleration, Dora.

Everyone wondered what about your actions, Dora, who made a sudden acceleration, without the orders of Liaris where he was a dragon cavalry, but there were problems that had to be solved before that.

"Frau! If a wall appears, it will clash!?

"No matter how dra you are a dragon and you are sturdy there is not a single one!?

Dra you increase your speed as if you can\'t even reach Emil or Zion in a hurry.

If you crash into something at that speed, Dra, you will thrust at the same speed that everyone thinks the Scion and the others on your back will not be safe. Dra, only one Flau is not surprised or panicked, staring only forward with all his heart and punching Dra in the head with a pepper.

"Pass where the walls were!

"All of you, Dra, stick to you!

Without having to tell Learis, everyone, except Flau, stuck with your body, Dra.

I meditated on my eyes all the time, and I was prepared to be sure that I would be hit by a horrible amount of shock, but even after a while, there was nothing like the kind of shock that I expected would strike all over Zion\'s body, and I would put aside some more time before opening my eyes that Zion had meditated terribly.

Moving into an open view was the surrounding landscape, which flowed momentously behind you, as if to indicate that you were still flying at considerable speeds, and the figure of Frau laughing heavily over your head, Dra.

"Ha-ha-ha! The Demon King is stupid! Bar Cover Ca!"

"What happened..."

There was no sign that Frau, who was laughing heavily, was going to explain it to me, and it was Emil who answered the whining of Scion, who squealed rather than asking anyone.

"Is this it? Isn\'t it touchy that the junction didn\'t react to our existence, which is much smaller than that, because of changing the activation conditions of the junction, to accommodate the city Lenya is flying?

If Lenya was on this occasion, she would have explained whether the pressure sensitive devices she had set to accommodate adults would not respond to the weight of the child, but there was no Lianya on this occasion, and Theon worked her head desperately from Emil\'s explanation to try to understand what had happened.

"If it\'s a big letter, you can read it to an old man, and it\'s like showing a small letter doesn\'t make you see it, you know what I mean? I think that means we weren\'t recognized by the Demon King\'s Order."

"Ugh, yeah?

"If something passes through the activation conditions of the junction, the junction will be activated even if the feather passes, right? So I guess we gave him the condition of reacting to something bigger than a certain size and weight, but compared to the city Lenya was flying, we were too small to match the condition."

By Emil, who explains with guts, Theon finally understood what had happened to them.

At the same time, I wonder if that would allow us to slip through the boundaries if we could stop the foot of the city now flying in the sky and subdivide the inhabitants of the city with your people or something.

I heard Emil thought the same thing, but Emil shook her head immediately realizing there was something wrong with the way it was done.

"I\'m sure you can\'t subdivide it. First of all, you won\'t be able to have a dragon ready just to carry all the inhabitants of the city, and if you take the time, you\'ll be noticed by the Demon King. How to go back and forth with some dragons, probably not for the same reason."

The assumption that dragons would be prepared in such a large quantity in the first place is strange in itself, but it was also a story that could be managed if it had the power of Dra you and Lianya.

However, the addition of the condition of time to it makes it impossible.

Still, Scion wonders if this fact can\'t be used as a measure of some sort.

Because I think it might be a much easier way than to create a ditch enough for that city to pass on the ground, Theon wondered if he could use this fact for something, but Frau\'s laugh echoed as if to disturb such an idea.

"Frau? What the hell happened..."

"Hahahahahahahaha! It\'s okay, Sister Zion! I don\'t have to think about it. Now I don\'t have a problem! If we keep turning to Klinge, we\'ll solve everything!

"Huh? To Klinge?

That dialogue of Frau represented a renunciation of the task of digging a ditch beneath a wall that interrupted Jade\'s city progression, and applauded the confusion of Zion.

For once, it\'s enough to say that Frau has no problem, so Sion thinks that there is some way to do it, but he has no idea what the hell has solved it so easily.

"It\'s like we finally solved a problem with the landing point in the city! Come on, Dora, hurry and fly until your wings are rubbed off!

"No, you know, I\'m the dragon cavalry, so the..."

"Come on, Liaris. It\'s something you shouldn\'t touch, too."

I\'m stopping Flau from jumping over my own head and giving orders to you, Dra, and Liaris, who almost uttered words out of the idea that as a dragon cavalry I have to protest quite a bit, so that AZ can hug me again.

It was about time that you needed a scratch about just wanting to hug Learis, and thinking of the blurry, bogged thoughts, Theon was confided in the truly other earnest idea of whether to leave it to Frau, who is confidently slapping you on the head and rushing ahead.