New Empire at the End of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 213

After they eliminated JianNu\'s navy, Liu Bu and Zheng zining set out for Fujian to greet the wedding. This time, the housekeeper Liu Fuqi and his own soldiers accompanied him to greet the wedding.

Liu Fuqi was originally in charge of the disaster relief work around Fushan, and all the food rings passed through his hands, but now with the advent of winter, their disaster relief is also on the right track. If it is autumn, there are many refugees pouring in here, but now there are no refugees pouring in here, In other words, the refugees in their hands are what they want to provide disaster relief.

There is no influx of new refugees. This is because the roads are closed by the heavy snow in winter. Basically all who can come are here, and those who can\'t come are expected to freeze to death on the road.

So after a while of his efforts, everything is on track.

For the Liu family, the marriage of their eldest young master and the eldest young lady of the Zheng family is the real event.

For Liu Fuqi, the benefits they can get from disaster relief are limited, but it is a great good thing for them to marry the Zheng family, which can bring them countless benefits.

Liu Bu and Zheng zining set out together by boat, accompanied by five main warships, and the other five were stationed in Jiaozhou Bay to protect their traditional sphere of influence.

Liu Bu went south to welcome the wedding, but his father Liu Yuanqiao will continue to preside over the overall situation here in Laizhou Prefecture.

What can happen with this octahedral Buddha here? Besides, Liu Zhongyong, a veteran general, is here to support him. He has a heavy army in hand and specializes in dealing with all kinds of objections.

However, Liu Buhe transferred his confidant Zhou Hui back to Dengzhou and let him engage in activities in Dengzhou.

Zhou Hui is the intelligence leader who robbed Chen Meimei for him. He used to ask him to go to Jinan to inquire about intelligence, mainly staring at Liu Zeqing and Lin Ruonan.

But now the strategic focus of the Liu family has shifted. They have begun to take root in the east third house, and the interests of the West Third House have begun to withdraw gradually, so he dropped Zhou Hui back to Dengzhou. Good steel should be used on the blade. His main job is to stare at Chen YingYuan and be responsible to Liu Bu when Liu Bu is there. Liu Bu\'s absence is like Liu Yuanqiao\'s responsibility.

It was only at this time that Liu Yuanqiao knew that his son had such a figure. He was a little surprised.

His son is not as stupid as he seems.

What Zhou Hui is doing at present is some shady activities. He specially spies for the Liu family and inquires about the enemy. At first, he didn\'t pay much attention to doing such activities. After all, it\'s dirty work. Only those shady people can do it.

But after working for a long time, he began to have some special ideas.

This is equivalent to the royal guards and East Hall under the emperor. Each candidate is the most trusted and important person of the emperor. Reuse is the most important. If you are in the heart of the master, you are not afraid of no future.

Moreover, he also knows that Liu Bu has unlimited trust in him. Although his current official title is only a hundred family officials, he receives the salary of these hundred family officials and enjoys the treatment of thousands of family officials, his life is not owned by a hundred family officials. He can use a lot of money and food to do what he wants to do. It is estimated that Xiao Ning, the most beautiful under Liu Bu\'s command Mao Shengli doesn\'t have such a right, does he?

Through this disaster relief, he chose a lot of talents among the refugees. Once Liu Bu went to Fujian to meet his relatives, he secretly sent a team of experts to protect them.

Since Zhou Hui entered Dengzhou, his work has focused on monitoring and guarding the governor\'s Yamen.

He is clear about the governor\'s recent actions.

They are still the old rule. If they are allowed to directly monitor the governor, the east window incident must be a great crime, but it is different if they are allowed to monitor the governor\'s confidant.

Like other people, Lord Chen YingYuan has great trust in the master around him and attaches great importance to him. No matter what happens, he will talk to them and tell them. Therefore, as long as Zhou Hui monitors this master, they can understand the trend of the governor.

After they knew what the governor had done, they immediately reported to the top and made targeted deployment.

The other party wants to win over their generals while the main people of the Liu Zheng family are not here, which is a little whimsical.

Can he give Liu Jiajun\'s system and welfare system? Can he win over?

When Zhou Hui reported these information to their old Liu, the eight faced Buddha had no special expression and made no targeted deployment. He just said he knew, and then let Zhou Hui retreat.

Zhou Hui thought that Lord Liu would be very nervous and make targeted deployment immediately, but he thought he thought a little more. This adult still had some means, and he didn\'t make immediate deployment. Instead, he took the opportunity to test his officials. Can anyone withstand the solicitation of the governor.

Another is that the governor\'s reputation is so smelly and so bad, which is actually related to Zhou Hui.

Zhou Hui led a publicity department under his banner, which was established by Liu bu. The main responsibility of the publicity department is to make up some lies for them.

At present, the propaganda department mainly does good things about the Liu family and Zheng Zongbing. It secretly spreads a lot of bad news among the people and teahouses. It mainly publicizes the good things of the Zheng family and Liu family, and quietly speaks ill of the governor and magistrate Deng Bingwen.

In fact, the Liu family has a very good reputation among the people.

The Liu family in Linqing is the richest in the world, but for this disaster relief, they sold their luxury house near the house. Young master Liu\'s famous luxury carriages were also sold. Even their Liu family\'s canal fleet was listed for sale to help the refugees. What are the governor and Deng Bingwen doing? They are still like this. What they should eat and drink is nothing special.

There is a steelyard in the hearts of the people. As the saying goes, the eyes of the people are bright. They know which official is good and which official is bad. In addition, Zhou Hui\'s propaganda is fueling the flames, fanning the Yin wind and igniting the ghost fire, and the governor\'s reputation is even more unbearable, which has become a negative example, This is why the governor intended to settle in the Minghuan temple in a hundred years, but the local people ruthlessly refused.

Zhou Hui is like a ghost in the dark. He travels all over Dengzhou, collects information favorable to the Liu family, and spreads propaganda favorable to the Liu family. Except Liu Bu, not many people know his true identity, nor do they know that he has such great energy. If the governor knows his reputation is so smelly, it is all thanks to him. I\'m afraid he will be torn apart.

Zhou Hui also showed their energy, that is, the governor came to the memorial and impeached Zheng Zongbing. They immediately knew the contents of the memorial, and even copied a copy and passed it to Liu Yuanqiao.

It was not until Chen YingYuan wrote a memorial to impeach Zheng Zhibao that Liu Yuanqiao was moved. Then he immediately repaired several letters and ordered the people of Beijing to cooperate.

But Zhou Hui knew that it was time for him to play a role.

However, he knows how powerful a governor\'s impeachment of a general army is. If the court knows it, it will certainly cause a fierce storm. After all, Zheng Zongbing\'s doing this is a bit of a crime. Officials in the court will not contribute to this atmosphere. Although they have backstage and backers to help each other, it is not easy.

Zhou Hui, he can also see that the old man attaches importance to it.

Zhou Hui was thinking that it was time for Zhou Hui to take action. There was a saying that snakes have snake roads and rats have mouse roads. In the face of Chen YingYuan\'s impeachment, Liu Yuanqiao chose to send his backers to respond, and also to win over some speech officials in the court.

However, in Zhou Hui\'s eyes, he has some other methods of operation. All memorials are transmitted to the capital station by station through the imperial court, and then to the general administration department in the capital. Later, they are introduced to the cabinet and various ministries. Those who go to the cabinet are classified by the Secretary of the cabinet and handed over to all adults for ticket drafting.

The first time the cabinet ministers review and give guidance, they call for votes. If you are them, they will write a small note on the memorial, attach it, and then hand it in. The emperor will make the final decision.

If it is not something important or very special, after the general cabinet vote is drawn up, the emperor will play it when he sees that there is no problem.

If it was the previous emperors, they were directly thrown to the Si Li supervisor. The Si Li supervisor wrote with a red pen, so this right is called approving Zhu.

But today\'s emperor Chongzhen, the son of heaven, is a hard-working and crazy person, just like a work madman. After he took office, he expelled Wei Zhongxian and took the right to approve Zhu in his own hands. He will read and review all the memorials in person. Even when he is busy at the third and fifth watch, he will directly approve them and then go directly to the court.

It can be said that today\'s emperor is the most diligent since the seventeen emperors of the Ming Dynasty. He can almost be compared with the Taizu emperor.

Zhou Hui, he has his way. That is, when the other party transmits it layer by layer in the post station, he secretly changes the memorials and puts on a paper to praise the local officials, adults Liu and Zheng Zongbing.

If it was a normal time, he might not dare to do so, but now they know that there is no one up or down. In fact, many people are making his idea. Even Zheng Zongbing doesn\'t sell his face at all, so he has revised the other party\'s Memorial, so they dare to do such a bold thing.

Originally, their post station was passed all the way, and it would not be easy to steal, but Zhou Hui had such a plan and idea for a long time, so he had already made his own plan and how to steal beams and pillars.