New Empire at the End of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 65

What the bandits in Jufeng mountain did was so bad that not only Liu Bu was filled with righteous indignation, but also other hundred officials were very angry, so their anger was vented to the hundreds of bandits captured.

Liu Bu and them came to the gathering hall. The so-called gathering hall is the main hall of Shanzhai, but it is the same for all shanzhais in the world. Their main hall is called gathering hall to show that they are gathered from all over the world with righteousness.

Liu Bu took the first chair in the Juyi hall without hesitation. There was a tiger skin on this chair, which was placed on the seat. As soon as Liu Bu sat on it, his ass was very comfortable. He also knew that the tiger skin of this era should be real tiger skin. It was impossible to fool people with a fake tiger skin and make a fake tiger skin with the counterfeiting ability of this era, It may be more expensive than getting a real one.

The tiger skin was furry and sat very comfortable, but there was a smell of sweat and a strange smell. He thought that people in this era basically didn\'t love bathing. Even Liu Kang who took a bath every five days was said to love bathing. He stood up again and said to Liu Kang, "take this tiger skin to wash tomorrow."

Seriously, he didn\'t dare to sit on the tiger skin in these robber dens for fear of bedbugs, lice and fleas.

Liu Bu pushed the old tiger skin aside, and then sat directly on the seat. Several of his generals sat next to him.

The big guy successfully occupied Jufeng mountain and defeated the Jufeng thief in one fell swoop because of World War I. today, he has made brilliant achievements. Everyone is very happy and happy.

Liu Bu saw that it was still some time before dawn, and then he said, "the old rule is that everyone will have a chat here tomorrow. It\'s still the old rule. If you make a contribution, you will get a heavy reward, and if you make a mistake, you will get a heavy punishment."

Several hundred officials saluted Liu Bu and said, "here, sir."

Of course, their successful attack here is inseparable from Liu Bu\'s deployment. No matter what he says, Liu Bu has to take the lead. Last time we didn\'t know how to be a man and can\'t do things, now we are different.

Song xiance, a military master, looked a little surprised. He said, "I didn\'t think your credit was given to the soldiers."

Liu Bu said, "what\'s the problem? The eyes of the masses are bright, but they can\'t tolerate half a grain of sand, so they can\'t make mistakes. Everyone who is elected is convinced."

Liu Zhongyong said, "yes! We were elected last time. Everyone was convinced. Lao Liu, I have been in the army for 30 years. This is the first time for a general to do this. I don\'t know what others say. Anyway, I am very convinced."

Liu Ning said, "we also found the bandits\' treasure house in the back mountain. There are a lot of gold and silver treasures in it. It is estimated that they robbed them."

As soon as Liu Bu heard that there were gold and silver treasures, he cheered up and asked loudly, "this feeling is good. How many are there?"

In the past, he didn\'t know that daily necessities were expensive. Now that he is a family, he can\'t spend 20000 liang of silver to buy a carriage as before. Like before, who doesn\'t know that he is a first-class tycoon in Linqing. He often gambles in the casino. A bet is a win or lose of thousands of Liang. Eating a meal is dozens of Liang\'s hand. Now he can\'t give up, Only by raising troops do we know that there are many people eating at home. "

Liu Ning said: "statistics have not been carried out yet. We have to arrange someone to make statistics tomorrow, but it is estimated that it will not exceed 50000 Liang."

Song xiance said: "Fifty thousand Liang is not bad. At least we didn\'t fight in vain this time. If we fight like this, we will fight stronger and more. Let\'s see the Ming court. Every war costs money and food. Countless wars can\'t go on. It\'s often because of the problem of money and food. We can get money and food through plundering in the war. This is a great good thing."

Liu Zhongyong said: "Song Junshi, you think too much. It\'s just an occasional accident. In the end, it\'s still money and grain. The so-called cannon rings, and we don\'t have a cannon yet?"

Liu Zhongyong is a man who has seen the power of the red cannon, so he still has a certain persistence and addiction to the red cannon.

He had not been trained into an army before. He always wanted to train the army well. Now that he has trained the army well, he also knows that if the army wants to reach a higher level, it must have red cannon. An army without cannon cannot be called a first-class army.

Liu Bu said to him, "boss Liu, you can rest assured that you will need to train the soldiers specially for us. As long as these soldiers can earn a foothold for us and let us have a foothold, sooner or later we will get cannons."

Liu Zongyong was surprised. He said, "Sir, where did you get such self-confidence? It\'s the imperial court. They want to get some cannons. The Portuguese say they don\'t have any goods, let alone us. Moreover, the technicians who can imitate the red cannon in the imperial court are concentrated in the Dengzhou front line. All of them were lost in the Wuqiao mutiny. It\'s a pity to the extreme."

Liu Bu said, "about the cannon, Ben will promise you now. Once the time is ripe, Ben will get you a red cannon. As for how Ben will get it, that\'s what Ben will do. What you have to do now is to train his soldiers for him."

The relationship between them and the Zheng family is one of the reasons why Liu Bu has such confidence. Can\'t he get a few cannons with the huge maritime strength of the Zheng family? If he can\'t even get a few red cannon, Liu Bu will really despise them.

Moreover, the Zheng family established their position as a maritime overlord through the battle of Kinmen in the Fujian sea. Even the Dutch and Portuguese must act according to their faces. If they don\'t have enough artillery and warships in their hands, it\'s estimated that the Dutch won\'t talk so well?

Liu Bu thought that with the relationship between the two families, there should be no problem getting some cannons? That\'s why he dared to promise Liu Zhongyong.

Liu Bu is very concerned about this aspect of the army. Since his army was trained, he has done several things one after another, taught Zhou Wentong a lesson and captured Jufeng mountain. These are power. These are force. Force can be transformed into power and let you do what you want.

So now Liu Bu is fascinated by his rights. He decides that he must firmly grasp these rights to give himself a foothold in this troubled world and help the world.

Since they want to help the world at the same time, the army in their hands must be far from enough or not, so they must bet on red cannon. If there is no cannon, it will always be inferior.

They discussed it in the righteousness gathering hall, and then ordered people to cook. After they were full, they came to the teaching ground. Hundreds of bandits were detained, tied up and detained in the teaching ground.

He still has some ways to cross the mountain. He leads the bandits in the stronghold like commanding the army. There are a gathering hall, a teaching ground and some generals, but they are not unified and nondescript.

Now the whole Jufeng mountain is under the control of the Liu family\'s servants, and all the key points have been deployed. Now it\'s time for them to deal with these bandits.

The bandits led by Zhou Heimei were detained in the teaching ground by the servants. They were cold, hungry and sleepy all night. When they saw several main figures of Liu\'s army coming out, he knew that the other party had discussed their strategies. He was a timid man. When he saw Liu Bu, he knelt down and kowtowed repeatedly: "Sir, spare your life! Sir!"

When Liu Bu saw the man, his face sank. He said, "spare your life? Go to the back mountain and have a look. If you do evil things like this, how many families will you destroy? How many people will you harm?"

Zhou black mole, of course, he knows the bad things of Houshan. He said: "it\'s all done by the mountain peak. It has nothing to do with the villain. The villain can swear to God that the villain has never played in the Houshan cave. Spare the villain\'s dog\'s life."

For these bandits, they already have a solution, that is, if the local people nearby are forcibly caught by the bandits, and the local people are the guarantee, they will release them immediately and let them go home.

As a result, most of these bandits came from local people. When they heard that the Liu family liberated here, their families came to redeem their families. More than half of the bandits were taken away and went home to be good people.

The rest of the bandits came from foreigners, mainly the fugitives from Liao town. Most of these bandits did not comply with the first regulation of Liu Jiajun\'s release.

However, it is not necessarily that the people who escaped from Liao town are extremely evil. In fact, the people who escaped from Liao town are more difficult to survive in Shandong.

The land of these Liao people in Liao town has been occupied by JianNu, and their families have been enslaved and killed by JianNu. They have no way to cross the sea and escape to Shandong. However, even if they escape to Shandong, life is a problem. The local people in Shandong don\'t want to see the Liao people, and the local government can\'t cure them, so these people have to fall into the army as bandits.

More than half of the refugees in Shandong are refugees from Liaodong. They are helpless and desperate. Some sell themselves as slaves, and some become bandits.

Like Liu Ning and Zhou Hui, they all escaped from Liaodong. If they don\'t ask about it directly, the people from Liaodong will be executed, which will certainly not convince them.

Therefore, when dealing with these Liao people, Liu Bu thought of another move, that is to let these people report to each other. Who went out and robbed and who did bad things were listed one by one.

Now is a troubled time. Many people can\'t even eat a full meal. They are forced to become bandits and join robbers. However, if they kill people and set fires and do all the bad things, they will be spared.