Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

161 Sounds like a little meeting.

A week has passed since Lotus Mita began to consolidate Klinge\'s city defenses.

It takes the form of an unexpectedly long period of stopping if you try from Lianya, but when you really start to do soldier surgery, equipment updates, etc., that\'s a lot of time.

Those who rush to recruit soldiers gathered almost immediately enough to think where they would have been surplus if only manpower, but most of them are those who have never had an adventurer collapse or military service, and spend their time educating and training.

The city of Klinge is in the middle of a fuss, although we tried to put together a rotation that said we would put 100 soldiers on rest, turn 100 soldiers on defense and train 200 recruits assembled in 100 soldiers.

Outside the mosquito nets were soldiers of the National Army stationed outside the city, but this one hasn\'t changed the situation and has not shown any moveable movement under the military superintendent sent by the state.

As far as Lianya was concerned, their presence in the national army was completely out of thought, and even after a week had passed, it seemed that they did not even remember the names of the military superintendents.

"For once, I treat His Majesty the Grand Duke in his name..."

"MeliĆ”, I don\'t have the brain capacity to capture information that doesn\'t matter."

Is it from the standpoint, or is it Mayria who puts the penetration in roughly like she said, but after being truncated by Lianya without a nibble, it feels like she said no treatment, so I don\'t touch her regarding the matter.

However, there was a problem with this condition.

"If Klinge alone survives, doesn\'t it make sense as a defense in the realm?

It was not uncommon for Theon to have made such a point when everyone met together for a dinner.

"Certainly that military warden is not a person who just looked at it for a moment, but doesn\'t like it. But right now, the situation is such that I think we should ask for help even if this one breaks..."

It was a scion to stop eating and state its thoughts, but its voice grew more and more butt-shuffy.

That\'s because the members, excluding Scion and the brave ones surrounding the table, were staring at Scion with their eyes peeled off.

Meyria shrugged as she blued her face and quivered her body into small pieces in front of Scion in a hurry to see if she had made any terrible mistake.

"My sister has a decent opinion..."


"Tomorrow... will the world end?

Hands in front of chest, gently tearing Rhona.

"Master, apparently it\'s time to say goodbye."

Flau tells Lianya with tears in her eyes with a strange face.

The grief engulfed in its young face is serious, causing unresponsiveness and anxiety to the beholder.

"Lorna!? To Frau!?

"Hey, why is everybody so responsive?

When Leppard, unsure of the circumstances, asked Lotus Ya in a low voice, Lotus Ya replied with a calm voice whether she had recovered from the first surprise.

"Don\'t you know the common sense that the world will perish when the unfortunate co of the brain muscles say something decent once in a while?

"Hey, hey, you got some common sense to play with."

"Pretend you\'re smart, too, and don\'t talk weird, Leppard. How are you going to take responsibility if the world dies?

"Let it go. Who\'s the brain muscle? Who\'s the brain muscle? That\'s just it. Hey."

Leppard wandered over to Lianya, who sees the poor child, wondering if he was aware of the fact that he was muscular to his brain.

Leppard, who accidentally turns his gaze to Kaede for help, but sinks abruptly because Kaede had exactly the same eyes as Lianya.

"With that said, before, you had a bit of a worldly adage that had your brain in it. You should educate yourself, Caede."

"Thank you for your inconvenience."

"Hey here frog...... de?

Leppard raised his voice in an attempt to protest the boulder to Kaede, who bows his head with a strange face, but soon the words are interrupted when he realizes that Kaede is looking at himself with a very pathetic face.

"Leppard, I am confident that I will continue to love you, even in the brain muscles you have passed."

"Ha ha... right?

Leppard answers in a strange tone by accident.

Kaede continued his words as he gently pressed his eyes and leaned down.

"But what confidence do I have in loving you for vanity that I can\'t recognize as a brain muscle..."

"Hey, here."

"Please... please be honest Leppard!

"Don\'t play with the situation!

"And, well, let the lovely brain muscle and belly black go."

"Sarah even demeaned me!?

To Lianya, who talks pale, Kaede like he was shocked.

"So far, I don\'t have the advantage of getting along with the National Army outside. I can\'t defend the whole territory where 500 is 1500, I just get 1,000 more food support. Five hundred would be enough for the city of Klinge to defend itself."

"Are you going to abandon me?

Asked by Emil with a voice containing a laugh, Lianya glanced.

Yeah, it\'s hard to answer from the standpoint.

For once, Lianya is supposed to be a nobleman of the Principality of Triden.

It\'s a story that can\'t affirm words that say you abandon soldiers of the National Army.

That\'s why it\'s hard to answer that it\'s different.

To tell you the truth, Lianya is unwilling to help the National Army as well as any military supervisors who are unwilling to cooperate, if there is a raid.

I don\'t want to say that my men didn\'t know because I didn\'t like them.

I don\'t like the warden, but I can\'t afford to take care of his men.

Klinge is a new city and the villages, etc. that were built around it are still new.

It is the reality of Kunugi territory to say that they must be withdrawn and abandoned while they have barely achieved anything.

When it comes to food, materials and funding, there is no room at all.

It\'s a prerequisite to get enough of your own people and soldiers to take care of the National Army.

"Take care of yourself, I\'m just saying."

Emil stood up and laughed, as Lianya said while being careful not to let her inner thoughts appear in her voice and expression.

When Lianya glances at her as if she was a little distracted, after a while of laughing, Emil wipes the tears in her eyes as she utters her words of apology.

"No, no, I\'m sorry. You\'re absolutely right."

"If you\'re willing to apologize, then why don\'t you have one answer?

Keeping his gaze on, Emil smiled out of her face as Lianya inquired.

"Anything? I can only answer what I know, too."

"The entrance and exit on the people\'s side of the woodland labyrinth, should it be crushed?

To the words of Lianya, Theon, Meilia and Rhona, plus two brave men and a witch lean their necks.

Lianya\'s question was too abrupt and I have no idea why she has brought up the subject now.

In contrast to that, it was Kroir who made his face just a little but strong, and it was Frau who turned his gaze to Lianya\'s face even if he didn\'t change his expression.

The difference in their reactions can also be described as the difference in the information they have.

Speaking of Emil at the time she was told, after showing a slightly contemplative bare gesture, she asks back the other way around.

"Is that asking for my opinion as a researcher?

Lianya just looks at Emil and doesn\'t answer.

"When I say the entrance and exit of the woodland labyrinth..."

"It\'s that forest that Lenya destroyed with sorcery."

Lorna and Scion that I\'m going to miss somewhere.

Lianya nodded while I thought it wasn\'t something I\'d miss.

"On the people\'s continent, it was the entrance and exit of the forest labyrinth where strange chemicals boiled out, and surely it was the forest labyrinth where the armies that raided the land of the elves boiled out?

The chunks of cold air drawn down by Lianya in witchcraft left the entrance and exit of the forest labyrinth on the people\'s side completely trapped in the ice world once.

There is no permanence in boulders, and at some melt, the Principality of Triden built a fort nearby for surveillance, and now the eyes of surveillance are all over the place.

"With that said, what happened to the elf side?

"After the Kroir and the others left, they\'re building something even more robust than the original fort and monitoring it with an increase in the number of soldiers stationed there."

Cloire, who crossed over to the people\'s continent stuck to Lianya shortly after that story, seemed unaware of the circumstances, and Grune answers instead.

"I see. I mean, people\'s continents, elves\' continents, both based on woodland labyrinths, say we\'re in trouble."

Nodding, Emil\'s voice whispering as she lays her eyes down to sum up her thoughts sounds like she just got that information.

The way in which that voice is also received varies as if it were from one listening to another.

"Then don\'t you need a researcher\'s opinion? If you can crush it, wouldn\'t you be more sure to crush it?

"Why do you think you can do that? Somehow, I wonder if the Dragon Nation\'s continent has a similar story."

To Lianya\'s question. Now everyone but Emil saw Lianya with a surprised look.

There\'s no way I know that, or I already can\'t get in touch with the Dragon Nation\'s continent where I know why, so I thought it wouldn\'t make sense.

In contrast, Emil stares at Lianya with one difficult face.

Emil had some idea what Lianya had been asking that question at this time.

"... before you answer that question, can you ask me one question too?

Lianya nods.

Emil exhaled one thing and slapped a ton around her chest to calm herself down before mouthing the question.

"Is Lenya going to destroy the Demon Clan?

"No, you don\'t mean that. You don\'t even have a cakera?

The answer came back immediately.

"I hate trouble in the first place. If the Demons don\'t come out of the central territory into the territory of another race, they\'re the ones you never cared about?

"No, that\'s a little too..."

"Renya... once the Demons are enemies of all races on the continent..."

Emil gets a slightly pitiless look.

Sion gently penetrates into Lianya\'s response, which is too unsatisfactory.

Lotus Ya shows a decent face once in Zion\'s penetration and then asks Emil as if he\'s just heard that fact for the first time.


"No, Lenya, I hope you don\'t ask me."

Emil, who is told the story in a straight face and shakes his head in a hurry, but coughs one up and re-compartmentalizes the atmosphere.

"I mean, can we just think of Lenya\'s aim as the Demon King?

"If the demon king doesn\'t show up, I\'m not going to crusade him."

"Looks like Lenya."

Whether to say he was shuddered or convinced, Emil said so with a refreshing look somewhere, putting his arms together and putting his feet together so that he could flutter back into the chair where he was sitting.

"One thing you need for the metastasis gates is for free. That\'s a path. The transfer gates that people usually make from city to city are just branching a path that was built quite a long time ago to create a path they can\'t help but pass through. So the more cities there are, the more crowded and narrower the paths, and because of this, the fewer people can fly at once. Perhaps most of the routes used now come to the limit."

If there was a specialist magician on the scene who only thought so, he probably lost his back and was surprised.

In the first place, the amount of time a transfer gate can carry at a time is determined because it has been so long since it was accepted as common sense that it is not usually known that a major path exists to activate the transfer gate or that the path is close to the limit in capacity.

Only a limited number of magicians involved in the installation of the transfer gates among magicians will find out about it, and furthermore they have been imposed a duty of confidentiality and will not speak out about it.

"There are different ways to make paths. I think the entrance to and exit from the underground labyrinth is the perfect material. But in that case, you have to be completely inside."

"In that case, if you break one, can you refuse the path?

"Well, I guess so."

"Right...... no Emil, opinions from your standpoint as a researcher are helpful. Let\'s get in touch with Liaris stationed in Kuklika."

Lianya bows her head and says thanks as she turns back to Emil.

To Lianya like that, Emil hurriedly swung her arm away from her fluttering posture and shook her neck to the left and right with momentum as she changed to a frowning posture.

"It\'s not like they\'re gonna do that, so why don\'t you stop it?

"Mr. Emil will be lit up, too."

Was there something wrong with Emil\'s hasty reaction? When Lorna laughed, Emil turned to her as if to escape everyone\'s gaze while rubbing her fingers around her cheeks in a decidedly bad way.

When Lianya raised her face, she was supposed to see Emil dying her cheeks slightly but red and desperately trying to turn the direction the day after tomorrow and what she called the Triden Principality group chasing it with some raw warm gaze.

< Master, did you try Emil?

< Yeah well... I\'d say I\'d keep a nostalgia for a guy who doesn\'t know which way to go in the situation. So can you deliver the letter to Learis of Kuklika right away?

Copy that.