Naruto's Strongest Bloodline

Chapter 512: Peach-style shock (please collect! Seek silver ticket! 2/2)

"In the blink of an eye, I gave the shadows...this is terrible... the blogger was also frightened, and then Momosaki slowly floated in the air, looking at Naruto and said: "Next, It's your turn, fox. "

Naruto and Sasuke at this time were both embedded in the ground by the shock wave just now, and they are now struggling.

"Have you forgotten who?" Shigure naturally had no effect. At this time, he floated in the air, looking at Momoshiki and asked.

"Think of me as nothing? No matter what, I also killed Pu Shi." Shi Yu said.

"Pu Shi... Tao Shi thought for a while and then smiled: "Since you want to find death, then I will satisfy you! "

"Whoo!" Momoshiki rushed towards Shigure at a very fast speed.

"Someone wants to beat me with speed and strength?" Shigure's mouth raised slightly, and immediately after Tao Shi was preparing to kill Shi Yu, Shigure attacked Tao Shi with a faster speed, too fast. As a result, Tao Shi did not react.

"Boom!!!" Shigure's such a blow was so powerful that it instantly flew the peach-style for hundreds of meters.

"So strong!" Bo Ren was shocked not far away. It was the first time he saw such a strong person.

"Five Shadows have been defeated, this person is able to beat Tao Shi like this!" Bo Ren couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Swish swish!" Naruto and Sasuke also rushed towards Peach style quickly, planning to attack Peach style with Shigure, but in Shigure's view, Naruto and Sasuke were really making trouble.

Naruto fought with the enemy in close quarters, and was finally tapped by Momoshiki. Momoshiki grabbed Naruto's head, and Sasuke came to support him. Finally, he was also beaten by a haunt.

Momoshiki grabbed Naruto and Sasuke with his left and right hands, and fell heavily to the ground.

"Really, you two don't interfere with our fight." Shigure also expressed quite helplessness. As soon as his side had the upper hand, the two rushed forward and were beaten by Tao Shi.

"Next, leave it to us two!" Naruto said.

"It turns out that compared to before, it's like a different person," Sasuke said.

"No, it's better to be a monster rather than a person," Naruto said.

"It's ridiculous, you and I are the same monster," Momoshiki said.

"Wow!" Naruto and Sasuke also rushed towards the peach pose at a very fast speed.

"I'll give you a lesson! Sasuke!"

"Huh!" One of the two turned into the nine-tailed mode again, and the other revealed his reincarnation eyes and writing round eyes.

The three of them fought together, and the two of Naruto started to gain the upper hand.

"Bastard!" Momoshi yelled and turned out a red light gun, and the three fought together again.

"Go to Naruto!" Sasuke used the scroll to summon a shuriken, and then attached Lei Dun Chakra, then threw it out to Momoshiki, and then Sasuke pulled it so that the shuriken turned into countless His little shuriken, controlled countless shurikens with the Chakra line, so that all of them were shot at Tao Shi.

"Drink!" Momoshiki roared, and used a technique similar to Huitian to completely bounce the shuriken. As a result, another shuriken was drawn from the ground and transformed into Naruto.

Naruto held the spiral shuriken in his hands, then threw it out.

Unexpectedly, the spiral shuriken itself became Sasuke again. Momoshiki was very proud. She prepared a red light chain in her hand to completely entangle Sasuke. However, Sasuke's ability to write round eyes in reincarnation is the power of the sky and can be replaced.

Therefore, I exchanged the positions of myself and Tao Shi, and Tao Shi was bound by his own red light chain.

Immediately afterwards, Naruto punched him down, and directly hit Momoshi's body from the air to the ground.

Sasuke exerted his strength and directly used the small earth-burst sky star to wrap the big wooden peach style. Because it was instant, the power of the sky star was not strong, and soon Peach style broke a crack on the surface.

"Naruto Sasuke is really good at fighting together." Shigure also smiled and nodded: "However, it is not enough to deal with Momoko."

As soon as the voice fell, I heard Momoshiki in the sky star say: "Doujii is healthy!"

A thing resembling a snake and a dog's head rushed out, but Sasuke used Thunder Dunn and Naruto used his nine-tailed fist to explode this thing instantly.

"Fuck!" Momoshiki jumped to the ground furiously, and then five or six dog heads rushed over.

Sasuke reacted slowly and was bitten by the dog's head, and then Tao Shi immediately injected some energy, and the dog's head exploded.

Fortunately, Naruto arrived in time and rescued Sasuke by using his big fairy fox mode.

"Nine-tailed demon fox finally appeared! His power is mine!" Tao Shi turned into a giant lava stone.

"Stop dreaming!" Naruto rushed forward.

A punch passed, the huge golden nine tails also punched, but was caught by the lava giant.

Immediately afterwards, the lava giant hung and beat Nine Tails.

"Silver wheel reincarnation burst!" Shigure stretched out a finger, and a terrifying whirlwind force appeared, shattering the entire body of the lava giant.

"Thank you!" Naruto thanked him, and then Sasuke said: "Pick you up with the power of Susanoh, go."

"That's it! That's not bad!" Naruto's Kyuubi once again covered Susano.

"Asshole! Damn inferior creature!" The lava giant slapped it, and Nine Tails summoned a sword. After avoiding the lava giant's attack, he slashed it! In an instant, the body of the lava giant was cut into two halves.

The giant just disappeared, and Tao Shi was floating in the air.

At this time, Wuying also recovered.

"It seems everyone is okay." Naruto also smiled.

However, at this time, two more figures appeared.

"Wow! I finally caught up!" Katsuke held a scientific ninja while the other held a video camera.

"Use my scientific ninja to kill him!"

"Katasuke! Stupid! Stop!" Naruto shouted.

"Uncle Katsuke! You can't use ninjutsu on him!" Bo Ren also persuaded.

However, Katasuke still used countless ninjutsu attacks on Momoshiki, and then Momokushi completely absorbed ninjutsu.

"Damn it! It's too messy." Lei Ying was speechless.

"Hahaha! That's so! Thank you! Stupid!" Momosaki began to release a large number of ninjutsu attacks, and finally used Shikamaru's shadow restraint technique to restrain everyone.

"Is this the trick of the Nara clan? I can't move."


"You need to be especially careful!"

"Damn it! What a bad situation now!"

Now both Gokage and Mingzuo are in desperation.

"Yes, if you understand, go to death!" A flame was released from Datongmu Taoshi's hand, intending to kill everyone with a single move, and at the same time, the blogger's attack was just released.

"That's too late...

"Help us!" The blogger closed his eyes and planned to fight.

"I've said it, don't disturb our fight, now I've been beaten... Shigure appeared in front of Momoshiki with a swish.

"What!? It's you?! I've won! You go to death for me!"