New Empire at the End of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 319

Zhu Dadian and Lu Jiude don\'t deal with them either. After all, they are eating in the same trough and don\'t deal with each other. It\'s due.

They were also very unhappy because of Liu bu. What\'s more, after Zhu Dadian entered Fengyang City, he made a series of actions as the master, which made Hong Chengchou even more unhappy.

There is no doubt that Zhu Dadian is the host here. He does these things in this capacity. There is nothing strange or illegal, but it really makes Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, very unhappy. Now Daming is not the time of peace and prosperity. Now there is chaos in the world, and everything is dominated by military.

Even Fengyang has just recovered, and there is nothing to be done. Even in Fengyang, there are still a large number of rogue bandits scattered everywhere, and many remnants of rogue bandits, such as gezuo Fifth Battalion, are scattered in every corner, waiting for the opportunity to counter attack, which makes them afraid to take it lightly.

Zhu Dadian saw that he had successfully recovered Fengyang city. He couldn\'t wait to force Hong Chengchou to continue to pursue the remnant of the wandering bandits and strive to destroy them completely. In fact, this was also Hong Chengchou\'s idea.

But one thing is that Hong Chengchou hopes to pull Liu Jiajun together and get more elite soldiers and more food.

Zhu Dadian is also a crafty man. He just wants the other party to fight for him and work for him. However, if he is asked to pay for food, he will not be happy and he will not be happy.

Zhu Dadian repeatedly stressed that shortly after Fengyang was recovered, the people of Fengyang simply didn\'t have enough money and food to support the officials and troops of the imperial court. However, he said he would do his best to raise a batch of food to Hong Chengchou\'s barracks. The implication was that he wanted the other party to go away.

Hong Chengchou finally had the good foothold of Fengyang. How could he leave easily? Moreover, the main force of the roving bandits has not been wiped out. If we fight them in the field, his army may not take much advantage.

Under such circumstances, he refused to fight lightly on the grounds that his armour was not enough and his food and grass were not complete.

Zhu Dadian, Lu Jiude, Liu Bu and others conspired to drive Hong Chengchou and his army away in a short time. Only when these people left the territory of Fengyang mansion could they have a good life. Otherwise, if these 100000 troops were deployed here, the loss of food and grass alone would not be known to be numerous, which would greatly increase the local pressure, They also how good intention to search the place for money.

Lu Jiude was upset when he heard that Hong Chengchou expressly refused and was unwilling to withdraw his troops in a short time. Lu Jiude said bluntly: "commander Hong was ordered to wipe out the exiled bandits. Now the exiled bandits are running away, do you want to chase them quickly? Do you want to wait for the enemy to escape and eat the dust behind?"

Since Lu Jiude launched the attack, Zhu Dadian did not hesitate to assist. He said directly: "more importantly, it is general Liu Bu\'s army that defeated Zhang Xianzhong\'s army, recovered Fengyang city. Commander Hong, your army can be said to have failed without an arrow. In this case, if you don\'t catch up and find the rogue bandits, when will you wait?"

A eunuch was a little polite and gave him face. Zhu Dadian was a literary minister, that is, he directly exposed his scars.

The two sang in unison, but Hong Chengchou was very humiliated and lost face, but what the other party said was not wrong. Now Hong Chengchou has been the governor for several months, and he has not made any outstanding performance. He has been impeached by the ministers in the court, saying that he is afraid of the enemy like a tiger and timid like a mouse.

Hong Chengchou knew that these guns in the court had no ability except to attack others with one mouth.

It is a very systematic and professional thing to deploy the army and command the army to eliminate the exiled bandits. Only as a commander can he do this kind of thing. However, all these mouth guns in the court have their own opinions and set their own set. They have put forward requirements to him one after another, taught him how to fight and told him how to fight?

It must have nothing to do with these people if they lose. He is just a consultant, just a suggestion. If they win, they will give instructions and devise strategies. Moreover, most of the strategies given by these people have no good strategies. They are all on paper. If Hong Chengchou does what they say, it will be strange not to be killed?

Hong Chengchou naturally had his own plan. When he went to Beijing to take over as governor of five provinces and offer advice to the emperor, and the monarchs and ministers played right, he had put forward his own strategy to the emperor, that is, he asked the emperor to give him a year, and he would certainly be able to eliminate the exiled bandits. During that year, the emperor could not give him any instructions and requirements, If he can\'t kill him within a year, he will resign.

Emperor Chongzhen was very happy to see Hong Chengchou so confident. At that time, he took the initiative to tell him that no matter what he asked, he would agree.

In a year and a half, Emperor Chongzhen was patient and willing to wait. When Hong Chengchou suppressed bandits in Shaanxi, he did very well and basically wiped out the roving bandits in Shaanxi.

However, there is a saying that the plan can not keep up with the change. That is, when Hong Chengchou was in Xi\'an, he had already prepared the plan. Who knows, at this time, the wandering bandits attacked the South and captured Fengyang, the capital of China, so he was forced to change his plan. He can only lead his Qin army to go all out to the South and recover Zhongdu first.

Hong Chengchou\'s army went south and found that there are millions of bandits today, even tens of miles away from the camp. Many of them can fight. If they don\'t make a complete plan and fight with them rashly, they will be defeated and die. Many famous Imperial generals have been killed by them. There are several major towns in Fengyang mansion, Basically, they all fell one by one, which gave him a plan. It must be a plan to plan before moving.

But soon he was beaten again. This time it was a real face beating. He sat in more than 100000 troops and lived in Xuzhou. He didn\'t dare to go south. Liu Bu had only a few thousand people, but he defeated Zhang Xianzhong\'s army under Anqing City, captured Zhang Xianzhong alive, took the opportunity to recover Fengyang and drove away the rogue bandits.

The so-called million troops of the roving bandits are actually millions of local chickens and dogs, which is actually a great blow to Hong Chengchou\'s face. Although he made some excuses to defend himself, the Chaozhong road and the Metropolitan Police Academy attacked him one wave after another, one wave after another.

At least now they are as timid as mice and afraid of enemies as tigers. Instead, they praise young general Liu BU for not learning skills and fearing tigers.

Why did the civil servants in the court praise Liu Bu\'s newborn calf for not afraid of tigers? The main purpose is to satirize Hong Chengchou\'s 80 year old mother, who is afraid of the enemy like a tiger, the former is afraid of the wolf and the latter is afraid of the tiger. As a result, she missed the good opportunity.

So now, whether Lu Jiude or Zhu Dadian, they are talking about this one after another. Hong Chengchou is required to send troops quickly. Don\'t hesitate here and don\'t miss the opportunity.

There are millions of rogue bandits, but they are all local chickens and dogs. As long as they go out to fight, they will be in chaos.

Hong Chengchou is also an old Jianghu and a veteran. How can he eat this set? Although the wandering bandits are local chickens and dogs, they still have millions of people, and many ants kill elephants.

For example, Liu Bu\'s army mainly fought with Zhang Xianzhong\'s elite soldiers this time. Because Zhang Xianzhong\'s elite soldiers have relatively strong combat effectiveness and a relatively small number, Liu Bu was unable to reach his tentacles.

But if the target is you, Gao Yingxiang and their millions, and the other party uses the crowd tactics, it will drown you with the crowd tactics.

In this way, the two sides are a little unhappy. Today\'s meeting is mainly about Hong Chengchou\'s hope to ask the local government to support more troops and food.

As a local representative, Zhu Dadian hoped that they would go away quickly. In the end, Zhu Dadian directly blew up. He directly said: "Marshal Hong, what\'s the use of asking for so much food? You were in an armed parade. Fengyang was lost. You were indifferent. Fengyang was recaptured by General Liu bu. You\'re still so. Since you didn\'t make any contribution before and after you recaptured Fengyang, why do you want so much food?"

When it came to this, Hong Chengchou became angry. He said, "my commander was ordered by the saint to destroy the wandering bandits. My commander has his own strategy. As for what to do, do you have to report to governor Zhu?"

Zhu Dadian said directly, "it\'s not necessary. After all, you are the famous governor of five provinces, in charge of the troops of the five provinces and exterminating the exiled bandits, but you must understand that your main responsibility is to exterminate the exiled bandits, not to enjoy happiness in Fengyang. The enemy is outside Fengyang City, near Luzhou. Why don\'t you fight? You are reluctant to be a high-ranking official, I dare not fight. "

Hong Chengchou was so mercilessly accused by the other party that he couldn\'t hang on his face.

So Hong Chengchou can only oppress people with power. He said directly: "Can I report to you how I fight? Can I get your approval? I have my own strategy to command the troops of five provinces and eliminate the exiled bandits under the order of the emperor. I also promised the emperor that if I don\'t succeed in eliminating the exiled bandits within a year, I\'ll resign. So I don\'t need your advice on how to fight. You have to do it, That is, according to the instructions given by the imperial court, go all out to prepare enough soldiers, horses, food and grass for our commander for support, otherwise I will ask you a crime of delaying military aircraft. "

Lu Jiude said with a smile, "Marshal Hong has gone too far. You said we delayed the military aircraft. Who recovered Fengyang? Who destroyed Zhang Xianzhong\'s army? What have you done with 100000 soldiers in Xuzhou for more than a month? How many enemy heads have you cut off?"

Lu Jiude slapped him in the face with facts, and Hong Chengchou immediately said something for it. If it was something illusory, he could sophistry and deny it, but this was an iron fact. Now one of the most shocking things is that his 100000 army did not eliminate any rogue bandits, but Liu Bu\'s thousands of troops and horses, but made the most brilliant achievements 。

This result is difficult for Hong Chengchou to explain. When Hong Chengchou was about to speak, he only heard the noise outside the barracks. There were people gathering to make trouble. Hong Chengchou was even more angry.