Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

188 Apparently, we'll meet again.

"The supply of food and supplies to the Dragon Nation? Um, well, you can\'t. But what about the loading route?

"Always use the transfer gate, have expenses there. They pay me in the currency in circulation on the Dragon Nation\'s continent. Even if you can\'t carry large quantities at once, he said that if you could at least subdivide them and carry them... Um, Frau?

"When I think about consuming magic and cool-time, it\'s a very inefficient way to carry it. But I have no choice but to say it. Besides having a large dragon carry you around and feeling you can only produce similar efficiencies, you overwhelmingly lose to the transfer gates at speed... did you call me, Master?

Ignoring a written statement that said it didn\'t matter to Frau, the Dragon Nation\'s Sage Society, etc. the head of the organization wrote, Frau, who was in the process of reading the contents, raised his gaze from the paperwork to the voice of Lianya, who asked somewhere modestly.

What the paperwork says is about the meticulous hauling contract and how to pay for it, and Flau was looking every corner to see if there were any loopholes or pitfalls available, but it\'s simple enough to clap it out, and to something so clear that it can\'t even trap it, on the contrary, I worry about it and reread it several times.

He called his name in the middle of that, so the words he accidentally returned were about to become flat, and Frau hurried inside, but his expression was repaired and turned to Lianya.

"I\'m sorry to bring in trouble again... but you look grumpy?


If he accidentally tries to swallow the nearly raised voice, it becomes a strange groan-like word and Flau blushes and slightly takes his gaze off Lianya\'s face.

If you are asked if you are unhappy, it is in Flau\'s current mood that you have to answer that you are unhappy.

Flau wonders if he can help but destroy his dummy doll, which he spent quite a bit of time and cost building, by the time he was completely skinless, but if he tells Lianya that he doesn\'t know the circumstances, he won\'t pass as a maid.

When it comes to Klinge\'s defense, he only tells Lotus Mita that he repelled the entire city using magic that he squeezed out of Lotus Miya from Flau.

Because of the difficulty of being examined, some urban magic formations incorporated as dummies two functions: the ability to cover the entire city with boundaries, and the ability to burn away objects approaching the city indiscriminately.

He decided to say that he managed to repel Lianya\'s magic by lumping it into these functions.

In fact, these two functions alone made it possible to repel the enemy forces. Raoul thinks.

It\'s simply a matter of hobbies that I didn\'t use.

Regardless, the demon king\'s body was dispersed within the enemy army, and there was no deception in the fact that Flau\'s dummy had become a fighter, and he reported it to Lianya, largely as it were.

The reason I couldn\'t be deluded is because of Frau\'s last suicide bombing move.

That blow was one infused with almost half of the magic Frau squeezed out of Lianya.

The other half had been used to start the first sorcery formation and maintain the hellfire, so Flau tapped into the biggest as instantaneous firepower at that point, but as a result, he succeeded in crusading for the Demon King\'s share of his body.

If that body remains at all, Frau, who shot in the magic to completely extinguish it because he only felt like something lok was not going to happen, in exchange for the extinguishment of Frau\'s dummy and even a big hole where the dummy and minute body were a few meters in diameter with no idea of the depth.

If you just blew it up, then the damage to the city of Klinge at close range would have gone up to considerable.

That much seems to have been thought of by Frau during the battle as well, it was a big hole because he concentrated all of his power only in the vertical direction, but he had no idea how deep the bottom was when he tried the technique of < exploration >, and now there is a fence along with the "Don\'t Come Close Danger" sign to prevent someone from accidentally dropping, keeping him away from the hole.

It was because of the existence of this hole that I did not mislead the demon king\'s assault on his body for minutes, and because of Frau, who did not think of any other reason that seemed like it.

Flau thought that he would be offended by Lotus Ya for unleashing a magnitude of sorcery that could cause great damage to the city, but Lotus Ya, who was told the story, smiled a little troubled and just stayed to stroke Flau\'s head.

When it comes to why the lotus yama was returned to Klinge, naturally it is because the direct transfer gate from the city of the Dragon Nation to Klinge was opened.

The Dragon Men\'s Sage Society, ordered to secure a route for the delivery of relief supplies, agreed to install a direct transfer gate from the city to Klinge without hesitation or complaining to the boulders for this period, and set up a transfer gate by carrying out penetration work using the capabilities and strength that it could have day and night.

This made Lianya the one with the closest transfer gate to the dragon\'s nest among the people, but I don\'t care about Lianya about that, so I only recognize it as about what it is.

"Anyway, something to eat, that\'s a priority. It seems the Dragon Nation has been fed quite a few fights. I don\'t care about soldiers or sage clubs, but I don\'t really want to see citizens say they starve"

If you let Lianya tell you, neither the Sage Society, which slowed down the front without even hitting a locking hand, nor the soldiers who seemed unable to carry out a proper defensive battle, think they deserve to be protected together.

As far as soldiers are concerned, I think there is some room for sympathy because incompetence above would also be relevant, but I just think that if you don\'t want to starve when it comes to the Sage Society, twist out one or two of the proposals for the resurrection of something and then say things.

However, as far as citizens were concerned, there was nothing to bear in this war, and Lianya had become sympathetic just because she was a victim.

Other than that, he is the one who says,

The phenomenon of starvation, Lianya thought, was horrible.

I didn\'t know how much I thought about the reason why I thought that, so I wondered if it might be the remnants of a clean and refreshing memory that was erased when I came to this world, or if it had something to do with my strong desire for something delicious, but Lianyi remembers to starve anyway.

That\'s why I think we just have to rush to send food for support supplies.

"What kind of food can I send right away..."


"It\'s a joke. Master, I\'m afraid of your face."

Flau hurriedly waves his hands and excuses himself to Lianya, who has raised his push-kill voice low and brought his face closer with his true face.

Of course, it was a word I said in joke, but Frau panicked that he had stabbed Lianya\'s steeple more than he thought.

"Even without jokes, elf beans are pretty much in stock"

"I\'d say it\'s just beans."

"I think I\'m as happy as I can eat. Oh, no, Master. I\'m really scared of your face. I\'ll send you some other supplies, so don\'t intimidate me."

Feeling that Lianya\'s gaze had gotten steep, Frau immediately took a piece of paper out of her apron dress pocket and glanced through it.

That\'s an inventory in Klinge\'s warehouse that I\'ve been researching in advance.

Lotus Yaya thinks that if he had such a thing, he could just put it out and talk from the beginning, but for once, Flau seemed to prefer the derailment that he said so, saying that he was classified as a fairy and even a naughty heart.

"Cereals are a little harsh after all. Even Klinge relies heavily on purchasing. The meat relationship has been transferred from the master\'s inventory to the warehouse, so I can make quite a bit of money with this and the beans... but the seasoning relationship is also tight. You don\'t have enough left over there?

"About salt. Originally condiments weren\'t expensive or stockpiled so much."

Since various seasonings are available in Klinge without much difficulty, I don\'t know if they say so, but salt or vinegar is the main thing in this world when it comes to seasonings, and little else is used.

Miso and soy sauce, the likes of Lianya, are the products of the Elf country in the first place, a substitute that rarely goes out to the people\'s country, and sugar rarely enters the mouth of ordinary people, even when it is not properly refined, blackish.

"Klinge stockpiles are unusual. Still, given the circumstances, there\'s not enough to turn to other cities."

Flau thinks only in his heart that he doesn\'t want to starve Lotus Yakiya, but he can\'t see the reality somewhat that if he wants to feed him anyway, he will also think it\'s delicious.

Given that we have been attacked quite a few places in the realm by losing over being at war, it shouldn\'t even be difficult to fill our bellies just because we won\'t starve if only we could provide salt, beans and meat in quantities.

I have trouble even if people ask me for flavor and quality and variety.

"When I say it sounds like a master, it sounds like a master.... so it\'s hard to say no unimpeded."


"I\'m talking about this one. Consider offering condiments to the extent that they do not diminish the quality of Klinge residents\' meals."

"I\'m sorry, I don\'t think I can."

Lianya will look sorry.

I think Frau wants you to compromise if you\'re conscious.

"Send beans and meat ahead. Quality is a top priority anyway. The others are sent little by little, looking at the situation. So I want you to compromise, Master."

"Okay. I can\'t help it if I have to."

If you ask too much, it\'s a story with no ceiling, and if Frau says this is the limit, then Lianya breaks, I guess there\'s no mistake.

"I have enough money to sell... but I knew it was starting to sell"

The beginning of the war against the Demons was a story that was roughly known on all the continents that existed in this world.

If such a story is spread, the merchants dealing with the food relationship are really reluctant to sell the food they have at hand and tend to reduce their distribution.

"I managed to increase Klinge\'s production capacity... but I still need time"

"Huh? Were you growing so many varieties of crops here?

To the best of Lianya\'s knowledge, I thought that when it comes to crops inside Klinge, it\'s only about elf beans.

This is what I was instructed to plant if I had free space, so I know and deserve to know, but other than that, it was my first ear to say that the crop was made of kringe.

"It\'s experimental. There is a facility in Klinge that encourages the cultivation of a variety of crops, beginning with rice, as the master calls it, with water containing magic."

Lotus Ya thinks that magic is so versatile, but it\'s not actually the kind of story Lotus Ya imagines.

It\'s not the same when it comes to just amplifying the force of trying to grow plants, etc. by means of a properly knitted surgical formula and growing faster if you inject magic into plants.

It\'s simply something strange that can\'t be contaminated by magic.

The technology around here is Emil\'s exclusive patent, and Frau doesn\'t know much about it either.

"It\'s your first ear. When did you make that?"

"I\'ve had it since the beginning of Klinge\'s design. It\'s a device that leads sunlight underground and creates crops in underground spaces for the effective use of space. Once fully functional, Klinge will be a city that can be recharged for ten years without a single supply!

It was Frau and Emil who were involved in the design of Klinge.

It was Lianya who wanted to ask you what kind of equipment you created in anticipation of fighting, but now I appreciate the presence of the surrounding equipment for that waste.

"You said cultivation by magic? All we need is quantity? Quality?"

"It\'s mainly quantity. But I\'ve already distributed quite a bit of magic to you, so the Master\'s magic is overpowered."

In the basement of Lianya\'s castle, some of the water flowing out of the fountain equipment made to camouflage the hellfire is used for this, but Frau has no intention of explaining it to Lianya or teaching her to exist.


"Master, there\'s nothing I can do in a hurry. I need some time to get it up and running."

By and large, it is not something that I know what can be done if I pour Lianya\'s extra magic into the plant as it is.

Flau had a headache wondering what kind of persuasion it would be to nail Lianya, who seemed somewhat dissatisfied, so as not to imitate her magic into the elf bean crawl and other things around her.