Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

255 Sounds like a fight against strays.

Thoughtfulness is good, Lianya thinks while dodging a bullet that flies big left.

A gun is basically a substitute for a bullet flying in a direction that points at the muzzle, so a weapon that ballistics can somehow be predicted as long as it knows the direction of the muzzle.

All you have to do is figure out when to pull the trigger, and if you just dodge it, there\'s no such thing as a problem, Lianya thinks.

However, if an object is an objective rifle, you can\'t avoid it just by avoiding the body a little bit from the ballistics that cut it off.

Because it\'s too powerful as a weapon, so even if it\'s too tight and dodged, it takes damage from the aftermath.

No fool avoids a dangerous substitute with a single piece of paper even if he blushes.

That was the big leap of thought, but at the landing point Lianya felt firmly at her feet and immediately flew large and backward.

Blast flames blowing up off the ground half a beat late.

Even while he understood that they had been trampled by the mines, he spared no effort to knock off the flying fragments with a knife, and a further blow of the objective rifle struck Lianya, who was out of the mine-affected area.

Lotus Yaya observes the flying bullet being knocked off at the peak of the knife without dodging it this time, and then shooting Ichiya in a dress with an objective rifle resting on her waist without even peeking at the scope.

There were several things that made me feel uncomfortable.

First of all, the bullet must fly the hitting course properly, even though the use of the sniper gun is a mess.

The fact that even more large caliber objective rifles are used, no matter how you look at it, not only do regular high school students lightly handle heavy guns, but they don\'t care at all about recoil when firing.

Since Lianya is not specialized in guns, it is odd to talk about how the sniper\'s sniper posture in Lianya\'s knowledge lay down or knee-jerk if it is the kind of weapon that stood on his back and let him go and be hit, no matter how much recoil measures were applied.

The other is that the laying place of the laying weapon is strangely too appropriate.

In particular, the place where the mines were laid was arranged in such a way that this movement was visible until a few steps ahead, and I was a little disappointed that my actions were so easy to understand that the average student could see them, but it was too appropriate where I did so.

"So if you pull it off, you\'re willing to kill it, right?

"That\'s how you\'re gonna do it. You\'re out of your hands."

As I said, Ichiya drops the objective rifle at his feet unconstitutionally.

The objective rifle, which fell to the ground with a heavy metal sound, instantly disappeared when it emitted a pale light.

"The ability to embody..."

"This is the next one!

On the right hand side of Kuraku Ichiya, this one also emerged with a pale light is something that receives a slightly sluggish image when it comes to guns.

Try to hold him in. That\'s a very short barrel you can see.

"P90, SMG cool!

"That\'s familiar! Sasu but intellectuals! Just say PDW, not SMG!

Ichiya pulls the trigger while showing off knowledge that doesn\'t matter.

The bullet that is thrown out with the light firing noise fires up all the bullets in a dozen seconds, if as Lotus Yakiya knows.

Cutting him into the moment of the bullet barn exchange, Lianya, dodging the bullet as she ran, suddenly flew straight to the side the moment she saw what appeared at the foot of Ichiya in an attempt to pack the time the barrage stopped.

Almost simultaneously, a directional anti-personnel mine laid at Ichiya\'s feet scatters countless iron spheres at the same time as the explosion ravages the place where Lianya stood until a moment ago.

"It\'s a knife, we have to get him close. It\'s rubbish!

It is Lotus Ya, who bites his teeth as he rides his head on the barrage to be started again, but he is certainly not willing to come close to the reach of the sword alone.

In Lianya\'s view, Ichiya\'s ability to cheat was probably his ability to embody the weapons he knew where he had designated them.

A single student won\'t even know the detailed structure of the weapon, so I guess it\'s a friendly design that if you somehow know the name and shape or so, something will come up that applies to it.

As for the C4 explosive source, it is expected to have some limitation since it was buried, but if the weapon can be installed at the desired time where it was made, it can be said to be a convenient capability inside.

"In my knowledge, I don\'t think satellite cannons were practical!?

I think there was a similar concept of a weapon to that, while adding that if Lianya asks about the interrupted gap in the barrage, Ichiya once again made a directed anti-personnel mine appear at her feet so as to restrain Lianya, while giving her a good answer.

"If you recognize that I have a weapon, you can give me anything!

Though I have some doubts that Lianya won\'t come near me, Ichiya sets up P90 and barrages up again.

The defense was unthinkable, Lianya said in a tone of shuddering as he dealt with it only by dodging.

"Then it would be quicker to honestly put out a strategic weapon?

"You\'re stupid. If I used it like that, it would be hard to end it.

Surprisingly, there is common sense around it, which impresses me.

Indeed, once it has been used, it is normal to hesitate to say how much certainty there is in the operation of weapons that would make it impossible for people to live in areas within its sphere of effect for the next few decades.

Although Lianya and others are still the type of people who seem to hesitate there.

"And the hero who responded to the princess\'s help couldn\'t destroy their country?

"What the hell did you call that protagonist? Is that Mao Sama?

It was good for Lianya, both SMG and PDW, but dealing with it is easier than dealing with an objective rifle.

The power of the bullet drops exceptionally, and the prerequisite of spitting the bullet out in the direction of the muzzle remains unchanged.

It can also be used in such a way as to wipe away from the continuous firing velocity, but avoiding it is not that different from avoiding a slightly distant slaughter in time, which is a familiar task for Lianya.

"It sounds like the demon king did the summons, but God gave me the cheat."

"God of the devil tribe?

"Chi. He called himself God of this world."

Innocent! I thought I heard a screaming duet somewhere in my head, Lianya, but I ignore it sarcastically.

From the former, the young goddess is not willing to doubt the angels of his subordination.

If you\'re talking about them or them, or whatever that being started trying to harm you, you can take up the abilities you gave and give them to someone else and hit yourself.

Even without such hassle, that toddler goddess would crush herself and so on for a moment.

Hearing the illusion that it is not, Lianya thinks that Ichiya and God are probably the ones who caused him to come here, the Devil\'s people in charge.

If there were an uncounted element, Lianya would have had the ability to give someone in charge of that demon race some sort of skill similar to herself.

The summons itself seems to be falling into this world rather flabby, so I guess I can handle as much as calling it intentionally.

"You\'re a diligent god. I want the gods of our world to apprentice me."

Regardless of what the matter is, I think it\'s much more diligent for the gods of this world to do something for a lot of movement and work. I think Lianya had the same opinion.

"Absolutely! If you summoned me to an elf or something, the world over there would have been fantastic!

"You\'re obsessed... if you can\'t tell the difference between reality and fantasy, isn\'t that what you found out about fantasy?

"That too!

Avoid the barrage that will be formed again, without incident, Lotus Ya.

I think it\'s time for you to realize that the barrage doesn\'t make much sense. I guess you can\'t stop as a one-sider because it wouldn\'t have been there and would have allowed Lianya to approach you.

"If you can get anything you know weapon out, why don\'t you get it out around the tank?

"I can\'t get out a tank with an infantry!

Once and for all, Lianyi\'s proposal is overtaken.

He\'s not stupid at the bottom, Lotus Yakiya modified his rating for Ichiya only slightly upwards.

I would have steamed him from the outside if he\'d gotten in on the suggestion and let him out in some kind of tank, but that doesn\'t seem to carry it well.

"What about the fighters?

"I hate high places!

That\'s too bad, Lianya flaunts her shoulder.

Fighters are a bit heavily loaded opponents to deal with in life, but if you can tap them off, the pilot will almost certainly die, so as Lianya, who can use magic, it\'s easier to deal with the barrage than just plain get ripped apart.

"Why don\'t you bring your people? That SMG or the PDW, you can\'t beat me, can you?

"Me alone is enough! You don\'t need the other two!

There are three summoners.

I really appreciate that you honestly talk about the information this one needs, and Lianya laughs inside to keep it out of her face.

I would be fortunate if I knew what skill I was given to be called here, but I brutally threw the P90 that Ichiya had erected at my feet in front of Lianya, who wondered if she would talk to me like a pepper that far.

"Damn, you can\'t do this!

On the P90 I deal with, they finally understood that I couldn\'t keep up with Lianya\'s movements.

I think I\'ll give up and go home, in front of Lianya\'s eyes, Ichiya\'s body emits a pale light, embodying another weapon.

I wondered what the hell was next, and Lianya looked up to heaven to see a giant gun appear on Ichiya\'s waist, boneless with six barrels bound together, no matter how much it would be.

"M134 heavy machine gun... not a substitute for people to shoot..."

"Ha! This guy has no ammo count, no power, no comparison ever!

No matter how much Lianya\'s ability was out of common sense in light of the criterion of man, there is no way he can judge the barrage of 4,000 rounds per minute with a single knife.

I could say that if Ichiya could handle it properly, it would be a dangerous situation inside.

It would have been if it had been handled properly.


For once, I can handle it, Lianya saw.

Normally, without being able to control the weight and recoil, it was supposed to be outrageous. At first, he pointed the muzzle in the direction of Lotus Yakiya, without causing it to burst into recoil, and he treated a heavy machine gun whose muzzle seemed to be spraying fire from its continuous velocity as a weapon.

But they weren\'t on the level of being free to take it around.

It is not a weapon that is carried and handled by individuals in the first place, but there is a verse that is misunderstood in how to use it due to the fact that it is often used and carried by individuals in movies, etc.

"Oh, my God, this is not tight."

Lianya is taking slower evasive action than when she was being driven to the barrage of P90.

The barrage of M134 can\'t keep up with that move.

It is true that the number and power of the bullets were not comparable to that of the P90, but it is only a noise generator that does not have a goal on its ballistics to continue even flashy aerial shooting.

"Goddamn it, you\'re running around!

"It shouldn\'t be moving so much... with the other two, is this how it works?

"Ugh! Who answers!

In the meantime, Lianyi summons up her thoughts as if watching a barrage that doesn\'t have this about her movements, saying that the summoners and those who gave her skills, plus the number of summoned people and the skill of Ichiya in front of her, are largely available.

I would have liked to have been informed about the skills of the other two if I could, but I don\'t know if you know one thing or not, but I don\'t think I\'m willing to say it as far as asking lightly.

"Well, that would be my last question."

Lotus Ya lowered her voice and asked only slightly murderous with her hands on the knife on her hips, Kazuya\'s movement stopped and her fingers moved away from the trigger.

I guess I could have cut into that gap, but this is all I need to hear properly. Lianya emits the question, keeping an eye on Ichiya\'s movements.

"You\'re a student, aren\'t you? You don\'t think I want to go back to my old world? If you want to go back, I think you can do something about it."

They follow me without knowing, they blow in lies and fight on the devil\'s side.

It was Lianya, who was not so emotional as to feel sorry for Ichiya, who was lightly deceived, but this is all I have to make sure, I can\'t kill him.

A finger shook on the trigger of a single gun for only a moment at Lianya waiting for an answer to the query.