New Empire at the End of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 318

Therefore, in Hong Chengchou\'s eyes, Li Chengliang has the name of a famous general, but he does not have the reality of a famous general. It can be said that he created the rise of Jiang JianNu. When he left office, he had no way to take the tiger he raised by himself. Therefore, although he retired as an earl, he did have a halo of shame on his body. Like raising thieves, he was self-respect, Hong Chengchou would never do this to set himself on fire.

It was precisely because Hong Chengchou had these ideas and insights that he realized that forces like the Liu family could not be tolerated and tolerated. We must find a way to destroy them, otherwise he might be another slave.

The reason why the Ming Court has been around the world for more than 200 years is that the Ming government has always implemented the policy of emphasizing literature and neglecting military. These civilian forces have vigorously suppressed military officials, so that there has been no disturbance in the Ming Dynasty for more than 200 years, and there has been no general raising troops.

Now the year of Daming is not good, and local warlords begin to warlord. This does not mean that Daming will gradually economize like the Tang Empire, so that the central government has no control over local areas.

Hong Chengchou found himself a little embarrassed. He came to Liu Bu\'s barracks with a full guard of honor and asked him to come to see him. Liu Bu didn\'t come, and Liu Bu\'s soldiers stopped him outside the barracks.

This made Hong Chengchou very unhappy and angry. Moreover, he came here only to ask questions and didn\'t directly want to fight with Liu bu. However, Liu Bu did make him a little ashamed this time. Now Liu Bu is beating him in the face in public. If he doesn\'t fight back, it is estimated that it will greatly weaken his prestige.

But this also made Hong Chengchou feel that he was difficult to ride a tiger, that is, did he really want to fight with Liu Bu, tear his face and fight on a large scale?

Liu Bu now is that he will never listen to Hong Chengchou\'s dispatch. It is certain that he violates the military order. What if Hong Chengchou issues the military order and the other party refuses to implement it?

Hong Chengchou had no choice but to send an army to wipe out Liu\'s army. No army that violated military orders could stay. Once he stayed, it would be a disaster and a disaster.

Hong Chengchou is very embarrassed now. Now Liu Bu clearly doesn\'t agree with him. He doesn\'t deal with him and doesn\'t listen to him. If he doesn\'t clean up such people and others follow suit, he will have no face.

But if the two sides open a big fight in the city and make it big, how should it end? For example, he knows that Liu Bu is not an ordinary general soldier. He is the general soldier of Fengyang. He is famous all over the world for recovering Fengyang. He is a figure who has been listed in the emperor. He also has extremely powerful forces. He is definitely not the one who bullies Hong Chengchou if he wants to bully and rectifies if he wants to rectify. Hong Chengchou is hesitating whether he should take tough measures.

When Hong Chengchou was riding on a tiger, Liu Bu came out surrounded by a large number of followers. He waited for a step. He bowed to Hong Chengchou after more than ten steps and said, "at the end of the day, Liu Bu, the general soldier of Fengyang, has seen Lord Hong. I don\'t know that you have come all the way. Please forgive me."

In fact, Liu Bu is very arrogant and proud now. At least he should kowtow to see Hong Chengchou in his capacity. As a military general, it\'s very rude not to kowtow to his boss. When will you have the status of a civil minister and not kneel to see an official?

But Hong Chengchou was relieved. At least the other party\'s current practice gave him an excuse to get off the slope.

Hong Chengchou is in a dilemma between fighting and not fighting with Liu bu. If Liu Bu really blocks him outside the barracks, doesn\'t come to visit him or salute him, he has no choice but to ask him a question. He uses its own authority, monk Fang Baojian, to suppress the other party and make the other party yield. Now the other party has given in to him on the surface, This gave him an excuse to dismount.

Although Hong Chengchou wanted to make the other party kneel down and kowtow to him, and he kept making the other party kneel and kowtow here, he knew it was unrealistic. If the other party didn\'t bird him, he would only lose face more, so he had to say: "General Liu is exempt from gifts. Indeed, he is a young hero. General Liu is young. He defeated Zhang Xianzhong\'s army, captured Zhang Xianzhong alive and recovered Fengyang. Such a young hero is really a blessing for the imperial court and the Ming Dynasty."

These words are just hypocritical polite words. Hong Chengchou must have scolded Liu Bu\'s ancestors of the 18th generation in his heart, but on the surface, he had to say something against his conscience to make everyone feel better. He knew that he could not suppress the other party by taking out his identity as governor.

If he had only mixed with Lu Jiude in the past, he could still use this move to make the other party yield, but now the other party is colluding with Zhu Dadian and wearing a pair of trousers, and the chief soldier and the governor can certainly kill him.

Liu Bu heard the other party\'s praise for him, and knew that the other party was wrong, but he didn\'t say anything else. He gave a ha ha and said, "it\'s rare for adults to come. At the end of the Chinese army, he will set up a reception banquet to welcome adults, wash the dust for adults, and invite adults to come?"

He did not prohibit Hong Chengchou from entering his barracks, but also opened the middle door to let the other party enter the barracks, which made Hong Chengchou hesitate. Of course, he was not afraid that the other party would bury 500 swordsmen and axes in the back accounts of the Chinese army and cut them into meat sauce by throwing a cup, but wanted to enter the other party\'s barracks, which was within the other party\'s sphere of influence, Seeing that the other party has been under martial law and mobilized, and all the soldiers have begun to wear armor and prepare their weapons, what should he do if he enters their barracks and the other party turns his face? This is also what the close followers and advisers around Hong Chengchou were worried about, so they advised Hong Chengchou not to go in one after another.

Liu Bu was still so annoying. Although he was smiling, the corners of his mouth tilted slightly upward and looked disdainful. It seemed that the other party dared not enter his barracks, which hurt Hong Chengchou\'s self-esteem. He thought that if he dared not even enter Liu Bu\'s barracks and spread it outside, It is estimated that everyone will think that he is afraid of Liu bu. He can\'t even clean up Liu Bu as a general. Why should he order the people of the other five provinces to obey his orders? So Hong Chengchou hesitated and said, "I\'m going to bother."

So Hong Chengchou, without hesitation, led his entourage and advisers into Liu Bu\'s barracks and went straight to the big tent of the Chinese army.

Seeing that the situation was bad, Hong Chengchou\'s attendants immediately slipped back to the camp and ordered Hong Chengchou\'s 3000 elite soldiers to prepare. If there was any change, they would immediately enter Liu Bu\'s camp.

Hong Chengchou is their main general, their backbone and everything. If anything happens to him, everyone can\'t get well. Moreover, his followers also informed several powerful generals under Hong Chengchou, so that they should prepare. If Liu Bu has an evil heart, they will set out directly and enter Liu Bu\'s barracks immediately, Kill him all.

Although Liu Jiajun is very elite and well equipped, their number is not much after all. Now it seems that they are only four or five thousand people. How can the four or five thousand people confront their army of more than 100000? And still in the city?

Liu Bu was sure that he would not act rashly, and he would not do such a foolish thing. He let Hong Chengchou enter his barracks and buried 500 swordsmen and axes under the back curtain. With the name of throwing a cup, the cup fell to the ground and killed them immediately.

Isn\'t this eliminating competitors? This is a rebellion. At this stage, he won\'t benefit from training. It\'s not an appropriate time for the Liu family to rebel now.

Without hesitation, Hong Chengchou entered Liu Bu\'s big account of the Chinese army with unquestionable authority. When he entered, he had an idea, that is, using his authority, the other party reprimanded him, and then made the other party yield. After all, he was an imperial envoy appointed by the Emperor himself and governor of five provinces, but he had a superior sword and could make a decision at the moment, first then make all known to the emperor.

However, Hong Chengchou immediately knew that he had made a wrong idea after he entered the Chinese Army\'s big account, because Liu Bu was not alone or his subordinates, but Lu Jiude and Zhu Dadian were also among them. What makes people feel even more uncomfortable is that Zhu Dadian sat on the chairman and was drinking himself.

Zhu Dadian saw Hong Chengchou and didn\'t stand up. Instead, he still sat in his position. He just raised his cup to Hong Chengchou. He said, "it\'s not as good as coincidence. Now it\'s time to have a banquet."

Liu Bu\'s Chinese army tent has a big flowing banquet. In addition to Lu Jiude and Zhu Dadian, more than a dozen generals under Liu\'s department are accompanied here. Many people have red faces and smell of wine. Obviously, they have drunk a lot for a while.

This made Hong Chengchou a little angry, that is, these people have no military discipline at all. You know, in the military order of the Ming Dynasty, there is an explicit provision that they are not allowed to drink in the military camp anyway. Unless they reward the three armed forces, drinking in the military camp is a great crime.

Another is that no wonder Liu Bu didn\'t come out. He was drinking in it. He should have received the news that Hong Chengchou was coming. It is estimated that Hong Chengchou came out of the general military house. Liu Bu and they knew it, but he just stayed here to drink and didn\'t come out to meet him, the governor of five provinces. It can be seen that he also did it on purpose. He deliberately humiliated Hong Chengchou. There was no him in his eyes.

Hong Chengchou regretted that he had entered the military camp. He knew that it was not as simple as he thought he wanted to subdue Liu bu. It was impossible to make the other party yield with his power. The other party had a backstage, and the other party was determined to hold his backstage thigh tightly and fight him to the end, so his idea of making the other party yield was doomed to fail, I may have come here for nothing today.