Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

254 Looks like he confronted a sniper.

"Frau, I\'m coming out for a second. Maintain the bond, please."

"Roger that, Master. What are the others supposed to do?

Flau, who was immediately delegated control of the junction, stopped in words Lianya, who was still going to pop up as she began to maintain the junction with her own magic.

Lianya flies instructions to Flau after just a few thoughts, with her hands on the hips knife.

"Wake up for now, explain the situation"

"I don\'t care what they say. I don\'t care what they say."

Even as a flau, I have not been able to grasp the current situation.

Lianya thinks it\'s impossible.

There is no way that people in this world can understand the dangers of a gun, because it\'s a surface-to-surface attack from super altitude.

And that\'s scary for Lianya.

I don\'t understand things because even if they stick a muzzle in front of me, I can\'t recognize them as dangerous.

So as Lianya, I could never let the inhabitants of this world deal with someone who\'s been attacking me.

In a battle for a moment, a battle like the one that starts with the question of what it is is is always like giving up a beat to your opponent, making it an impossible battle that you can\'t win, even if you have a considerable difference in strength through an unfavourable situation.

"We were attacked, Lenya went to intercept. Stand by inside the junction while alerting the perimeter. Don\'t go after me, never. That\'s it."

"Isn\'t that pretentious?

Lianya tells Flau with the most frightening eyes as she hides the thought of weakening herself when she hears things like this one\'s artist.

"If anyone comes after me, I\'ll see the same thing as the enemy."

Isn\'t that the same thing that you\'re saying you\'re going to smash, Lianya presses the precaution on top of Flau, who pulled her face apart.

My people couldn\'t help but feel that their abilities to danger were getting sweeter and sweeter.

"Frau, it\'s absolute, isn\'t it? Tell me you\'re not gonna get along with the guy you\'re chasing."

Copy that, Master. I swear I won\'t let one of you get away with this.

I kind of feel the language was different. It was Lianya, but I don\'t have time to discuss the details.

If you don\'t let them get away with it, Lianya shouted to Frau as she circled her magic on her feet, thinking that no member would be able to get out of the junction managed by Frau.

"I asked for it! Okay, I\'m coming! Open the line for a moment."

"Master, good luck!

For an instant, the junction disappears to pass through Lianya.

As I aimed for that moment, along with the wind-cut noise, part of the ground in the camp blew up.

Even though he thinks he was being targeted, Lianya kicks the ground with enhanced leg power over the magic.

I hear a sound similar to the explosion sound from my feet, and at the same time all the landscapes flow behind Lianya and disappear.

"Hands in there... troublesome"

At least the opponent has the skill to handle the weapons and weapons that were in circulation or were contemplated in the world where Lianya was originally located, knowing the existence of the junction.

Lianya didn\'t know if she was a resident of the same world as herself.

At least, as far as I can tell by my knowledge, guns existed anyway, weapons that would scorch the ground extensively from ultra-high altitude.

When Lianya jumped out of the camp, the attack that caused part of the camp to blow up was actually following a course that would hit Flau directly if left alone.

If Lianya, who had been able to handle another sorcery by leaving the maintenance of the junction to Frau, hadn\'t deflected the ballistics by noticing the ballistics and striking a weak junction, something that would probably have been an objective rifle-scale attack in Lianya\'s view would have hit Frau directly.

Given the implications of the act of sniping, and the discrepancy in time between landing and gunfire, the enemy\'s position is 2 km away from Lian Mita\'s camp.

At that distance, the fact that a sniper is turning to the enemy with just the skill of letting Flau strike directly after aiming at the timing of the disappearance of the junction is not preferable as he continues to carry out the act of exploring the demonic kingdom ahead.

I mean, I had to keep it on the spot.

Otherwise, we must continue to be frightened by the threat of sniping as long as we are in the land of demons.

"That\'s an unsettling story, then!

A knife released by Lianya slaps the bullet that flew in.

The slapped bullet is rapidly bent in orbit and falls to the ground.

With Lianya\'s skill and vision, he could never have slashed a bullet and couldn\'t.

But it turns out that there is too much power and speed in the bullet, and even if it deviates a little where it has been slashed, it strikes its own body that has been slashed by a cracked and twofold bullet in a hit orbit, which makes no sense.

So Lianya deliberately grabbed the knife the opposite of usual, choosing the option of slapping the bullet and dropping it at the peak part of the blade.

Whether you do that or not, unlike when you slash it, the shock transmitted to the sword passes straight into the gripping hand.

If you did that without thinking about it, your hands would have been instantly paralyzed and your knife removed.

With that in mind, Lianya holds back the shock she runs into her hands with her magically enhanced arm and grip.

Yet another bullet slammed off, a small but groaning voice leaked from the mouth of the devoured Lianya.

The more distance you pack, the more power and precision the bullet hits you.

Ballistics begin to capture Lianya\'s trunk, and the task of tapping it off while avoiding it becomes increasingly difficult.

It was just to teach Lotus Yan that the distance between the sniper and Lotus Yan was definitely packed.

Then Lianya will be invited here.

He stopped his thrusting leg, draped his right arm holding the knife with his stance wide open, and gave him a call against a sniper who would probably be looking at himself with his left hand or a scope or something.

It was meant to be a mild provocation, but the effect seemed to be surface, with two shots immediately caught on Lianya\'s perception.

The ballistics of the two bullets captured by Lianya\'s vision were all aimed at Lianya\'s chest.

As long as you know you\'re coming, there\'s no such thing as tapping them for Lianya right now.

Bouncing off a shot at a bouncing peak, slamming off a shot at a returned peak, Lianya accelerates at once from the spot to aim at the firing point of the bullet.

At this point, Lianya is looking at seven bullets.

Even if the sniper didn\'t know what kind of gun he was using, it was time for the reload to move in and accelerate to more speeds than it had ever been, so fast that he felt it was not even enough to describe it as fast.

Lotus Yaya, who runs with the intention of stuffing up to where the sniper is at once, admits something glowing red and small at the edge of her sight and throws herself forward as if she had fallen.

An explosion that sounds all around, almost everywhere.

Before Lianya threw herself out, the space where Lianya\'s body existed. Countless little metal spheres were scattered with the momentum of the explosion, and Lianya, who was running at a rate out of common sense, became the feather rolling down the ground at that speed.

"Oriented Anti-Personnel Mines!? You even brought that stuff in!

Although Lotus Ya is surprised by the identity of the explosion, the opponent gave such Lotus Ya time and sniped at the rolling Lotus Ya.

More explosions and smaller metal spheres burst into chase after Lotus Ya, as they chase away Lotus Ya who avoided them by continuing to roll through this.

I don\'t even have a gap to get up and I can\'t afford to wave a knife.

More sniping strikes Lianya, who even rolls over and keeps avoiding her.

Lotus Yaya, who still rolled over and avoided a bullet of power that was likely to be quite lethal even if she just scratched it, noticed that the hand of the attack stopped perfectly with that one last shot.

"... I only have a bad feeling"

A group of mines arranged to be driven in certain directions and snipers to prevent them from escaping in unintended directions.

As a result of them, Lianya, who rises while paying off the dirt from her clothes, realizes that she has been pushed into the other person\'s supposed area.

"Then the next thing you know..."

Soil at your feet that feels a little soft.

If you dig it back gently with your toes, what emerged from under it was a clay-like mass wrapped in vinyl.

Every single one of them, which is so massive, and so extensive, that I want to be frightened of how much effort it took to bury it, is pierced by something like a metal stick, the tip of the metal stick flashing an ominous red color lamp.

Lianya\'s knowledge determined it to be a thunderstorm.

And at the same time, it also comes to mind the official name of that clay-like item, and after a fuzzy sigh, he looks up at the sky and makes a tired voice.

"C4 explosive... is this the original explosive..."

Trying to scratch that voice off, there was a huge explosion around where Lianya stood.

An explosion that could break your tympanic membrane if you\'re nearby and a creepy vibration that sounds all the way to the bottom of your belly.

Flames and smoke rise high into the night sky of the demonic kingdom as shocks run through the earth that would mistake even being far away for an earthquake.

A few moments later, a huge crater-like hole had been made in the plain, which had been created by blowing up massive amounts of dirt and sand and ravaged by heat and impact.

"If this is going to kill me... there\'s no way we\'re going to be called"

Dominated by flames and smoke, a figure appeared on the edge of a hole where blurry, blown up dirt and sand fell, responsible for something like a long stick of metal.

Brown unmade cut hair.

When I was younger, I said late teens.

The clothes that are unfamiliar to the inhabitants of this world can be seen by Lianya as student clothes in one shot.

The face was not what was called a beautiful boy or the like, which felt like the descriptions of ten people were very perfect, but the eyes were sharp and steep.

"Did I say we... then the Devil\'s side got more than one stray person? That\'s trouble again."

A figure standing in the centre of a hole penetrated deeply by the explosion.

When Lotus Ya, in the state of putting the knife he had finally pulled out into his sheath, raises his voice in a tone that is hopefully bothersome at heart.

That figure says he was in the heart of all those explosions, but there\'s no mess in his outfit, no scratchy wounds on his body.

"It\'s just a rumor, isn\'t it? How can I stay intact from that condition?

"Introduce yourself before you ask the question, right? You want to get slapped without even telling me your name?

To Lianya, who does not even try to hide her grump, the student clothes figure answers lightly without looking cowardly.

"Don\'t you know the promise of a fantasy that if you\'re going to ask for a name, you\'re going to name it from the side you hear?

"Know what, fool? Just name it. Don\'t make me take the trouble. You know me anyway, don\'t you?

Otherwise, Lianya thinks she wouldn\'t be so politely prepared to even raid.

When the man in student clothes put an uncomfortable grin on his lips, he replied to Lianya\'s query as he slowly stood around his waist with the iron stick he was responsible for.

"I don\'t have a choice. This is why the guy who doesn\'t understand what a fantasy is... well, no, I\'m Kazuya-Kyomiz. Kazuya with one (ichi) and one (nari) in the fresh water of the temple. You know?"

Apparently, he\'s a stray from the world he was in, and Lianya thinks with a sigh.

That also seemed like a student because of his outfit, but Lianya questioned whether a student these days could suddenly handle a sniper gun just because he was called to another world and even handle mines and explosives.

"You, Lianya the Knife, right? It was on the news that he died the other day, but I didn\'t know he was called by another world. It\'s a fantastic development and I envy it. You know what? Someone stole your grave, didn\'t they?

"You know me."

It is not Lianya, who is also an ancient royalty, who will be intrigued as to where the hell his lovers dug up a grave with only bones in it, even though it would not be buried with gold eyes or anything else in it.

But I made a cut that I probably wouldn\'t know because I no longer had the technique to be sure about that killer, and the stray person in front of me seemed to have fallen this way before the killer could tell.

"I know, what a human treasure! Are you young? You\'re cheesy and young!

While I am heartily surprised by the fragment-like information of my lost memory that I was a human national treasure, Lianya laughs with her nose like she made a small fool of her opponent under the guise of calm on the surface.

"Are you watching about the news? He\'s an inspiring student these days."

"So why did the human treasure get his hands on the demonic persecution again?

Oh, and Lianya leaned her neck inside.

It is true that the Demons have only met mainly as enemies, and with the exception of Emil, they are largely in terrible sight.

The self-scratch that Emil is also suffering quite badly entered Lotus Yay instantly, but unless at least hostile, there should have been no fact that Lotus Yay persecuted the Demon Nation.

"They\'ve had a lot going on in the past, but I don\'t think they praised you for bothering to attack the demonic kingdom that\'s pulling the line until you break the line?

I see. Lianya convinces herself that she has been explained so.

If you do try to do things with the past, the status quo can\'t even be so wrong about what Kazuya is saying.

"There\'s a reason here, too. So, you\'re on the Devil\'s side, huh?

"The princess asked me to help her, and I can say no."

The princess? and Lianya tilted her neck.

If you imagine in due course, you must have had a daughter or something with the Demon King, but Lianya asks once she felt the need to confirm that it was not about Emil.

"What\'s a demonic princess like?

"He\'s a pretty girl. Blonde blue-eyed, soothing and big chest. She\'s like a princess who\'s been out of a painting."

No, Lianya stopped instantly.

The Demon Clan basically says that the color of hair is purple, and blonde hair is unlikely, which is the information of the Demon Clan of Lianya.

Although exceptions always exist in everything, it is expedient to assume that the princess of exceptions will appear here conveniently.

"So, you\'re going to fight me with that princess?"

"I got cheats for you, too. By the way"

Point the tip of the iron rod erected by Kazuya at Lianya.

With a long barrel of guns, he saw Lianya\'s knowledge as the FR-12.7 of an objective rifle.

Lotus Yakiya thinks whether or not she had direct confrontation experiences seemed like lost memories and wasn\'t sure, but seeing and knowing isn\'t even a substitute for seeing them for the first time.

"Pull it and I\'ll miss you. Go back to the realm of the people with your tails wrapped around them."

"There\'s a reason I can\'t pull this one off."

Lianya adds her right hand to the knife pattern by answering.

Seeing as it was, Kazuya pulled the trigger of the objective rifle without warning.