Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

182 Sounds like the Dragon Men's Sage Society.

The invitation to abandon, the choice to say, was really hard to resist.

There is no posterior rot on top of the very simple.

Whether or not Sage Society faces understand that, because it is almost certain that in a future not so far away if Lotus Ya pulls his hand, perhaps the species that say Dragon Nation will greatly reduce its proportion from the map of forces in this world, or that its name itself will become described as a complete past.

It\'s just a very simple option, so it\'s not an easy choice.

If you choose anything, one species will surely be doomed.

It\'s not like Lianya and I like it and want to hold the fate of one race.

So, does the old man in front of you act in a way that meditates on his eyes for now, but I couldn\'t help but feel different if I tried that from Lianya, too.

If we are to manage to take it into a convincing form, we must take the necessary action to say that while revealing the nose of the Sage Society, which is still staring at itself, we will listen to Alberto\'s request.

Lianya looks beside her.

There he was still with Alberto on his knees on the floor looking up at this one.

In this case, the power and power of the brave do not make any sense.

Because even if the power to defeat enemies for a little while is strong, it cannot be the power to help the Dragon people who would be in need at the present time.

What we call the brave is the first existence where there are enemies and it makes sense there, and when it comes to issues where there are no enemies, it is surprisingly helpless.

Think that far, Lianya comes up with one proposal.

That was a proposal that might not work, but in this case all we need is one point to say if Lianya is emotionally convinced, and if we fail about the outcome, that\'s just a story we need to do.

"I don\'t care if they kneel there forever. I wonder if you could stand, Alberto."

"My Count... I am"

"Please, will you stand? It\'s hard to move on."

Though I didn\'t mean to, if Lianya said by mixing something slightly irritating in her voice, Alberto would stand up like she said reluctantly.

Perhaps until I pulled out the answer I wanted from Lianya, I thought, etc., but from Lianya, it would not be beneficial just to be depressed in a place where I was always stuck in Alberto where I had no particular idea.

"I understand the purpose of the story. Sage Society Leader."

Lotus Yaya tells her in a serene tone as she slowly runs her gaze into the faces of the members of the Sage Society, beginning with Velio, who remain in a rugged atmosphere.

"Let me tell you the answer concisely. I refuse. I have nothing to give you until you get a grain of wheat and a drop of water."

"Oh, my God. Do you have any idea what you\'ve done to the damage you\'ve caused?"

"There isn\'t. No, there is. Don\'t bother my hand, incompetent. Although it would be the responsibility of those who stand on top to strike some kind of hand before this happens. You think war will change on your own? Look at the reality, stupid. Is Dada the one you ate that year? If you just go through the years, you can do it with wood stones. Instead, woodstone would be more useful than you guys, right?

With people\'s bad grin, the members of the Sage Society harden without being able to speak up to Lianya, who was evil enough to flow.

Lotus Ya goes on to utter words as she watches Alberto chew his lips and lean down.

"But I cannot forbid sympathy for this when it comes to the heartache of the brave Alberto, who tried to protect the people of the Dragon Nation and was powerless to make this happen. Therefore, Lenya-Knugi shall provide material and financial support to the brave Alberto"

"Hey Lorna, what do you mean by this?

asked Zion whispering to Rhona beside him after alternating comparisons between Alberto, who looked up like a stiff, and the Society of Wise Men, who made tannic surfaces.

"In the end, Lenya will compensate the Dragon Nation, you mean?

"No. The Wise Men\'s Guild\'s demands for reparations have been overwhelming, and the Count will personally offer his support to the brave men who will be in need."

"I don\'t know how big it\'s going to be, but Alberto looks like that, so he\'ll give the people what he gets, right? Isn\'t that the same thing in the end?

"That\'s a little different"

Croix pinches his mouth as he laughs.

"This leaves the Sage Society with the fact that they say they failed to negotiate with Lenya. It would also spread sarcastically to say that Lenya was in a bad mood. You\'ll soon find out that you made a foolish demand on the nobility of the people who rushed with the dragons to the plight of the Dragons, too. Well, from what they\'ve told me, I honestly bow my head because it\'s a shame, so I guess I tried to appeal to Lenya\'s guilt to draw support, but they\'re too bad. One way to survive is not to understand it."

"As far as Alberto is concerned, the fact remains that he was honored for his accomplishments by his Count himself and personally said to have drawn support. If we further divide that support among the people, the Count\'s idea that fame will rise to the gnats is really ill-intentioned"

When the blur and Grune took over after the cloire, Scion nodded like he was finally good at it.

"Cheng Cheng, it\'s a really Lenya-like idea"

"Do we need to discuss carefully once and for all what I say about being in you?

It was a stifling Zion, but I say it without cowardice.

"Really belly black, excellent as husband of a princess"

"What are you trying to earn points for?"

Cloire instantly elbowed around the medulla oblongata of the chest-stretching Scion.

White-eyed Scion quietly collapses as they all penetrate into their minds wondering if that\'s normal flat handed there.

"Hey!? Scion!?"

"You\'ve decided beautifully where you\'ve been alarmed. It\'s a brilliant gesture."

Kaede mouths a word that impresses Rhona, who hastily rocks Sion, who has stopped moving while falling on the floor.

Lotus Yaya, who watched such a sigh, turns to the Sage Society, which sees itself with a potentially teething look, when she puts people\'s bad grin on her lips again.

"So shall I demand of you my right of engagement in the realm of the Dragon Nation? It comes to mind that they say the same thing again as a result of the battle. If you don\'t stop by, I\'m gonna pull my hand here, okay?

If Lianya says it\'s because it\'s troublesome to be told to make up for the damage every time she fights, Verio laughs at it with his nose.

"Without you, now that the four brave men have gathered, it is against the Demons..."

"Four brave men? Our kurtz is natural, but you\'re coming home with me, okay?

Lotus told me. Kurtz answered with his hands raised well.

"The Count and I can make it!

"Will your brother go with the Dragon Nation?

If Croix asks Grune standing beside him with a very strange look, Grune shakes his neck left and right with a bitter smile.

"No way. There\'s no reason for me to stay when the Count returns, is there?

"Leppard, with the Dragon Nation in search of battle?

And he answered Caede, who had a slight tone of confusion, while Leppard showed a slight hint.

"Well, we\'re not very welcoming from the Dragon Clan. We\'re the Beast Clan."

With the exception of Alberto, the three brave men speak the words of the Three, but if you put them together, if Lianya returns, there is no reason to remain on the Dragon Nation\'s continent.

"Oh, you guys must be brave!? It would be my duty to fight the demons!


"If it\'s a duty, it may be... but it\'s not a duty we have to fulfill here."

"We\'re the Beasts of the Battle Crazy with our brains, so fighting here would be annoying."

Kurtz turns that way, Grune flatly pays back, and Leppard answers with a loving laugh.

"Ma, that is. If I go home, there\'s no way for you to fight the Demons and win."

If Lianya says so like stabbing a stop, she won\'t get an answer back from the Sage Society.

Lianya stared funny at Velio\'s reddening or bluing face for a while, but eventually exhaled softly and put her arms together in front of her chest.

"And, well, I tried to just threaten you. What do you think, Grandpa? One thing\'s quiet here, and you\'re not going to bow your head if you help me?

Until then, the atmosphere was reversed, and Lotus Yakiya said so with all due respect.


To Verio, who inquires without knowing the intent of the words that Lianya has spoken, Lianya strikes at him with an unusual and serious look.

"I don\'t even know what it feels like. If I were just an adventurer, I would have lifted it up and meditated my eyes on the damage, because the nobility of a human race was the victim of whimsical rhetoric in someone else\'s territory. Besides, you can\'t raise your hands and welcome people if it\'s what nobles in other countries have done, can you? It\'s like proof of incompetence that people in other countries did what they couldn\'t do."

There is no answer from Velio.

Lianya keeps talking as if she didn\'t expect the answer back from the beginning.

"You can\'t meditate your eyes on the Ments crushing, you can\'t ask people from other countries for help. I don\'t know what you\'re going to ask me to do with it later. Well, they\'re the kind of people you guys don\'t really like. That\'s hard to ask."

Velio does not answer.

"Silence goes on as affirmation, though. I\'ll leave it up to you to make a public announcement. If you want to crush my mentz otherwise, crush it. I don\'t care. It doesn\'t matter if it\'s compensation for an idiot getting busted. Just ask people for stuff, just keep your head down. That way... I can\'t say luxury because my place is also in wartime, but I\'ll send the surplus supplies to the Sage Society. The first story you follow to me is bullshit in a non-decent mental state after the defeat, and I don\'t know about brave men, but I\'m going to accompany the recapture of the land that was taken. I\'d like a brush to say that you can tolerate some damage. Okay, what are we gonna do?

Members of the Sage Society to face each other on Lianya\'s suggestion.

In the center of it, Velio does not speak or move while still staring at Lianya\'s face.

"That gray head, lowered or not, is. Whatever you want, I won\'t have any trouble with either."

"Lord Velio..."

Alberto\'s little whine broke Verio\'s expression, albeit slightly.

As he slowly pulls his chair and stands up as the brave men and the members of the Sage Society watch, he says to Lianya with his head hanging so low that his forehead rests on the table.

"Count Knugi... you\'re right, please... I need your help"

I felt like I was lying low on my head, and the people around me stopped at Verio, but I didn\'t think it would be weird to make a scene if I tried from Lianya that I wasn\'t doing such a lot of things, but it was hard work.

"Don\'t rush to strange negotiations from the beginning, and if you do, no one will have to think about threatening or complaining... the old man thinks a lot of extra things, so you can\'t end it."

After I said it, I think Lianya is probably older than the old man who keeps bowing his head in front of me right now if I say so only in the contents.

If I speak any more, I feel like I\'m about to come back to my place like Boomerang, and Lianya decides to stop sarcastic about age to Velio any longer.

"It would be easy if you tried lowering it, wouldn\'t it? So if that\'s what we\'re talking about, I think we should lower it down, okay? There\'s no other use for a great guy\'s head."

"We also have a position..."

"If you\'re bloated in that position, you can do whatever you want. If not, forget about the emergency."

Thoroughly truncating Velio\'s response, Lianya puts her elbow on the table when she unties the arm she was putting together.

"Then why don\'t you let me get to work? Neighborhood maps, the state of the demonic army because you just need to know. That, along with the preparation of routes for the loading of supplies and the damage caused by combat actions against the demonic army, is one sentence that I say is not guilty of. Give it to me right away."

When Lianya says so with a glimpse, the members of the Sage Society run away in all directions with the momentum that scattered the spider child.

Lotus Yama let her sigh through the long and troublesome distance, looking at the wrinkled face of Velio, who remained alone quietly.