Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

160 They're gonna consolidate their gear, too.

Somewhere far away, it was like in the city of Klinge, but the lightning fell.

At the same time I felt like I heard a voice similar to the scream of a toddler girl, and Emil looks out the window.

The sky is clear, and no matter what you look at it, it doesn\'t look like lightning falling weather.

It was Emil wondering if anyone even exercised magic, but I lose interest thinking that some magician must have let it go to play because it wasn\'t powerful enough for people to die to guess just the part I felt.

If she found out what had actually happened, she would have rushed to the scene no matter what she did.

Anyway, there was an interesting sight inside of the friendly scorched flau and croils saying they were rolling.

Later on, Lianya grabbed Frau\'s collar to escape, and released a squeeze of power, but because of the misery, he poured Frau\'s inundated magic straight into the Cloir, they became the wings to taste the power of the Thunder Strike on their own.

What I was seeing around me was better off helping. I\'d better leave it alone. I couldn\'t make a decision, I just grated it.

If it was a story that happened in another city, it was like a report flying to the guards immediately and the soldiers flying away, but I can also say that it seems to be Klinge around that the residents of the city who know that Kroir and Frau are related to Lianya will not be able to do it again.

Not knowing that, Emil turns back indoors, losing interest in the view outside.

I felt that the outer wall, which seemed far away on the way back to gaze, seemed kind of green, but I couldn\'t attract Emil\'s interest in so much as the color of the wall changed.

Not long ago, Frau had asked me if there were any medicines that would make plants grow faster, so Emil had done it by formulating nutrients, which I\'m sure would only be relevant.

"I don\'t care about that area. Are you okay, Lenya?

The person questioned is resting on a waist set in the center of the room.

In front of it is a blurry gold floor, with more than a dozen long swords sparkling brightly beside it, halfway down.

Behind the room is a furnace, from which you can see a loud red flame burning.

The high temperature air emitted by the furnace makes the room hot and humid but boiling, but Emil in it didn\'t look like she was sweating one, and her expression was cool.

"Yeah, I knew it. It was impossible to hit this number all at once... Regardless of my physical abilities, I thought I was a fool because I had more endurance than before..."

Passing by Lianya, who exhausts her strength and grip and does not try to move with her whole body relaxed, Emil takes one of the long swords being rolled.

For once, the finishing touches on the gripping area were over, and Emil, with her face close to that blade, which was finished for immediate use as it was, leaked a small breath of admiration.

Emil can see that that blade, which is so smooth that its face is reflected, emits a pale and slight light if you look well.

That is proof that the blade itself is magical.

A weapon commonly known as the Devil\'s Sword is such a substitute that it usually involves cumbersome finishing at the material stage, shaping it, then finishing it again, finishing it again before finishing it, finishing it again, and still failing over so many cumbersome steps and vast amounts of time.

Emil finds himself lightly dizzy in the reality of saying that only gold floors and hammers like he sells such substitutes at grocery stores around the corner, and that he has launched a dozen in a short time.

If Lianya had taken proper steps and worked out her sword with meticulous work, she would have been able to strike a demon sword that performed much better than what was now rolling on the floor, but Emil had decided to pretend she didn\'t even know about it when asked.

Of course, Emil, a researcher about those procedures, has quite detailed information of his own.

If that girlfriend created the Devil\'s Sword, it would have been almost 100% successful.

But even if Emil, the Demon Nation, created the sword by following that proper procedure, all he could do was roll on the floor right now with enough of Sekiyama, and it would take a couple of days per bottle to create it.

I know how to make a knife, but the fact that Emil said it was the work of a family of people who were half-properly slapping metal with zero stupidity as to whether he knew how to make a sword was incredible.

"Lenya, how long have you failed?

"Right... the guy who failed doesn\'t remember exactly because he melted it back and slapped it back... but he\'s about twice as failed as he can be?

If that story is true, Lianya will be making dozens of creations at once.

Emil puts his finger on the blade of the sword he is holding, with the thought close to screaming that it is unlikely that a human blacksmith will do the job.

The feeling coming from the belly of your finger is the feeling of a cold, sharp blade.

As a demon, Emil was confident that he could squeeze it with his bare hands without having to bother using defensive magic if it was mass produced loose, but decides that this would not be possible.

That judgment means that if Emil handles the sword he\'s holding right now with a lot of skill, it could reach the Demon Clan with as much strength as Emil.

From the Devil\'s side, it is a fairly liberal issue.

If information is leaked to the Devil\'s side that there are craftsmen who can mass produce such a level of weaponry, the Devil\'s clan will massively push them to wipe out that craftsman no matter what they do.

Having thought that far, Emil thinks further by doing his eyes to Lianya, who still shows no movement in front of him.

So, if the craftsman is this lotus yak, would it be possible to erase it?

The answer came out early.

It is hopeless to say that there is now a sword in Emil\'s hands and a sword rolling on the floor that will inflict all the damage to the Demon Nation, plus maybe a few dozen times more sacrifices and maybe we\'ll have a chance to figure it out.

As long as it\'s not a suicidal desire, we can\'t let our countrymen imitate what we know will happen.

"You must be tired, Lenya? You want me to help you out a little bit?

Emil, who intends to cut it out as naturally as possible, but is anxious to see if he would have made any mistake in the gaze of Lianya\'s skepticism directed at him immediately.

But Emil and the devil after many years.

I don\'t do dumb imitations like that on my face just because I\'m in a hurry.


"No, if I ask you, I\'ll still offer you a hand."

I see. While convinced that it was a suspicious story, Emil speaks in desperate search of an unsuspecting word.

"You wouldn\'t be convinced to say it\'s whimsical... But as a researcher, I want you to do something else."

"It\'s the first time a researcher has ever heard of a blacksmith."

Emil answers Lianya with a full smile, not even trying to hide her suspicions.

"I don\'t know what to say, my dear master. It\'s not like researchers can do a blacksmith job, is it?

Then what are you going to help me with?

At the end of Lianya\'s gaze, which she has been staring at, Emil takes an iron ingot that Lianya has not yet put her hands on, showing a little bit of a mess.

As sure as the weight of the ingot in your hand, once you throw it up to the ceiling rinse height of the room, Emil falls according to gravity, pinching it with both hands the moment it passes in front of you.

With the sound of pan, a pinched iron ingot vanished from between Emil\'s two flat hands, and instead a shape appeared surrounded by several circles around that hand.

Slowly wake up your body, which was tired and relaxed, and explain to Lianya, who looks surprised, that Emil is what is called the Law Enforcement.

"You don\'t have to be able to blacksmith. Lenya. You know what alchemy is? Those basics are divided into two steps: disassembly and construction."

To the law formations that are floating in the universe, Emil puts his right index finger in and makes corrections in several places.

Knowledge over there is like nothing from Lianya. It becomes a task that I have no idea what the hell I\'m doing, but Emil, who had been messing around with the law team for a while, eventually snagged one and snagged that law team on his finger before slamming it to the floor.

Moments, flashes occur.

It was Lianya, who narrowed her eyes to its glare, but when the light went out she would see Emil smiling and laughing with a long sword blade.

"What happened?

"I tried shaping it into a long sword by disassembling ingots, converting them into law formations, and rewriting the law formations"

Lotus Yakiya looks at the blade handed to her as she receives it.

From what I\'ve seen, there\'s no such thing as a long sword rolling at Lianya\'s feet.

But Lianya said to Emil after carefully observing the blade.

"Isn\'t this inferior to what I made?

"That\'s right, Lenya. Given the time Lenya spent working on it and the time I spent making it now, isn\'t that extremely obvious?

"I guess so..."

"Lenya, don\'t you think that a good product that\'s sure to make it is more wanted as it stands than a super good product that can\'t make it?

Emil overlaps words to teach some resentful Lianya.

"Sure, I don\'t even know what Lenya wants to give the best thing she thinks to a soldier. But don\'t you remember that we have to finish our work here as soon as possible and head to investigate the dragon warriors?

"Ugh, mmm..."

"I\'m not proud of it, but I made it, because it\'s a normal shop for people. I think it\'s of such high quality that you don\'t see it? Besides, if I had that high-quality weapon, if Lenya would even replenish the magic, it would be the time Lenya spent making the long sword rolling in there, and if it was about all of Lenya\'s soldiers\' minutes, I could make it and put it up, right?

There is a stray in Emil\'s words on Lianya\'s face.

It was also important to consolidate your feet properly, but troublesome things do exist that you just want to end.

"A set of long swords and 500 sets of spear tips for convenience. Can you do that?

Emil swallowed up a lot of words saying there were too many of them.

If you look a little unpleasant here, then Lianya will say she\'ll figure it out herself.

And even with a somewhat unscrupulous story, Lianya was supposed to create a set of swords and spears at considerable speed.

Imagine the sight of 500 sets of demon swords and demon spears of the same quality that are now being rolled at your feet, and Emil will be relieved.

Besides, it is the Keiths trained by Lianya and their soldiers trained in the same way.

"If even the ingredients and demon stones are convenient to you, you can leave them to me."

Emil answers with a smile as the inner upset is desperately contained so as not to appear on her face.

"But Lenya. Wasn\'t Lenya\'s soldier 300?

"I increased it by 200 for emergency recruitment. I\'m going to let Keith train me, but I don\'t expect much. Three to four, at best. Keith alone."

"Wouldn\'t it be nice if we retrained the 1,000 people out there?

Soldiers waiting outside the city should have a solid foundation, and for once they are a specialized military subordinate.

Emil thought it would save him more time than training those who came in recruiting, but Lianya denied it.

"You can\'t do that. I don\'t know what the Grand Duke\'s thinking, but it\'s got a military superintendent on it."

By military superintendent, I mean someone who had the role of supervising the army as the letter stood.

In this case, it was sent in to monitor the soldiers of the country so that, for example, Lotus Ya would not treat them at will, but this was the figure consolidated in the old aristocratic electorate, who normally thought that Lotus Ya, who was in the countenance, should have a higher character, did not even say hello, saying that there was no such thing as a head to bow down to a newcomer aristocrat for Lotus Ya\'s call.

Normally, it is no surprise that the act of loss of courtesy to the noblemen at hand is punished as it is, but the military superintendent in this case also carries the connotation of being the deputy of the Grand Duke, so no matter how easily Lianya was the Count, he cannot be punished.

Before it was too much trouble, Lianya decided to forget about the soldiers who were completely outside the city.

From the beginning, he tried to defend the city with only gestures.

"That\'s sad. Now, I\'m gonna get to work, but Lenya\'s gonna help me, right?

It is Emil, who has known from the outset that it is absolutely impossible to perform alone.

It\'s actually a delicate task there, no matter how much alchemy metal processing didn\'t seem to take so long, plus the amount of magic you consume.

Emil was so desperate in her heart even if she didn\'t show it to her face.

"Well, yeah. It\'s a poorly dressed story to say round toss, and I\'m a little interested in its alchemy and doing it."

"I\'m gonna make 500 sets, so I\'m gonna make it look good to you."

For once, it was Emil who pulled the dialogue out of Lianya the way she wanted it, but thinking of the number of swords and spear tips she would have to make desperately from now on, she still pulled the edges of her lips and cheeks without being able to completely hide her fed up thoughts.