Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

166 Sounds like he's ready for a defensive battle.

Count Knugi territory at the westernmost tip of the people\'s continent.

The castle of Lianya in central Klinge, the largest city within it.

Without coming up with a name that Lianya, the castle owner, was attentive to, Frau stood on a balcony set on the western-facing part of its architecture, simply called the castle of residence.

Rocking the hem of his flax hair and apron dress in a slightly stronger breeze, that figure that stands loosely is supposed to be a toddler no matter where she looks from, but boasts the same prestige as a general in some country, and Keith standing behind it rubs his eyebrows and blinks his eyes.

Still, the intimidation I feel from Flau\'s back remains unchanged.

It is so uncomfortable to be introduced as to be the princess general of this country as long as he is old enough to arm himself and stare in the direction of the temperament forest.

But Frau is still a toddler no matter how many times he pays back.

Flau speaks to Keith as she begins to think of herself as the one who\'s losing in style by the time she\'s skinless.

"Mr. Keith, what are you thinking?

"Uh... are they attacking me?

It was shortly after Lotus Mita used the transfer gate to travel to Elf\'s country that reports came in that the atmosphere in the woods had changed.

Until then, the forest, which remained quiet, suddenly began to blur, and the soldiers, who were somewhat forced to enter the investigation into the woods, apparently discovered some herds of demons.

Seeing a bunch of demons in the woods of temper wasn\'t so uncommon, except if at best it was something like a cobolt or goblin, and the bunch was a fully armed oak or troll.

Even an oak or a troll in a wild, crudely armed state can be quite a threat, but it\'s a headache story to think about how much of a threat it would be if it was properly armed.

Keith finds himself mildly disappointed by his lack of conversational skills that the topic he managed to twist was a heavier substitute than he thought as a result of his inability to find the right topic to respond to the words he was asked.

But the topic didn\'t seem as heavy for Frau as Keith thought, and Frau answered flatly as if it were nothing.

"It\'s decided to attack."

"Is that right after all"

Keith put his hand on his forehead and sighed deeply at Frau, who never said anything more.

Even if I expected it to come, once again, when I\'m told clearly, that doesn\'t stop me from feeling gloomy.

"They\'re healthy kids."


Keith asks, feeling like the words Frau uttered were something very out of place, such as Keith\'s insides.

Even though he says he has included plenty of suspicion in his voice, Frau does not look back on Keith, but continues with a grin or anything on the edge of his mouth.

"They\'re healthy kids who were ordered to attack this Klinge and stood still in the woods until the Master\'s signs disappeared because they had no chance of winning with the Master. It\'s great not to get away with loyalty and no one else\'s demons."

Probably complimenting him, but it seemed like some off-target word to Keith.

"Is that healthy?

"Aren\'t you gonna tell me?

Keith tells me to finally look back at Frau with a decent look.

I know it\'s not the wrong way to use words, but imagine an oak and troll doing with a weapon in the woods killing your breath until the signs of Lianya disappear, and it\'s hard to say how healthy Keith is.

"In the meantime, the forest surveillance is a little down the line. Be careful not to be harmed."

Just because you see demons in the woods doesn\'t mean that all of a sudden Klinge enters the fight, but you need to march the distance from the woods to Klinge.

Along the way there were several settlements of what had already been evacuated, and the army of demons was expected to be somewhat stopped by searching every time they encountered it to see if there were any late escapees or if there was any food or money left.

Flau has some kind of trap because it\'s something that gets ravaged anyway.

Specifically, I was proposing to Lotus Yay to set up a scheme that would involve one settlement and explode, but this has not been turned down by Lotus Yay and transferred to implementation.

Lianya said that the residents were under a different impression that their homes would be destroyed by the demons that attacked them than by the hands of Lianya, even though the operation was meant to be.

"I kind of know how you feel. But it\'s not efficient."

It\'s a blurry flau, but it can\'t be inconsistent with the intentions of Lianya, the master.

Flau switches his head thinking how big the Demon King\'s army is attacking Klinge is, not knowing if he doesn\'t come out, but the number of traps planted and defeated, etc. would probably be a range of errors.

Anyway, I can\'t cut the bills I don\'t have, so I just have to protect Klinge until Lianya returns with the bills in hand.

"What about the National Army out there?

"I\'m leaving it until you hear from me over there. If you see any enemy troops, you can call them and leave them alone."

Since Lianya is a nobleman, there are many marks, but Frau has absolutely nothing to say so.

It is the defense of the city of Klinge that Flau is entrusted with, and the national army outside of it is not subject to Flau\'s defense as it stands.

Flau is a fairy, so he can poke that he has not been commanded on unsaid matters.

In that case, the issue of responsibility shifts to the person who gave the order, that is, Lianyi, but Lianyi is accompanied by the work of the brave man who says that he will take the brave man to see how the Dragon Nation is doing in Lianyi, so he is too busy to say that he was oblivious.

Flau didn\'t even know if Lianya had left the defense of the city to Flau with that much thought, but Frau intends to disregard the presence of the national army with dignity because there is nothing to know about the area.

"I would like to ask the Count to return soon."

Did Keith think there was nothing he could do about the treatment of the National Army in depth? Keith would try to change the subject.

I didn\'t want to talk about Flau or your topic, so I decided to ride Keith\'s change of subject.

"It depends on how much damage the Dragon Nation has suffered. If we can only secure the worst of the brave, we won\'t be able to come back any time soon, but it\'s hard to imagine that the Master will only bring the dragon brave back."

To Flau\'s mind, it was very unlikely that he would come back saying goodbye because of Lotus Ya\'s character that he had found a brave man.

If the Dragons are at war with the Demons, they are likely to run to help until they start taking a breath.

Instead, if a brave man encounters a girl or something immature as a warrior trying to face the army of the Demon King in any way healthy, he is unusually likely to destroy the enemy army, Frau sees.

"The Master\'s harp line is occasionally placed in a strange place, so I\'m in trouble."

"What are you talking about?

There\'s no reason to know what\'s in Flau\'s head. Keith goes in for now.

Answering nothing to that penetration, Frau unwraps his arms and returns to the castle with Keith.

It was Mayria who welcomed the two of them back into the castle.

Mayria was told by Lianya to remain in the castle as the head of the office, but not to mention that there are only 500 soldiers. In addition to the documents related to the soldiers, the documents concerning the inhabitants and the procedures related to the defense of the city, etc. are in such a state that they are buried in the pile of documents from the beginning.

I think it would have been better to follow Lianya even if this were somewhat dangerous, but then if she were asked if there was a civilian who could scratch all this amount of paperwork in her absence, Mayria would have nothing but shaken her head left or right.

If it were barely Rhona, Meliá\'s substitute might have served, but Rhona had accompanied Lianya as a monk, and even if Rhona had accepted her replacement with Meliá, Meliá had no monk skills.

In other words, Lorna cannot serve as Lorna\'s substitute for Meyria even if she serves as Meyria\'s substitute.

With that in mind, Meyria was convincing herself that it might be natural for her to remain in Klinge.

"Sister Meyria, you don\'t have to ask Frau\'s permission to use the Master\'s seal for once."

Flau says as he is slightly fed up with Meyria welcoming Flau or no or asking him to stamp a large amount of paperwork.

Flau, as Silky, was very good at household relations, but he only had a crowd-level talent when it came to the paperwork being done and the work done by Meilia and Lorna.

To Frau, who says he has no choice because he is not specialized, Meilia won\'t back off if she doesn\'t just look me through the paperwork because he is acting on behalf of Lianya.

Flau, who says you can use the Lord\'s seal appropriately, is also Flau, but Meyria, who doesn\'t jump up and jump to happy stories if she\'s a slightly gullible civilian, is also Meyria.

"If you do it well, it\'s a delicious story to have most of the master\'s fortune?

Materials and food relations are nothing but purchasing from others, in the new territory, Count Knugi territory, but if you ask me if I have any property, then that is completely different.

Based on the magic of Lotus Yaya, which has been supplied from day to day, the distribution route of the normal-sized Demon Stone, which Flau continues to make because of, is well secured, where Flau sells Demon Stone while forecasting the extent to which it will not cause a price collapse.

If you say only in cash, the amount Count Knugi has is on a scale that won\'t take a pull compared to any other nobleman.

When Frau walks down the hallway in the castle in such circumstances as taking Keith and Meyria behind her back and says that in a frightened tone, Meyria laughs at it with her nose.

"For me, the next Grand Duke is almost certain, I don\'t want the Count\'s fortune to be impossible."

"That\'s what I was saying. I forgot."

Flau wonders what the next Grand Duke will be left to the Count to do the clerical work, but he won\'t say it to his mouth.

If Meilia loses her mood and stops paperwork, Frau won\'t have much trouble, but Keith and the others will have a lot of trouble.

The air in that position seems to read with a flaw.

"Regardless, which way is Master Frau headed?

Are you responding to Frau\'s words that he forgot, Meliá, whose face is getting grumpy.

When Keith asked Frau, who was ahead in an attempt to change the atmosphere, Frau answered without stopping his legs and without looking back.

It\'s the defense hub of this city.

"Is it the defense hub?

Keith looks at Meyria just wondering if she knew what she had never heard, but Meyria shook her head immediately.

Frau never saw the interaction because they were both behind Frau, but he never looked back on whether they felt any signs of doubt or not, but he continued his words.

"This city was designed primarily by Frau and Sister Emil, using state-of-the-art technology among cities on the human continent."

The direction in which Frau is going, as he says, is down by going through some downstairs.

In the beginning, there were different figures of maids and soldiers, but that, too, almost disappeared at the end of a few steps down the stairs, and the stone passages, not even equipped with windows, were only to be illuminated with inorganic magical white lights.

"Was there a passage like this?

Keith has traveled to Lianya\'s castle many times as someone in a position to oversee the soldiers.

Naturally, I didn\'t explore every corner of Lianya\'s castle myself, but I still thought the general understanding of the aisle was over.

From that Keith, I don\'t remember Frau walking down the road like I\'ve seen before.

If it was a hidden passage, you didn\'t have to know it, but I don\'t remember going through the hidden doors or entrances that are common to what I said.

"It\'s hard for me to be recognized because I usually use pay-per-view magic. The only reason you two got through now was because you were with Frau."

If the Count himself is screwed about creating a part inside the Count\'s castle that cannot be put in by paying magic, etc., it is not clear what punishment can be imposed.

It\'s just that this is a normal story, and it\'s Meilia and Keith who feel that if it\'s Lotus Yaki\'s case, they\'ll end up with a light permit.

"The center itself is handmade by Frau. Look, it\'s not even fun, but are you still following me?

"I... to change my mood"

"As someone who keeps soldiers, I wonder if I need to look at their hub."

The contents of the two replies were separate, but the conclusions seem to coincide by saying they will follow.

Though it was not really pleasant, Frau, who was not willing to oppose coming to see it otherwise, shrugged one shoulder only a little faster to walk.