Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

183 Sounds like a Klinge defense battle.

A report of the emergence of an army of demons over the forest of temper was immediately raised to Flau via Keith, who is in Klinge, from the soldier Keith was sending for reconnaissance.

At the same time, when the unusual and fast rate of advance of that army is communicated, Frau tongues without even trying to hide his bitter face.

"I\'m changing the structure of the army..."

Until then, it was a demonic army that used demons as its main force, which was mainly a goblin or oak that was classified as infantry, but this time the report from the soldiers in view of things shows that it is not possible to fly Wyburn or the sky, but it seems that it is going straight to Klinge without looking at abandoned villages and other facilities along the way, in addition to marching at unprecedented speeds, mainly the fast legged demons who said they could run at considerable speeds with demons on their backs.

Dragon\'s participation in the war was unexpected for Frau.

This was due to what the Evil Dragon gave to the Demon King\'s side, but Frau doesn\'t know about it.

"This is... I can\'t make it"

The first time I heard of Frau, a surprise comes to Keith\'s face in a voice containing agitation.

Apparently, the information received from the soldiers of the sights was too unexpected for Frau.

Keith thinks that if he\'s in such a hurry to get on his face that he says he can\'t make some sort of preparation in time, it\'s probably a story of a major obstacle in terms of Klinge\'s defense.

This looks like we need to make up our minds, Keith thought.

The 500 soldiers involved in the Klinge defense, who dived through Lianya\'s training and were trained of the same quality, were already better equipped to beat any soldier in each nation of the people than to take a pull from Keith, but the situation would be bad if the boulder were a dragon.

How much damage will there be, can we protect Klinge in the first place, or no, Flau shudders with a trembling voice as Keith decides to be sadly prepared to protect him if we have to?

"The dull balls and crackers are ready..."

"... Yes?

Keith asked Flau again, not believing the words his ear had captured and wondering if they were misheard or if they had ear dysfunction.

"Now what?

"That\'s why I can\'t get my dull balls and crackers ready in time!

Keith thinks with vain thoughts that it wasn\'t apparently a mistake to ask Frau, who still seems to regret it, as he stepped on the group Tai.

"What the hell were you going to use it for?

"In front of the Demon Army < Hey, welcome to Klinge! > I wanted to! I wanted to soak my head in a bloody bass with the baptism of a killing cracker who planted a lead shotgun on the Demon Army who would be stunned without keeping up with the situation!

"I don\'t call that a cracker."

Different places to penetrate are heavily accepted, and yet when Keith penetrates without having to penetrate, Frau, who was squinting his head, looks at Keith with a decent look and tilts his neck.

"Aren\'t you gonna tell me?

"I won\'t tell you. Where the hell are you going to hang your balls like that?"

"Tell Mr. Realis to send you out Dra..."

"Stop me. What are you going to let the rare dragon cavalry do"

"Dull Ball Holder"

"Oh... there\'s nothing you can do if you run out of words"

Keith drops his shoulder disappointingly to Frau, who says it without hesitation.

At the same time, I thanked God, who would be somewhere, for not being ready for that tickle and cracker and doing it in time.

On the day this was in time and really made the dragon do the dull ball holding, etc., the majesty of the dragon cavalry would fall to the ground, even if he could repel the demonic invasion at the end of the line.

"Uh, I just have to give up what I don\'t have anymore. Keith, let the soldier take his place."

"As instructed in advance, send 100 people to all parts of the castle. The rest are evacuating and escorting residents in the city."

"It\'s perfect, Keith. I can be a good butler."

"Deacon, is it?

Without returning an answer to Keith, who asked him why he was a butler, Frau turned to a room in the castle.

Keith, who followed him, noticed that the spot Frau was aiming for along the way was apparently during a glimpse created by the Earl, Lianya, for use in official events and such.

Incidentally, the room has hardly been used since Lianya became Earl, and there is a perception in the castle that it is just a large and disturbing space.

That was supposed to happen, but Keith was breathtaking about what was going on inside as he stepped into the hall of sight as he followed Frau.

It was just huge, and now there were countless transparent board-like things floating in that space that weren\'t even heavily decorated because of Lianya\'s character.

They each begin to reflect a completely different sight as Flau enters the room.

"The situation in the city? Wall protection... Is that the residents\' shelter?

Leaving Keith whining about what was being reflected against his knowledge of the sight reflected by the board, Frau sat back to jump on the chair where Lianya would sit when facing the visitor, in the deepest part of the sight.

"Big screen expansion. Defense Device Occupancy Rate Display"

When Flau waves, a giant, transparent plate appears in the middle between the glances.

Running to the side of Flau in a hurry, Keith realizes that what the board shows is a view of the entire Klingue, including Lianya\'s castle.

On one corner of that schematic is a number that says "75" small and red.

"Screen deployment. Telefunction Startup"

Keith roars low on the newly opened screen again.

It was reflected there because of the innumerable figures of Wyburn flying through the sky and the Aarons running through the earth with their earthly smoke raised.

"Distance 2000, roughly 30 minutes from now."

"That\'s it already..."

"No matter how light a fighter is, he\'s not that much of a detachable opponent. I couldn\'t afford the time when the information arrived."

In the first place, it is a city situated a little over a half-day by carriage to the woods of the Klinge itself.

If you are a foot master, if you keep walking during the day without rest, you will arrive sooner if you are only in Wyburn, but it is slightly slower to make you say from Flau that it is because you are marching to match Aaron.

"Can you reward the National Army outside?

"It\'s too late. It\'s time to go up. I didn\'t even show my willingness to cooperate until now, so I\'m going to have it scattered here."

Keith remembered only a handful of wars to Frau, whom he was not interested in.

It is reminded that Frau is not what he seems to be, and that he is not even human in the first place, around making a light decision to cut off the lives of 1,000 soldiers.

By that time, the soldiers of the National Army outside were about to fall into chaos.

Ground power was not yet in sight at a distance, but it was due to the confirmation of numerous Wyburns flying in the sky.

The way soldiers and military supervisors from the captain class rush together for a meeting is seen round the screen from where Flau is, and Flau and Keith watch as if they are bored.

"What do you think we\'re going to do?

"It\'s already too late to get away on your own. They\'ll catch up and wipe it out. Running into Klinge is... now I can\'t."

Says Frau, who ran his gaze on another screen in the first place.

There was a small screen floating in the air, and a message was circulating that all the entrances and exits provided on the walls surrounding the city had been completely sealed off.

The door wasn\'t just locked.

It is disappointingly solidified by the spreading of plants around the walls.

If you want to open it without Frau\'s permission, you have no other hand but to destroy every wall.

"I think it would be best if the enemy fled in prayer that the Klinge would fall on him."

"Surrender or something."

"To demon opponents? Sleep sounds slow after bed."

The demon army shrinks its distance even while doing so.

It\'s so much momentum and speed that it almost makes me wonder if it\'s a runaway state.

I don\'t think it\'s a very demonic led, properly commanded army.

And the National Army concludes.

"I\'m starting to line up."

"Decide you can\'t get away with it... I hate to believe it, but he\'s going to go on offense"

"Are you serious? By the way, what\'s the power ratio..."

"Twenty times the number alone. I don\'t want to think about quality."

Even for the National Army, the rate of advance of the demonic army was something that I didn\'t expect.

It is a reality in front of me where I only thought that I would be able to afford to escape after seeing it.

All destruction is imperative if we proceed.

There is no way that demons will shut up and drop off the backs of people fleeing defenselessly where they have retreated.

Then at least they thought about paying off one arrow, but if you make me say it from Frau, it\'s nothing but futile death.

If I could have been asked to help me through the shame and the outside world, I wouldn\'t have thought of it as Flau, but the head of the National Army didn\'t seem to do well with it.

I suppose he was going to have chosen the option of saying that if it was enough to make Frau seem like a child to cry out loud, he would fight and die as a samurai, but it was a foolish trick to treat almost all of the 1,000-strong soldiers to death for no reason, and Frau was only a few moments away, but he wondered if he should be advised to untie some of the barriers and escape into the city\'s interior.

But soon, I reckon that my share is the protection of the city and its inhabitants, and that the soldiers of the National Army who did not try to get inside until the end are out of its reach.

"I can\'t deal with it and I don\'t think about it anymore. It\'s no use thinking."

The screen that was reflecting the state of the National Army disappears.

Frequently staring at the space where the screen disappeared, Frau immediately shifts his gaze to the largest screen.

The number written in the corner of that screen, which shows the overall Klinge view, had changed its value to "83".

"Started 80%. I\'m getting up a little late. Staffing is over. Urban Magic Team Startup"

The streets of Klinge, created from a state of zero, were designed by the joint work of Emil and Frau from scratch.

Some cobblestones in that street begin to emit strong white light.

If a man of witchcraft had seen the city of Klinge from above, he would have guessed what the light meant.

The trajectory of light running through the urban area of Klinge, designed as a beautiful circle, with straight lines and curves, began to paint a magical formation in which the entire Klinge was created as a single circle.

The actual condition never touched the eyes of Frau or Keith, who was indoors, but Keith asked Frau when he saw some of the aisles in front of him begin to shine white.

"Master Frau, what\'s this?

"This is the crystal of Sister Emil\'s joint work with Frau. A circuit for magic that depicts one of the cities in a huge formation and inside it. It\'s where we can use magic right now."

Keith, who is not a magician, doesn\'t know what the shapes that are drawn on top of the screen mean.

Still, given the size of the city, I somehow guess just to say how enormous the work being done in front of us is the work that consumes vast amounts of magic.

"Where the hell did you get all this magic from..."

"It\'s saving and exploiting. Most exploiters are provided by their masters."

It also combines the magic of the demonic stone squeezed out of Lianya with the magic twisted out of the hell furnace that Keith hasn\'t shown, and sends all of it to the entire city through Puchiyog and Ya, named by Emil.

magic formations depicted using their magic powers.

No one knows how powerful it activates except Emil and Frau, who designed it.

As the circuits connect, the entire city is covered in subtle vibrations.

You got a little anxious, Keith, starting to dazzle around.

Regardless of Keith like that, Frau makes a rectangular screen appear on his own knee sitting down.

If Lianya saw it, she would have thought it resembled a device called a keyboard in the world she was formerly in, and on top of that, Flau laughs at the edge of her mouth as she quickly runs her fingers.

"Come on, Klinge\'s defensive ability. Take a look at it."

Fighting against the demonic army was about to be cut off the lid in the territory of Count Knugi, the emerging nobility of the Principality of Triden.