Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

252 Sounds like a little pause.

It\'s what Lianya always thinks when she comes to this world, but the world is too wide anyway.

If you tell me to travel on foot, it\'s too wide for me to have to give up on a lot of things, and sometimes I get sick of Lianya, but whether I\'m sick of it or not, I complain, but I can\'t do anything about it because there\'s a wide world that\'s spreading in front of me in real life.

I was in the mood to give me a fistbone shot if I could go to the space where that toddler goddess is again, make an effort to bring the world together a little more compactly.

At present, although it seems good because you are here, Dra, it is Lianya who is relieved to think if she were told to walk in search of Emil for the Demonic Nation in the absence of you.

Such a dra you, but even if you tried to fly hard, it was still something with limits, after Lotus Mita had returned one Demonic city to the ashes, appealing to Liaris for the limits of flight around the beginning of the sun, and whether it was dangerous to fly in the darkness of the night, it was a search for the right place for the camp, a carriage to land Dra you on a hill that was a little higher from Lotus Ya\'s recommendation.

"Isn\'t that too conspicuous?

"Dora, at the time I\'m taking you, it\'s impossible to be unremarkable."

For once, the enemy land makes it easier to worry about Zion.

But it\'s impossible to hide you unobtrusively, Dra, who has a huge body, and Lianya decided to give precedence to the goodness of the sight over the unobtrusive.

The idea was that if you had a good view, if only you were properly alert, you wouldn\'t even be struck by surprise, but it could also be a result of having no other choice.

"Can\'t you get smaller with magic?

"If it\'s magic, magic isn\'t omnipotent."

To Lianya, who had originally asked him no questions, Az answered so without any comment.

There\'s nothing I can do about it, so Lotus Ya decides to get Dra to sleep and get your body out of the wind instead of getting ready for the camp.

"Mr. Lenya, Dora, what shall we do with your dinner?

Liaris asks Lianya, who put up a tent, dug a hole, made a kamado and prepared a meal.

Dora, the dragon breed, seemed unimportant where several meals had been drained, but Lianya also had to snort deeply into Liaris\', master of dragons\' sayings that it would be pathetic to leave nothing to eat but one head while the other members were eating.

Whatever it is, the meal is important, and not to mention the dragon. Dra, you are also part of this expedition, so I thought the fellowship was too pathetic.

"Haven\'t you even flown an evil dragon around there?

"Peer eater!?

"Is that it? No?

It felt roughly like I was going to say it. Learis asked you, Dra, and it seemed like the answer came back asking you to give the boulder a break.

Dora said that it\'s like people trying to eat goblins and cobolts, and I don\'t know if there\'s anything they can\'t eat, but they want to avoid it whenever possible.

I know how that feels, so I can\'t force Lianya either.

"Were you going to tie up a few demons from that city?

"If I let the boulder eat the undead, the dragon will break his stomach too..."

In Flau\'s view, the undead of the demonic body that attacked Lotus Mita were buried in the ground after they were killed in some way, but they must have been possessed by the corpse because of the presence of many Ghost classes, etc. where the demonic country itself was not good after not properly mourning them.

Basically, cremation seems to dominate the Demons.

"It\'s barbaric to burn a body"

He told Frau the information, which he probably purchased from Emil, without even trying to hide his disgust from Kroir.

Apparently the elves have a creed that the dead return to the woods, and a custom in which the bodies are buried intact in a cemetery in the woods, breaking that it is barbaric to apply some hand to the bodies.

As for Lianya, whose cremation is normal in the original world, I dare not say anything because I feel like having shoulders on the devil\'s side one way or the other, but I guess this is also the difference between the customs of each race.

"But when I do, Lenya. Dora, do you have enough food to feed you?

"That\'s a little tricky."

Lorna tells me. Lianya checks the contents of her inventory.

A good amount of food was stored in Lianya\'s inventory because a total of seven people, with the exception of you, were prepared without knowing how long they would be engaged in exploring Emil.

But if I were to share that with you, Dora, it would be hard to say that there is a sufficient amount of it preserved.

"We\'re going to raid the demonic cities around here..."

"Shall we stop? I\'m sure there\'s an explosion waiting for you anyway, so let\'s stop it?

Demons are enemies.

Still, Dra, just for your food situation, was it a boulder that raided the city, or Sion desperately stopped Lianya, who began to say noisy things.

If we raid the city, we\'ll put that enhanced version of Dora\'s breath down again and turn it into a souvenir.

Whenever I took one action, I was devastating one city, not knowing which was the bad guy.

If I don\'t want to be called the Demon King by the side of the Demon Nation, I will think of it with a difficult face, without being able to force Lianya into Zion, who asks me to stay.

"Stuck, huh?

"Lenya, there\'s some kind of herd in that direction"

"All right, I\'ll hunt you"

If Az discovers something and draws Lotus Yay\'s attention, Lotus Yay rushes out without confirmation of what it is.

The sun is completely down and it\'s dark around, and there\'s no way I can tell what it is until I know there\'s something in the moon and the star lights alone.

Still, all went back to work trying to finish setting up the camp by the time Lianya returned, where everyone agreed that only Lianya would be able to do something unless that Lianya was suddenly the demon king or something.

Whether you call this trust or giving up is the hard part of knowing a dragon, I think, Dra.

Eventually the tent was over, Kama was ready for all, and the toilet also made a clash made of cloth and stick to dig a hole and block sight around her, so Lotus Ya came back around Flau and Lona clinging to stop Shion, who said that I would dig the bath anyway.

"Can you eat this?

It was the two giant turtles that Lianya dragged on as she said that to her lack of confidence.

Its length is about a few meters.

Was it impossible for a boulder to drag me alive, with my head dropped exactly, behind Lianya, who grabbed and dragged the methyl, the blood flowing out of her decapitated neck bifurcated and continued everywhere as she wetted the ground.

Normally, the smell of blood attracts something else, and it is hidden whenever possible, but if the carnivorous beast came close to anything, it seems that it has also been left flowing out of the huge clutter of Lianya\'s idea of hunting with it.

Seeing that giant illuminated by the incendiary fire that it caused, Az speaks of its identity.

"I think he\'s a toddler of the Lu Wang Turtle..."

It\'s a type of turtle that lives on land that boasts a long life span and, moreover, keeps getting huge as long as it lives, AZ says.

When they were adults, the biggest thing on the record was over 100 m in length, and every time they took a feed, the forest disappeared, and the way the mountains seemed to move, so much so that they said.

It\'s such an individual, but it\'s only a few dozen or so cm from birth, and because there are many natural enemies in childhood, the chances of survival to adulthood are not so high, AZ said.

"Two dead here, too."

"You\'re probably the natural enemy of food."

It is not easy to hunt, even when it comes to preschoolers, because of their robust armor and their bodies, which are too huge for preschoolers.

The meat is somewhat stiff but quite delicious, and if it is poorly enlarged, damage will be done to forests and fields, so even in the people\'s continent, young children are hunted there frequently.

I\'m not an easy prey to hunt that would also impose a sacrifice on the hunting side, but I can only say that I was unlucky to be found because Lianya quickly slashed me in the neck before hiding in that armor, and because even if I were hidden in the armor, I would have slashed every armor in front of Lianya\'s sword.

"If people can eat, Dora, can you do it?

Asked by Lianya, who said she wouldn\'t forgive you for liking or not, Dra, you moved your neck up and down in a hurry.

However, if I were to eat it, I couldn\'t just stick to it, but the task arises of stripping away any amount of non-edible methyl and dismantling it so that it can be eaten.

Since it is a substitute with no teeth at all with just a knife for dismantling, Lianya began to do the task of cutting it apart with a knife at the appropriate size, and from there, further strengthening the knife with magic to make it meat.

"Er, skewer it, put it in soup, raw is scary, so I need to put the fire through... I don\'t feel like I\'m going to eat it up even if I slap it and dough it -"

If I make it a block of meat, I can cook it normally later.

On the block of turtle meat that comes in one finish after another, Flau starts to cook with screaming and still stirring.

Apparently the gut system doesn\'t have anything to eat on the people\'s continent, so everything was offered as your rice, Dra, and things like skin, bones, and methyl were to be dug and filled appropriately.

Skin and methyl were treasured as materials, but since the purpose of this one was only to explore Emil and not to collect materials, Lianya decided not to take anything cumbersome to carry.

"If you can\'t eat it, we\'ll store it in the void, so you don\'t have to, okay?

Dora, it\'s not always possible to pick food for you, but the gut system alone has become a good amount, so Lotus Yaya suggests we keep it in reserve for your food.

There was also a scene in the words where Frau, who was about to bake it round with a knife that had taken a huge chunk of meat away from Zion because it was already troublesome, returned the knife with the meat stabbed to Zion, who was about to stop it as it became half crying.

"Lenya... Frau..."

"Don\'t let them take you away easily..."

Lotus Yashi, who turns a frightened gaze at Shion, who approached him with both hands with a knife with which the flesh remains stabbed, apparently realizes that the stiff and huge flesh cannot escape the knife, takes the knife from Shion and makes it flash with a very unmade, lateral sword.

As the meat that had been stabbed was cut off and targeted by that motion alone, Flau hangs it and flies away, swinging yet another blade of freedom to fly blood and fat, he switches it backwards and returns the knife to Zion.

"Take care of it. A swordsman doesn\'t take a knife so easily, does he?

"Okay, thanks"

"Hey!? Master, this is terrible!

Flau, slammed by a chunk of meat he didn\'t expect to fly by, obsessed with blood and fat, raises his voice of protest, but is immediately silenced by Lotus Yaya.

He instantly understood that it was retaliation for trying to use a sword instead of a gold skewer.

Even if it is spilled on a chunk of meat, that\'s what I said, a chore specialist fairy, retained without dropping it on the ground as one, the face dirty with blood is cleanly and refreshingly wiped away by your hand, and the clothes are restored to a clean state without even taking off the silky properties.

It was a lot better for Frau than being preached to by Lianya, a hassle but not a great effort.

"Here... in the land of demons, it\'s an enemy land for once, isn\'t it? You just destroyed one city, didn\'t you?

Liaris asked Az, who makes BBQ by his side so that he was not confident in his words.

Asked Az answers this one without resting the task of piercing the meat on the gold skewer that he brought for proper camping, sprinkling the seasoning and then stabbing it around the incineration.

"I may have something to say, but it\'s about giving up. These are the guys, these guys."

Instead of a new stabbed gold skewer, Az hands it to Learis for a single hand that baked it up in a good way around the bonfire.

Learis stared at it, making it smell fragrant and bouncing the fat, and then silently stuck to the flesh of the freshly baked tortoise, losing his appetite rather than saying anything.