Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

189 Looks like the march's on.

The dragon army is advancing through the dragon people\'s continent.

The Dragon army marches at a good rate in the form of a dozen soldiers and supplies and food on something like a wagon for the transport of soldiers, which the Dragons call "tanks," and have this towed by the Aarons to follow the cavalry around them.

Approximately a few hundred of them.

The ratio of following cavalry to soldiers in tanks was about one to two, so I said the total strength was roughly 10,000.

It seems that the army with a total of 10,000 troops is too much force desperately mustered by the Dragon Men\'s Sage Society and the largest that the Dragon Men can mobilize in the current situation.

Originally there were more soldiers, but it was the word of the Sage Society meeting that they could not muster the troops that had been scattered from defeat after defeat to strongholds everywhere.

Lianya thinks it\'s slightly eyebrow spit.

To put it this way, we need to keep our troops in defense of bases and cities that are dotted all over the continent and have not yet been robbed by enemy forces, and we cannot provide all our troops.

However, there are not so many of those bases present on the Dragon\'s continent, and furthermore, the place where the main units of the Demon King\'s Army that originally invaded the Dragon\'s largest base, that is, the capital and the Dragon\'s continent, are stationed.

Unless we can recapture it, the liberation of the Dragon Nation\'s continent is unlikely, and if we can recapture it even there, the other detachments of the Demon King\'s Army that are going around are probably important bases that will disintegrate.

It\'s not even an excuse to say you\'re going to attack there, but you can\'t concentrate your troops.

While we know that, one reason we are sparing our troops is to say that the Sage Society relies on Lianya\'s out-of-the-box combat abilities.

It\'s even possible that if you do poorly, Lianya is thinking enough to attack and reclaim it by herself.

I may have thought too much, but Lianya had felt such signs from the edge of the words of the Sage Society members who made excuses and explained the circumstances.

According to the story, the number of demon kings stationed in the capital of the Dragon Nation will not drop tens of thousands all the time.

Besides, it\'s a pretty powerful formation, dominated by intermediate demons who said orcs and orgasms.

If you have thought of things with normal thoughts, you are talking about dreams such as recapture and dreams.

It\'s a situation where you can see too much how the four brave men and Lianya are a reliable configuration.

If you\'re going to talk too funny, it was Lianya who thought about letting the roaring magic have something to say and trap everything in the ice world with multiple activated downbursts from outside the attack range on both enemy allies, but the fact that she wasn\'t clearly expressed that will, and that the most troubling part of destroying the capital again, is the citizens who were expelled from it, is keeping Lianya on her feet.

Aaron\'s health is considerable, and he can continue to run at a faster rate than the carriage and with only less rest time than the carriage, and his travel distance slightly exceeds twice that of the carriage.

I can even travel at speeds almost as fast as a horse, but if I do this, the cavalry I\'m following turns up the sound better.

That is why there are not enough tanks or dragons to transport all of the army with a dragon, and if it is also a battle, it can force even a disadvantage in an infantry only army with no cavalry.

As a result, Aaron and the cavalry would proceed at a rate that did not fall off each other, and would consume time, but if they were still going to go by carriage, it would still take about ten days to trample the distance in about six days, which can be said to be top notch fast as the speed of march in this world.

"I\'d like to know how the Demon King\'s army marched fast if it did."

Given Lorna\'s knowledge, the Demon King\'s army\'s march on the Dragon Nation\'s continent was unusual.

It\'s as fast as it\'s transferring the army itself, Lorna says, but such sorcery could not be found by trying to strip down the dragon\'s witchcraft knowledge that Lianya received from Emedra.

Just in case, Lianya asked Emil if the Demons had such skill in anticipation of the absence of anyone, but the answer has only returned no.

"Well, I guess I\'m not stupid enough to divulge the demons\' feelings..."

It was Lotus Ya who guessed Emil would have a position as a demon, but Emil, who was questioned, shook his head and denied the words when he laughed and showed them.

"No, no, I\'m gonna blast you and gell it all out, but hey. Fixing the start and end points and having the equipment to pass through the path properly would allow for a fairly massive transfer, wouldn\'t it? It\'s like that woodland labyrinth. It\'s possible if you step right through the labyrinth, lay a formation at the entrance and exit, and pass the stepped dungeon itself.

The transfer gates are the same reason, Emil says.

However, it does not require equipment to pass through the path because there is ritual magic dedicated to it, which is a technique that is kept secret by non-demonic races unknown to the Demons, Emil says.

Besides, I can\'t make this one on a scale that puts the army through.

"Was it right to crush it?"

"Right. Stras-Vasargo, was it His Majesty the Demon King? I think I panicked. However, I think the first strike of His Majesty\'s army on the Dragon Nation\'s continent is an ambush caused by the transfer via the woodland labyrinth, but I can\'t explain the speed of march in the aftermath of the occupation. I can\'t fix the start and end points, and I don\'t have the facilities to pass through the path in the first place."

The name of the Demon King heard by Frau had been circulated as information from Lianya to each of the forces.

It was a pointless story to try to keep as information, and maybe there is some edible taste in the information that was flown, and as for Lianya, I expected that, but so far I have no reaction from anywhere.

I also asked Emil, but the words returned were as if they were different from Lianya\'s expectations.

"Strass-Vasago doesn\'t have to know. He is the son of a powerful aristocrat of the Devil clan. Sure man."

I didn\'t mind either of the sexes if I tried from Lianya, but why? Emil tells Lianya by weirdly emphasizing the part where she says man.

If the other person was a woman, he switched his head just to wonder if he thought he was the kind of person who would add his hand and heart, but not if he cared about it now.

"To say Emil knows his name is a pretty powerful guy?

"Hey? As far as I know, the Demons are far from powerful, one way or the other, it\'s a fallout. If you fuck me, you\'ll be able to dissect me from the top of my head to my toe in five minutes."

Emil continued, staring into the universe as if to recall old memories.

"You\'re the one in my mind who\'s not even a candidate. I only know because his house was a nobleman, and he had a reputation for being incompetent that didn\'t fit the pattern."

"Can a demon king be like that?

"No, you can\'t be."

Emil is stunned by the amazing Lianya.

I don\'t know about the demonic people\'s inner affairs, so Emil says to Lianya, who complains of bumps even if she gets stunned, as if to teach.

"As brave men are, even demon kings are chosen from the finest of demons."

"I\'m sorry, I\'m not convinced of that. As for our Krutz and Elf Grune, and Alberto the Dragon Nation, I\'ll snort... Beast Nation, it\'s me."

"No... well yeah the... as a beast tribe, aren\'t you superior? Even if it isn\'t, there\'s a 25% chance it\'s a hassle."

This conversation had been conveyed to him without being spared by the excellent hearing characteristic of the Beastman tribe of Leppard, which happened to pass nearby, and he was later seen comforted by Kaede, but he just thought neither Lianya nor Emil had been heard by him, and he did not speak about the cause, so he was to say that he did not understand.

"Anyway, to the best of my knowledge, it\'s a big problem to say that incompetence, which wasn\'t even a candidate, named Demon King. \'Cause there\'s no way any of the other candidates are gonna accept it in silence, is there? So, Lenya, you better be careful. I don\'t know how, but it means he has the skill to shut up and name the Demon King."

Emil\'s expression had a worrying color floating around without a hanging.

The Emil was now a man on horseback in Lianya\'s diagonal rear direction, but his expression has become something to see that is terribly interesting.

With that reason in mind, Lianya was bittersweet.

"Surprise. There\'s something Lenya can\'t do."

Saying so is Zion holding the horse\'s reins.

It used to be Lianya, who had been able to manage to move with Zion\'s whims when it came to the operation of the carriage, but it was totally useless when it came to the act of saying she would ride on the horse\'s back.

If you just ride it, it\'s Lianya who can ride it in what can be described as a bouldering motion, but there\'s nothing you can do from there.

The horse holding the reins did not attempt to move upright.

To a horse that would not move as if it were a statue, whether pushed or pulled, Lianya gave up her horse riding lightly and tried to ride Emedra or Rubidra, but Emedra applied to this.

The dragons\' investigation said that the Demon King\'s Army\'s main unit had no evil dragons, and that dragons could not be allowed to get their hands on anything more than no evil dragons.

Rubidra wasn\'t willing to put Lianya on, but Emedra persuaded her to give up, and the two dragons are supposed to return to the Dragon\'s Nest this time to leave a message.

Apparently there was a plea from the Sage Society that Emedra wouldn\'t be able to handle this, but Emedra didn\'t try to accept this.

I suppose there\'s something they can\'t pull off either, but now it\'s not even if I\'m saying that, Lotus Yaya thinks, but I\'m also sure it\'s useless to take those who insist on never going to the battlefield, so I\'m leaving them alone.

At any rate, since this battle force set aside for the opponent is too little, it will not affect a large number of people where the dragon has fallen out, but there was not a single endorser of this idea.

Anyway, I had no choice, so I thought I\'d just run and go, and Shion suggested that I ride behind the horse that I ride.

Lotus Ya was somewhat concerned with the look on her face when she mentioned this saying that Cloire had gone away, but Lotus Ya decided to take this suggestion that although she felt like she could follow the march without delay even if she ran, if she didn\'t have to run while Horse Yara Aaron and the others would have tried to follow her, it wouldn\'t be a bad idea to let her ride behind Zion.

"Lenya, keep your arms around my hips so they don\'t fall off."

"I don\'t have to do that, I don\'t fall...?

If you try from Lianya, it\'s just a story about why the horse you rode won\'t move, and there\'s nothing wrong with riding itself.

It was nothing like balancing on horseback without support, but it would have been nice if Shion had intended it to be a little different from what Lianya thought.

"Whatever, you can raise your arm a little bit up there, okay?

"What do you expect from me?

"If you really want to say so, you can grab the top one... it\'s something you can grab just fine"

"I\'m gonna blister, you pussycat"

As I blushed, I wanted to reconsider that I would have gotten the suggestion sooner to Shion, who started running strange things, but I feel like I would be in a similar situation if I asked Cloire to come over and say this way, and I give up that this would be a place of patience.

"It seems like there\'s nowhere to grab it if it\'s a cloir, and hey. He said," Oh, my God. "

"Emil... once you cloir kill me"

Lotus Yashi finally became a man on the horse when he was given a ride behind Zion, dropping his fist bones, etc. into Emil\'s brain, laughing slightly.

From here it would be a miscalculation of Lianyi, who had thought about this lightly, but it seems very unusual for the Dragon people to say that they cannot ride horses, and the act of saying that they would be allowed to ride behind women even more was not a very praiseworthy act.

In Lianya\'s head, which bathed plenty of gaze from the surroundings like a little fool who felt like he could not even ride this horse, his fondness for the Dragon Nation is plummeting.

This discomfort of Lianya was conveyed in an atmosphere that I said somehow to the whole army, and those who did not know the circumstances were suspicious of what the hell was this chill, and even those who knew the circumstances took Lianya and those who had been dating for a long time as jokes, but the shallow Alberto etc. of the relationship were not concerned about when Lianya would erupt, and they were supposed to follow and run behind most of them while blurring their complexion.

Therefore the army of the Dragons marched all the way to the capital of the Dragons, with a disturbing air inside.