New Empire at the End of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 214

Daming has post stations everywhere. Generally speaking, it is a post station within ten miles.

On the 22nd day after he became emperor, Taizu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the rectification and restoration of post stations across the country.

The next year, he issued an imperial edict to change all the stations of the Yuan Dynasty to posthouses, and the names of more than 230 indecent posthouses in the country to be more elegant. At the same time, Zhu Yuanzhang also vigorously engaged in the construction of postal facilities in border areas. In addition to the Yunnan Guizhou region in the southwest, Zhu Yuanzhang opened post roads and set up post stations in the northeast, North and northwest frontier regions, which greatly strengthened the connection between the central and frontier regions.

In view of the lessons of the chaotic post station in the Yuan Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang restricted some privileged people with strict law at the beginning. He clearly stipulated that "no post is allowed for important matters of the non military country", which means that it is not a national and military event. It is not allowed to abuse the post horse or use the post station\'s postal facilities.

In the 26th year of Zhu Yuanzhang\'s reign as emperor, he also promulgated the regulations on the delivery of post posts, which stipulates that there are 12 additional conditions, limiting the personnel who meet the conditions for using post horses and post ships. Other people are not allowed to "pass horses and horses by post without authorization", and violators will be severely punished.

The Ming Huidian, the legal canon of the dynasty, records that "since the capital reached the four directions, there have been post relays, which are called Huitong hall in Beijing and Shuima post and delivery station outside.

Huitong hall was the general hub of the national post station in the capital city at that time. The memorials and letters of local officials all over the country first arrived at Huitong hall through the post station, and then classified by Huitong hall, transferred to the general administration department for classification and sent to all departments.

After Chen YingYuan wrote the memorial, of course, he wanted to hurry up with 800 Li and immediately upload his memorial to the capital, but he also knew that it would give people a feeling of longing to kill their opponents, so he took the common way to deliver it.

After leaving the governor\'s Yamen, this memorial was watched by Zhou Hui. The other party\'s memorial went all the way west. There was only one official road and one post road in the East three houses. They all passed through Laizhou, and the other party didn\'t mean to bypass Laizhou. That\'s because the sender didn\'t know that this letter was against Liu Yuanqiao and Zheng Zhibao.

Zhou Hui will not be so stupid. He will start at the boundary of Laizhou Prefecture. Once the incident is found by the other party, it will be troublesome.

After the memorial passed through Laizhou and reached Qingzhou, they began to do it.

Postings usually ride fast horses. When they have memorials, they immediately use fast horses to pass them to the next post station, which will carry them.

They only delivered the baggage in the form of emergency official documents, and did not know the specific contents of the memorial in the baggage, so they all took the baggage, signed for it, and began to deliver it immediately.

They set up an ambush outside a post station in Qingzhou. The post servant rode a fast horse all the way along the official road. Who knows, the horse missed its front hoof, fell to the ground, broke its leg, and even hurt his leg. He had no choice but to sit on the ground and ask for help.

Because this is an official road and a crowded place, someone passed by. Soon a carriage passed by. The other party was a Wang Yuanwai and the groom\'s servant who went to Qingzhou to visit relatives. After the other party knew about him, he was very concerned and invited him to take a carriage to the next post.

The Posthouse servant didn\'t want to cheat, so he got into the other party\'s carriage. As for his horse, he had to send someone to carry it back after he arrived at the next Posthouse to see if it could be cured.

The postboy hurt his foot and had to take the other party\'s carriage. He was very happy about the warm reception of the foreign master. He also inquired about the other party\'s identity on the way and knew that the other party was only visiting relatives in Qingzhou.

As a result, his baggage was changed in the car. After taking them to the next post station, Master Wang put him down at the post station and went straight to Qingzhou official road.

When he arrived here, the burden was replaced, but the postboy at this station didn\'t feel anything wrong. He took the burden and passed it to the next station. As a result, it soon spread to the capital.

The headquarters of the hall immediately classified the memorial, and then knew that he was an urgent memorial of a governor, and then contacted the general secretary and transferred it to the cabinet.

The memorial of the local governor can only be handled by the cabinet. This memorial was sent to the cabinet and first assigned to Wang Yingxiong. He felt very strange when he saw it, and it was unexpectedly sent to Wen Tiren.

At present, there are five cabinet ministers in the cabinet, namely Wen Tiren, Wu Zongda, Wang Yingxiong, he Wuyu and Qian Shisheng.

Wen Tiren, who joined the cabinet in Chongzhen three years, is now the head of the cabinet and has the oldest qualification.

Wu Zongda, the great Bachelor of Zhongji hall, the junior master and Prince of Jin in February.

Wang Yingxiong, the grand Bachelor of Wen yuange, crown prince of Jin in February.

He Wuyu, the grand Bachelor of Wen yuange, crown prince of Jin in February.

Qian Shisheng, grand Bachelor of Wen yuange, crown prince of Jin in February.

The memorial was originally assigned to Wang Yingxiong, but Wang Yingxiong knew that Wen Tiren was very interested in Chen YingYuan, so he transferred the memorial to Wen Tiren, who felt strange at first sight.

Wen Tiren is the highest ranking figure in the cabinet. Although he can\'t speak a word in the cabinet, those who dare to oppose him and don\'t listen to him are basically crushed by him. You know, Zhou yanru, the former chief assistant, let him squeeze him out. Who else dares to work against him? He didn\'t squeeze him out unexpectedly.

Wen Tiren was born as a Jinshi. He was smooth, deep-seated and resourceful. He was especially good at peeping into the political wind. Therefore, Guangzong and Xizong were officials in the two dynasties. For 30 years, his official career has been prosperous. When Wei Zhongxian was in power, he didn\'t suffer losses. He didn\'t have bad luck after Wei Zhongxian\'s collapse. It can be said that he has skills in the world and is exquisite in all aspects.

As early as after Wen Tiren impeached Qian Qianyi\'s court case, it attracted great bad comments (mainly from the Donglin Party). In the second year of Chongzhen, he was called the "four murderers" together with Zhou yanru, the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs Wang Yongguang, and the Minister of the Ministry of military Shen Yongmao, who suspected Qian Qianyi. In recent years, Wen Tiren was called the four murderers together with Yang Sichang, Xue Guoguan and Xie Sheng, In more than ten years, three of the four murderers have been replaced. Wen Ti Ren is still listed. He is a gold signboard and an iron traitor.

He has a famous saying, which has become a joke in officialdom, but it is very loved by the emperor Chongzhen.

As an official, we only kowtow. If we don\'t make mistakes, we will make great achievements. Everything is only the so-called "the Supreme Master has said: I have three treasures, one is kindness, the other is thrift, and the third is dare not be the first in the world."

However, if you think that Wen Tiren is a fatuous and incompetent person, it is a big mistake. Wen Tiren is a powerful bureaucrat in the city government.

With the help of Zhou yanru, Wen Tiren entered the cabinet to assist the government. However, when he entered the cabinet, he and Zhou yanru had the opposite attitude towards the Donglin Party and the castration party. The Donglin Party let Wen Tiren make chickens fly and dogs jump, and want to live and die. It was under the leadership of Wen that the Donglin Party lost power in the government.

In view of the party struggle in Wanli and the Apocalypse Dynasty, Emperor Chongzhen was most disgusted with the formation of the party by the ministers. Instead, Emperor Chongzhen sympathized with Wen Ti Ren\'s "isolation" and "no party", and criticized the ministers for not worrying about state affairs and attacking each other with personal feelings. In June 2003, Wen Tiren was appointed Minister of rites and Bachelor of Dongge.

But among the people, the reputation of Lord Wen is very poor. The folk song of Chongzhen period: "the Ministry of rites reopens the list of heaven, and the number one scholar is in the second place. There is some fear. The cabinet is turned into a brothel, and the turtle King\'s eight contempt films are always plagued". It is said that emperor Chongzhen trusted Wen Tiren and was plagued.

Wen Qiren himself is white haired, but everyone looks like a demon. There are no good people who are officials in his eyes. However, he clearly knows that Chen YingYuan and Liu Yuanqiao can\'t pee in the same pot. Now he has a special memorial to praise each other, which makes his two Zhang monk confused.

He knew that Chen YingYuan and Liu Yuanqiao were about to tear down each other\'s Yamen. Now he actually vigorously touted each other, which made him feel very strange. Did Chen YingYuan\'s Taoism suddenly become higher and now he is in harmony with others?

In this case, he didn\'t know what had happened in the third east mansion, so he had to ask Wang Yingxiong, "what do you think of the old Wang pavilion?"

Wang Yingxiong said, "Chen YingYuan\'s state has improved. Everyone is colleagues. It\'s best to be together. This kind of praise to each other is just to stay in China."

Wen Tiren is a very independent person when things happen. He has his own opinion on everything. However, in this matter, he just doesn\'t know what happened and doesn\'t understand the other party\'s ways. Therefore, Wang Yingxiong suggested to stay in China, so he decided to stay in China.

As a result, Chen YingYuan\'s urgent impeachment memorial was retained by the cabinet, and he waited eagerly in Dengzhou. After the memorial went to the imperial court, it aroused thousands of feet of waves with one stone and revived the crusade of civil officials against military officials.

He observed the Tang newspaper every day and the texts sent to the east third house by various departments every day, but he didn\'t respond for a few days. He was surprised that such a fierce Memorial went up. The imperial court must have stirred up thousands of stones with one stone. Maybe it was all spread to the emperor. How could there be no sound at all?

This memorial has the final say of the cabinet. But there are five ministers in the cabinet. He is not what he is, but he can not reach the point of hiding everything. In order to do this, Chen Yingyuan can\'t even eat his food. He has been thinking about this matter. What happened to him?

Liu Yuanqiao knew through Zhou Hui\'s Secret notice that the matter had changed, so he revoked his deployment, but he still said: "take too much risk and make taboos. Don\'t do this again in the future." if the east window incident spread, it would be a great crime.