New Empire at the End of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 66

As a result, they exposed a large number of so-called vicious people who they judged to have done all kinds of bad things.

These people are mainly old camps that have crossed the mountains. These people are cruel and cruel enough to get the appreciation of the mountain and become the people of his old camp.

Don\'t underestimate that there are only more than 200 people in the old camp who have crossed the mountain, but these 200 people can actually hang the miscellaneous soldiers of the other four King Kong. Only when they become people in the old camp can they freely enter the back mountain to play.

The people in the old camp were half killed by the servants of the Liu family. Now there are only 60 or 70 people left. Now all these 60 or 70 people are charged with guilt.

Of course, those who can be bandits are not good birds. In addition to the 60 or 70 people selected from the old camp, some people who have done all kinds of bad things have also been selected from other camps. These people have been restrained separately, about more than 100 people. It is a little surprising that Zhou nevus has not been reported, and no one has reported him that he has done all kinds of bad things.

As a result, they picked out more than 100 people who they believed had done all the bad things, and more than 100 people who were neither good nor bad, who could not be let go or spared.

For those who could not be let go and spared lightly, Liu Bu directly issued an order, which was called the 11 killing order.

Liu Bu said, "you people are not good birds at all. Capital crimes and living crimes are not easy to escape. Therefore, I decided to decide by God to implement the 11 killing order, that is, every ten people as a group, draw lots to decide to take one person out to behead for atonement, and the rest will be filled into the reform through labor camp."

The so-called reform through labor camp is that they demote Li Wu, the former Fushan tax office, into a reform through labor camp, responsible for working for Fushan and the Liu family free of charge.

As soon as the bandits heard of such a severe and cruel punishment, they were scared to death. They all knelt down and kowtowed for mercy, even Zhou black mole.

Liu Bu said coldly, "if you think the eleven killing order is too cruel, there\'s no problem. I can cut all of you. Anyway, if you cut these bandits, you\'ll cut them for nothing. If you don\'t cut them for nothing."

Liu Bu was so cruel that the bandits dared not beg for mercy. Then they were rushed to the designated place. Every ten people were divided into eleven groups. There were a total of 110 people here. These people were lucky to participate in the eleven killing orders.

Liu Bu asked someone to prepare a large wooden box. There were ten pieces of paper in the wooden box. Let the bandits smoke one by one. If there was a kill character in the box, pull it aside.

The bandits looked pale, their feet trembled, and their hands and feet trembled. If they drew white paper without words, they would be happy. They immediately knelt down to Liu Bu and begged for mercy, and then walked aside.

As for the one who drew a red kill word, his feet softened and fell to the ground on the spot. A guard dragged him aside and prepared to behead him.

In fact, Liu bu also knows that these bandits have no big or small crimes and can be killed or not. However, in order to establish prestige and establish his own authority, he must have a set of rules.

It took half an hour to draw more than 100 bandits, and ten people who needed to be killed were selected.

The ten people turned blue with fear and basically fell to the ground. Some begged for mercy, some cried loudly, and some scolded out of mouth. They had all kinds of reactions.

Liu Kang suggested to Liu bu that these people should be killed. According to the official killing rules, they should eat a good meal before they die, so as not to be a hungry ghost in the afterlife. "

Liu Bu knew that it was the rule of this era to let the condemned prisoners eat a full meal, but it was not the same in his era. He directly said, "yes, deduct it from your food, they will eat one meal, and you will eat less."

Nowadays, most people don\'t have enough to eat. Where do so many women\'s benevolence come from.

As soon as Liu Bu said this, Liu Kang retreated and dared not speak again.

Eleven bandits were tied together like lambs for execution.

Liu Bu said to Liu Zhongyong: "boss Liu, just now I heard you say that there are dozens of people in our long gunmen. They tremble in the face of the enemy and dare not stretch out their long guns, stab the enemy and delay the military aircraft, right?"

Liu Zhongyong nodded and said, "yes, sir, a total of 35 of our servants did not dare to kill the enemy in this battle. If something serious happened, they will be punished at the end."

Liu Bu said directly, "what punishment should be imposed? The Liu family raised these soldiers for nothing. I\'ll give them a chance now, that is, let them kill these bandits. I\'ll let bygones be bygones. If they don\'t dare to kill or see blood, don\'t come to the Liu family\'s servants. They can\'t eat this meal."

After Liu Zhongyong thought about it, he felt that there was no problem with Liu Bu\'s arrangement. If soldiers didn\'t kill people and see blood, it was waste.

The servants of the Liu family have spoken plainly. What they say is that they kill and set fire to the Liu family. If these servants dare not even kill people, how can they become soldiers? Can\'t even see blood? How can you be a soldier? To put it bluntly, you\'re here for dinner?

At Liu Zhongyong\'s command, 35 people were selected from their families. These people were judged to be hesitant in the battle and dare not kill the enemy bravely.

Now these servants are pale and very afraid. They come out under the contempt of their colleagues. When they see their gloomy officers, the officers also despise them, which makes them feel a little afraid and helpless.

Liu Bu didn\'t completely despise these people. These people are just timid and cowardly. Bold people will be afraid of blood on the battlefield?

These people are not bad people, but then again, he Liu Bu raises servants to kill and set fire to calm the world. If these people dare not kill and are cowardly, what qualifications do they have to join his family army? His family soldiers enjoy the best welfare conditions of this era. Professional soldiers in Europe just do that. After paying so much, they want to pay back their lives. If they have some moral or personality defects, he can\'t tolerate it.

As an official of thousands of families, Liu Bu held on to this point. Even Liu Zhongyong dared not say anything. Some wanted to plead for his subordinates, but when they saw that even Liu Zhongyong didn\'t speak, they didn\'t dare to plead.

Liu Bu said directly, "I Liu\'s army is to raise wolves. I eat meat every day, but I raise a dog. Now it\'s up to you to tell me directly that you are a wolf and a dog. If you are a wolf, kill the bandits and continue to eat meat. If you are a dog, leave immediately."

When he said this, he gave people a choice, and others didn\'t say anything. After all, it\'s impossible to say that you came to the Liu family to eat. If you don\'t even dare to kill people, how can you be a soldier? Even a childe like Liu Yu, when he was in war, he bravely moved forward and killed two bandits, even thousands of adults\' cousins, not to mention these servants.

After Liu Bu gave the order, he sat down and drank tea slowly, waiting for these people to make a choice, but his bodyguard officer Liu Ning didn\'t have such a good temper. He said to the soldiers: "If you\'re a man, go up with a gun and kill these bandits. After killing them, I still regard you as brothers. If you don\'t dare to see blood, you\'ll be embarrassed. Don\'t blame me, Liu Ning, for turning his face and refusing to recognize people."

Liu Kang also said, "if you don\'t dare to kill people, how can you be a soldier? What qualifications do you have to eat meat?"

In the Liu family, there is a lofty slogan, that is, all people eat meat here. In this era, only officials dare to eat meat, so there is the saying that meat eaters are contemptible.

Under the coercion of Liu Ning and Liu Kang, more than a dozen local soldiers hardened their heads, stabbed the bandits directly and stabbed him to death.

When the young lion saw the blood, he began to be bloodthirsty and grew up.

If anyone dared to kill with a gun, Liu Zhongyong arranged for him to return to the army. Finally, there were 35 people and 15 people here. They still chose to take the gun in his hand to stab, kill the bandit, and then return to the army.

If there were not enough bandits to be slaughtered, they were caught among the most ferocious bandits. Although these people were not among the people who were killed in the 11th massacre, they were all damned people.

In the end, there were still 20 people. No matter how intimidated they were, they didn\'t move, just didn\'t dare to stab and kill the bandits with guns.

Liu Bu\'s face became gloomy. To tell the truth, if it was a peaceful and prosperous age, he appreciated the conscience and integrity of these people. He could withstand the pressure and resolutely not kill people. In fact, he was a good man with a kind heart.

But if he becomes the boss and the leader himself, he doesn\'t think these are good people. What they need is a wolf who can defend their Liu family, not some white lotus flowers.

Seeing that these people are always unmoved, some people have bitten their teeth and killed the bandits, but these people are always unmoved. Liu Bu has no way. He asked Liu Zhongyong, "boss Liu, what do you think?"

Liu Zhongyong said to him, "if you have meritorious deeds, you will be rewarded and punished. That\'s the rules of the Liu family. Since these violate the rules of the Liu family, you can\'t stay in the Liu family for dinner. You will be expelled and expelled from the family."

Hearing what Liu Zhongyong said, the remaining more than 20 servants felt afraid. They knelt down one after another and begged Liu Zhongyong for mercy, saying, "our training results are very good. We have passed the examination and can\'t kill people. We can also go to logistics and other departments. Please be kind and spare everyone."

Liu Zhongyong said coldly: "No! Our Liu family members enjoy the best welfare conditions in the world today, and the requirements are also the most stringent. Our assessment is not said to be one-off, but assessment every moment of the day. Now I would have told you directly that they are unqualified! You must leave the Liu family before dark, not only you, but also your family Leave here before. "