Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

167 Looks like it's in the basement of the castle.

The room is deep beneath the central part of Lianya\'s castle.

The route to the room will never be reached by simply going down the normal aisle.

The passage that had to pass was first equipped with magical lights, but eventually the lighting equipment disappeared, and the leading Flau was illuminating the passage for Keith and Meyria, who lit magical lights at the tip of their fingers and followed behind them.

Usually Flau says he can go this way without the lights.

Keith\'s complexion depends only on Flau\'s made lights through the dark passage, and Meyria doesn\'t openly paste a color of terror on her face to let go of her while grabbing around Flau\'s shoulder to move on.

"Hmm, why are you so scared?

Flau asks the two behind him as he seems very annoyed that his shoulders are sometimes pulled by Meyria because of the weight difference.

If you\'re so anxiously driven, I don\'t think Flau should tell you to go see it, etc., but neither Keith nor Meilia would have solved the anxious look of whether it was from a desire for knowledge or a sense of responsibility, or from the sight of something simpler scary, but I wouldn\'t even mention going home instead.

"There\'s nothing interesting about it."

Flau, complaining about the bumps, eventually arrives in front of one door.

Usually, the doors positioned in the castle were sturdy substitutes made of wood and sheet metal, but all the doors ahead of Frau stopped were made of metal, and their sturdiness far outweighed the other doors.

There was a surprisingly letter-like carving on the surface, but the letters Keith, of course, and even Meyria, who should be quite knowledgeable, have no idea who the hell is using them.

"What the hell is this letter?

At first I wondered if it was some kind of pattern, both Meilia and Keith, but I decided it would be a letter because I soon found out that each pattern was arranged with some regularity, but I still can\'t read it even if I try to observe it still in the vicinity.

"It\'s just a pattern."

Flau tells the two of them to betray their judgment head-on.

"It\'s like security saying that if we put something somewhat suspicious in place, people who\'ve come this far by some mistake won\'t even be alert to touch it."

"I see?"

You thought it made sense. Keith nodded, but Meyria didn\'t seem very convinced by that explanation, and while she still grabbed Frau\'s shoulder with disappointment, her gaze remained glaring at the surface of the door.

"I doubt it."

When Frau put his hand on the door while smiling bitterly, it was supposed to weigh quite a bit. It slowly opened towards the inside without sound.

Keith and Meyria were so prepared to say that no matter what they saw across the open door, they would not be surprised, but in the end they would be surprised by the clean air that flowed from across the door as if they were even in the woods.

Inside the bell-shaped room, which was quite large, it was bright enough to cause slight pain in the eyes for the two of us who had gone down the dark aisle.

What a trick, a bright white light falls from the ceiling.

There was just like a well in the middle of the room, from which the clear water gushing out of the rolls was divided by several waterways that were radially made from the center of the room to the wall, so that when it flowed to the wall, it fell into a gutter-like waterway that was dug into the wall.

Even though the amount of water gushing out is abundant, when you look at the place where the water level held in the trench does not rise at all, it seems that there are waterways at the bottom of the trench that flow water to another place.

In the walls that were made of stone, several species of plants had grown leaves in such a way as to sew their gaps, and there were quite a few plant roots that even cleared the gaps in the walls, stretching their roots into the waterways to immerse themselves in clear water.

"There was a good water line directly beneath the castle, so I\'m pulling it in here."

Keith and Meilia, who imagined something more horrible because of what Frau would say about the defense center, etc. look around the room with a clapped face.

It is a landscape that can hardly be described as a somewhat closed garden.

To put it only slightly strange, it is about where plants are lush even though there is not a single sign of soil.

"This is the center of the defense, is it?

Keith casts his doubts without being able to swallow that word, no matter how much.

Flau snorts at the question.

"We\'re immersing demonic stones in the spring water here and sending water rich in magic to the city\'s basement. The water contributes greatly to the growth of plants inside the city, and it solves food problems in defense and the reinforcement of the outer walls."

Keith also wonders if Flau might tell him that the fact that there are lots of plants with a lot of moisture can also be used to combat fire in the city.

"What do you say, it\'s plain"

Keith divulges his unmistakable thoughts without even saying that he was expecting a facility that was fundamentally creepy or incomprehensible toward Flau.

"What the hell does Keith expect..."

Keith scratched around the back of his head with a careless laugh as Flau glanced at him with his jitty eyes.

"This is right under the master\'s house. I can\'t install anything as crazy as Keith expects!

"So is that. I wouldn\'t even be able to sleep with a dragon right under my bunk."

"If you know what I mean, I\'m just going back to my place. Keith and Meyria aren\'t supposed to be in a good position to play."

Keith lowers his head with his hands on his hips and his nose sayin \'rough, Keith.

Keith tries to get out of the room so he can get away from Flau as he is, and finds Meyria not moving.

Meyria narrowed her eyes with a somewhat lucid look and remained crouched near one of the waterways.

"Dear Meilia?

"Um, I\'ll stay a little longer. It\'s good air here, and it feels good."

"Um... can I go home alone...?

"It\'s basically the main road if you don\'t go into branches or open weird doors."

Flau stared at Meyria, who had no sign of going home, but apparently when he saw that he was really unwilling to move, he lit the magic lights on the pattern of the long sword Keith was wearing.

"Keith is a good adult, so you go home alone. Sister Meyria will be sent by Frau later."

"Copy that. No, excuse me."

One last thing I do is I keep my head down and Keith leaves the room.

After dropping it off, Frau closed the door to the room and ran a glimpse into Meliá, who was still crouching.

It was only for a moment that Frau\'s gaze turned towards Meyria, but when Meyria slightly opened her eyes, which were narrowing whether she noticed it, she said as she looked at Frau in the ascendancy.

"So, Frau, where is your destiny?

"I don\'t know anything about fate."

Frau\'s voice remains the same as usual.

But I heard that. Meyria just skewed her face a little and sighed.

"Aren\'t you going to tell me, too? That\'s a little pathetic."

"This is really the hub."

"Positively, right? I don\'t believe Mr. Keith, anyway, that waterways and water sources that supply the entire city with magic are central to defense, do they?

"I\'m not lying."

"Yeah, I didn\'t say a word about Frau lying. But there\'s something you haven\'t shown me, is there?

Laughing and Mayria said, Frau dropped his shoulder and sighed.

Remaining silent, Frau points Meyria at the door with his finger, urging her to go outside once.

Meyria, who decided apparently she was willing to show it to me, now goes outside the room with Flau when she gets up honestly.

"I really don\'t want to show you much."

Flau, who mouths it like he said it would shave, crawls his fingers at what he said was a pointless patterned compass depicted on its surface if it closed the heavy metal door.

There seems to be some kind of law in the place to make it crawl, and the area touched by Frau\'s fingers glowed white in front of Meyria watching.

"You can\'t be held responsible if you cause a mental abnormality. Still good?

I could say that it was impossible for Flau\'s voice to contain a threatening voice.

In fact, when you show it to Emil, if you see the mind-weak or the mentally weak, well, faint.

Emil told me to be careful because I might have a mental abnormality, like Frau said.

"Did you install such a noisy..."

It seems that Frau\'s warnings don\'t give her the option to say she won\'t look at them, although it\'s the one that surprises her.

Flau prepares to use the magic of sneaking while continuing the process to open the door.

Because when Lotus Mita came home, if Meilia was turning into a doll that just laughed naggingly when she slept in bed, it wasn\'t something I knew what eyes I\'d see.

First of all, no doubt, well, there\'s no way I\'m going to have to.

"Then open it. Hold on tight. Okay?"

Nodding at Frau\'s words, Meyria said something small.

Frau quickly realizes that it is the magic of < sedation > that Frau is preparing.

The magic of can calm it down if it takes something that is greatly disturbing the mind, and even if it takes some time to experience a loss of sanity in normal conditions, it can contain the damage.

From that point of view, Meyria herself seemed to understand as much as what Flau was willing to show again was unusual.

Frau opens the door after processing.

Earlier it should have been a door with dazzling light and normal air leaking out, but now uncomfortable air leaking out with red and black light and a mixture of heat and odor that makes you want to turn away from your face.

Flau gently handed the handkerchief to Meyria, who accidentally held her mouth down with her hands.

Meliá didn\'t know what it was, but it was stained with some herbaceous scent. When Meliá received it from Frau, she hit it on the mouth and deceived the smell, followed by Frau, who had entered the room first.

The room had changed since I walked in with Keith earlier.

The shape of the room was similarly bell-shaped, but there was no light pouring from overhead, and the room just had a big hole in the center and the red and black light seemed to shine back from it.

There are also some holes in the wall, but it\'s dark inside and I have no idea what\'s going on ahead.

From a hole pocketed in the center of the room, seemingly similar to a volcanic eruption, the red, loose liquid was bubbling up as it made a sound with the lobster.

Every time that bubble breaks, it seems to be waving hot air and odor all around it.

However, if this is all it is, it is simply a hot, stinking hole.

The look on Meilia\'s face peeking into that hole over Frau\'s head freezes, even though it won\'t be like it\'s going to cause any mental anomalies in the end.

That red, loose liquid seemed transparent to the viscous split, and the peeping Meliá caught sight of them halfway sinking into the liquid.

It was countless eyes.

It\'s probably something in the shape of a person, too.

Though I can\'t tell the difference between the young and old, they are stretching out their arms as if they were dangling every bit in the liquid. It was the contour of the body that seemed obscure in the red and black liquid, but for some reason only its eyes are clearly visible.

The pupils are open, the white eye area is running blood. That\'s all open to the limit, pointing a gaze at Meliá like she\'s about to complain about something.

With such myriad gazes, the sight that is sinking in the liquid cannot be described by words alone that say it is different.

Meliá endured the nausea she had accidentally raised, eating up her back teeth for a long time.

"Frau... this, is...?

"In water filled with magic, they\'re still alive. Originally some kind of secret detective, assassin, whatever. But if they drop us here, we\'ll all end up the same."

Frau says in an emotionless voice.

"This is the power source to move almost every magical interception mechanism in Klinge. Central body of defense. From conscious individuals, they squeeze negative emotions into magic… a device called the Hellfire."

The name of the device that Frau spoke of was something that Meyria had never heard of.

"I don\'t even know what Frau knows about it. I designed this furnace. It\'s different from Flau. All Frau can tell is that throwing demon stones in here, throwing sacrifices together, consumes some of the magic of demon stones, the furnace runs, squeezes the negative emotions of sacrifice, amplifies the rest of the demon stone\'s demon power, and creates a greater demon power than the original demon stone."

The magic created is being carried all over the city by things that are at the bottom of the furnace.

"What is it that is there?

Meyria, driven by interest, asks, but Frau shook his neck left and right with no expression.

"I shouldn\'t know that. I don\'t want to know. I can\'t tell you from Frau\'s mouth that there\'s a huge mass of tentacles sinking beneath this furnace to drag sacrifices from the ground, to keep sacrifices from escaping, and to carry their magic all over the city."

"I\'m telling you..."

Keith said earlier that if a dragon had his mouth open directly under the bunk, it wouldn\'t have happened.

But the words were so still salvific, given the actual situation, that Meyria thought it was blurry in the corner of her thinking, which was becoming paralyzed.

Not only directly under the bunk, but in Klinge\'s basement, there are countless tentacles to carry magic all over the place or drag suspicious people into this furnace.

Is it not an urgent matter for the people to do something about Frau and the designer of this furnace before the Demon King?

As she looked at the red liquid surface that spat out another bubble with you, Meilia felt strongly about consulting with Lianya once she returned.