Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

251 Looks like he's fleeing the city.

It was definitely a young man\'s finger if you paid with your hands for the place where the finger-like things you found were buried.

If your fingers are around here, you can tell if your head is around here. Lianya was appropriately falling. Probably originally it was furniture or something. If you dig the ground with fragments instead of wood bella, after a while you dig the top of the head of the person who grew purple hair.

Though the world is wide, there are no other beings in this world with purple hair, apart from the Demons.

In other words, it will be the Demons who are now buried softly at the feet of Lianya to the head.


To the best of Lianya\'s knowledge, a being called the Demon Nation was supposed to be a being in a rather powerful category in this world if only the ability of a single person were to be spoken of as an argument.

I don\'t know what reason that is, but the sight in front of me that it\'s softly buried in the dirt to my head for why.

Trying to figure out what the hell this meant, Lianya noticed two of Frau and Zion, who watched Lianya\'s work creepy a little further away, pointing at something in time.

"What\'s up?

"Master, that finger... I feel like it\'s moving"

Lianya, told Flau, looks down at the fingers she has just dug up.

The fingers sticking out like some kind of joke out of the dirt had not been made slight when I dug them up, but now they were showing a slow but slight movement, and the top of the head of purple hair next to them was also starting to show a movement as if it were dangling.

"Les, Lenya......?

Creepy or disgusting?

Anyway, Theon raises his anxious voice to the sight that makes him want to get away from it for a moment.

Lianya looked up at the sky once, closing her eyes while feeling something very unreasonable, and after much thought, when she opened her eyes, she turned to the Scion and the others with her sigh.

"This is it, let\'s get out of here..."

As soon as I was about to say it, the flashing sound of burning my eyes and the exploding sound of pinching my ears slapped Mita Lotus\'s body.

A shock wave runs, and several buildings, which for once maintained their appearance as buildings, collapse while losing their impact.

If Lianya sees the direction in which those things probably occurred after they had subsided, she can see the black smoke rising in the sky and the firehand that should have put an end to the corner rising again.

"What do you think?

Lotus Ya asks Cloire, who is approaching the sound in surprise, for confirmation, although she somehow knows who she is.

Cloire, who is teary-eyed whether she was struck in the ear by the sound of the current explosion because of her lucid ear, answers as she rubs that long ear.

"Probably... I thought your braces burst"

"Is it because of this?

Lianya points to what is moving at her feet.

Kroir rubbed his tears eyes and dropped his gaze to Lianya\'s feet, lagging slightly behind.

"Are you alive?

"It would be strange if you lived in this state."

"And that means the kind of undead..."

Lotus Yakiya didn\'t even know what the opportunity was.

But one is buried at your feet, so it\'s not surprising that some were buried all over the city.

Instead, if the entire inhabitants of the city have not disappeared like smoke, it is even more natural to assume that the inhabitants are buried all over the city.

"It sucks to be a demon and undead"

"I agree"

From the feet of Lianya, who answered, even if she did not know what reason it was, the buried demon tribe would try to drag her body out of the earth at once and rise.

Moment after moment, a white blade flashed from Lianya\'s waist, and a vermilion line was drawn on the neck of the demon clan that was about to rise, and his neck slackened from the line to the ground.

When the body lost its neck stopped moving and fell to the ground, Lianya\'s hips were hung with a knife that should have been pulled out.

Kroir stared into Lianya\'s face forgetting to even be surprised by the speed of the knife extraction technique, which showed not only the hand to be knifed, but not even the hand to be knifed.

"If you drop your neck, it looks like you\'re gonna stop moving."

Just in case, Lianya says as she kicks the decapitated neck away.

The neck of the demon clan, which was kicked away by drawing parabolas, fell to the ground without flying too far away, and the perimeter of the ground that fell suddenly showed a boost.

"Oh, I knew it was still buried..."

One hand stretched out from the ground after the other as it swept through the universe, and grabbed the ground and pulled away his body.

Similar sights were seen from the ground around the Scion and Rhona, who was near Scion, made a small scream.

"Since the undead are the opponents, isn\'t that Lorna\'s private arena?

If Lianya says so just wondering if she is screaming, Lotus cracked Lorna crying after slapping Mace in the brain of the demon clan that came out of the dirt.

"No matter how much the Virgin, this kind of thing is visually painful. Wow!

"It\'s okay to cry, there\'s something there, isn\'t there? Like a spell to combat the undead. Use that."

Kick down the undead of an approaching young female demon clan and step on her back to her forehead where she fell and crush her.

Another undead arm he grabbed is slashed off his shoulder just as Lianya turns around, eating a spinning kick with plenty of strength and centrifugal power on his torso and blowing it up, crashing against the wall of a collapsing building to paint bright red art on the wall.

"Yes. Ah... according to Gilliel\'s name, it\'s unclean. Retreat!

In response to the Sacred Word of Lorna, which he hastily chanted, a raised mace sheds light.

At times like this, there is usually something like a holy mark, and Lianya thinks it might glow, but when I think about it, I reconsidered that the name of a god such as Gilliel, itself, is the name of a god that has never been believed in before, and maybe there is nothing like a holy mark.

Anyway, the spell released by Rhona fills the surroundings with clean light, and the undead who touch that light begin to suffer uniformly.

But only one of the sights that seemed to be working, Lorna raised her feathered voice.

"No, Lenya! I\'m sorry they resisted!

If the undead\'s body was a normal human being, it might have been able to purify it with just the light that Rhona emits.

But the opponent is a demon, even if he was literally rotten.

Originally boasting higher abilities than men, they seemed to die and possess high resistance to witchcraft and magic.

"The damage goes in... I can\'t burn it!

Indeed, the undead, who are in contact with the light emitted by Lorna, are starting to raise white smoke from their skin and, although their skin is starting to burn down, are slowly but also starting to move again in the light.

Seeing this as Lorna\'s lack of power, or seeing it as a lack of ability to do things with Gilliel, who is helping, or seeing it as caused by the high ability of the Demons, is a subtle issue inside, Lianya thinks, as she buries one undead in Tangbamboo cracking again.

"Lenya, you have too many opponents!

With a loose knife, Scion screamed as soon as he allotted the undead who were about to surround him.

If the opponent were to be slashed with a knife, it seems that even if there was a slight visual problem, it would only be a problem that wouldn\'t bother Zion, one after the other in a motion that seemed different from when he was shaking in fear of haunts, but he was slashing away the undead of the demon clan crawling out of the ground, but the number crawling out of the boulder was too much than the number slashing away, and he was rushing up to the back of Lian Yan, saying so in a hurried tone.

Flau, running a little at its feet, seemed to be slipping through the siege net of the undead while keeping his tiny body alive without a weapon.

"Retreat to the square! Rendezvous with the Rearis and the others and we\'ll get out of here. I don\'t know how many residents were buried, but I was fighting a residential opponent for a minute in the city, no kiri!

From the direction of the square, another flash and explosion sounded.

Apparently, Liaris and the others are also in a state of engagement with the undead, whose demonic tribe has crawled out of somewhere, which is the material, that\'s all I can tell.

I guess Az and Dora are desperately pushing the undead back with their witchcraft and braces because the Learis individual shouldn\'t have had the skills to set off an explosion.

The two of them, I think, will rarely happen as long as one person and one head are attached rather than the other, but the number of violence is an element that sometimes lightly outweighs the individual\'s performance differences, and besides not being able to be alarmed, if we lose you here, Dra, we lose our means of travel in a wide demonic country.

"Theon and Frau will escort Lorna! Lorna, shine me as much as you can!


Copy that, Master.

"Chloe\'s gonna make way with me!

Lotus Yaya unfolds the magic of < Flamespear > with no chant, capturing Cloire snorting silently at the edge of his sight.

Even that evil dragon\'s flaming magic, which he was forced to defeat with his moves of force, appears countless times over Lianya\'s head, infused with vast amounts of magic.


The countless spears of flames unleashed according to the will of Lotus Yama were not as pervasive as a carpet bombardment, pierced and burned up the area in front of Lotus Yada, and swallowed everything touched, not so much the buildings, but the undead, everything, into a swirl of red flames.

At the same time, the magic of the wind unfolded by Cloire blows through the blazing flames to create a windy path by storm.


Under the decree of Lianya, everyone ran out on the path created by the croir, under the illumination of a flame that burned their skin.

There was something about some individuals trying to break through the wall of flames created by Lianya by letting them say things to the high resistance and endurance they had in their lifetime.

But they burn up pierced by the spear of flame that Lianya punched in again, turning to ash, where the movement slowed under the effect of Lorna\'s spell, which continues to glow desperately.

The building blocking the road, etc. was burned by the flaming spear of Lotus Yama, blown out of shape by the wind manipulated by the cloir, and Lotus Yada, who ran for the square in a straight line, lost her words to the sight that was spreading there at the same time as she arrived at the square.


A fireball unleashed by Az explodes, knocking down several undead.

Stepping over the fallen undead, dra, your exhaled breath pierces among the undead trying to advance further, and the undead burned by the flames of high temperatures lose their shape in the flames without raising their voice.

Still, I still have a follow-up.

Make sure you surround the square. Next to next, to the endless hordes of undead that appear, both Az and Dora were beginning to see the colour of fatigue.

Learis looks around with Dra across your back, while he skips instructions from Dra to tail off the undead who are approaching him, pushing him back with the wind pressure of wings wings to prevent him from being surrounded somehow.

Either AZ or Dra, Lotus Yay saw it because he didn\'t know which part of the city Lotus Mita was in, and even if we could finish off some number of them with a big move, there were too many enemies, so it would be better to prevent the undead from approaching us with a small move.

"Az! Sorry! I made you wait!

A color of relief floats on Az\'s face as he sees Mita Lotus rushing over cutting down the undead nearby.

Just wondering if you were finally here, Dra. You snorted and the rear squirrel on your back shouted out loud.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Hurry up, Dra, to your back!

"Dora, it\'s troublesome when you attach me. I\'ll give you one shot at the big one, so everyone up in that gap, Dra, to your back!

"" "" "Let\'s not do that" ""

Everyone, except Lotus Ya, stopped hammering Lotus Ya\'s behavior when they tried to prepare one shot without addition or subtraction in order to buy time for everyone to ride on your back.

As Lotus Ya, who didn\'t expect to be stopped, solidifies to surprise, Lorna quickly rushes up to your back, Dora. The other members jump onto your back as Lorna pours more power and shines, touches and burns that shine, and butts the dull undead.

Finally, as Lotus Ya jumped on Dra\'s back feeling something not so obvious, Dra immediately kicked you to the ground, winged you and rose into the air.

"Mr. Lenya, Dra, please connect your pass and lend me your magic!

"Oh, wow."

As Learis tells me, Lianya infuses herself with magic by connecting her magic path to you, Dra.

Dra you pour the magic poured into your mouth as you mix it with your own power, dra you refine a high firepower breath that you cannot make alone.

"Mr. Dora! Shoot me in the right place!

Previously, the amount and speed of magic that Lianya pours into you Dora, who had a similar experience to Rubidra\'s opponent and was about to make a big deal out of it, was a little slower.

Having worked it out, Dra, after taking plenty of altitude, you exhale the breath you have worked out in your mouth outside your mouth in a place that is going to get out of control.

The exhaled breath became a red flash, which tore the atmosphere apart, and pierced the square where the dragons had been in the center of the city, leaving it for a minute before opening a huge bright red glow to swallow one of the cities completely.