Naruto's Strongest Bloodline

Chapter 511: Peach-like horror! (Seeking collection! seeking silver ticket! 1/2)

"It's about the Datongmu clan, so I can't stand by." Gaara said.

"Someone ruined the meeting place of the ally, but just ignored it, which is detrimental to the name of Five Shadows." Changjuro said.

"Tell them to regret that they shouldn't be our enemy." Hei Tu said.

"Awesome!" the blogger praised.

"Sasuke, why did the Otsuki clan attack me suddenly? By the way, is there a message in that scroll?" Naruto asked this question again.

"Because Huiye planted chakras for the Datongmu family, there will be chakras coming to this land, and Huiye used to prepare for the chakras, that's it."

"In other words, their purpose is a huge chakra, so Yao will be attacked." Gaara said.

"So they attacked the venue in order to take the Nine-tailed Chakra, which is very clear." Said Chojuro.

"But I didn't expect it would come out at this time and mess up the important Zhongnin exam." Raikage Ai said.

"I was attacked by the person who would absorb Chakra. They had three chasers." Gaara then looked at Shi Yu and said, "He seems to have killed one."

" belong to the Uchiha clan, right?" Sasuke asked.

"Yeah... Just now it seems to have used Suzuo Nohu, and it seems to have the power of the six ways, and the nine lamas also feel it." Naruto patted his abdomen and said.

"Where are you holy?" Sasuke asked, but he didn't have any malice.

Shigure smiled and said, "I used to belong to the Uchiha clan. My purpose here is to help you defeat the Otsuki trio."

"Oh, as long as it's a matter of big tube wood."

"The matter is complicated." Raiking Tuying said separately.

"You have to be mentally prepared," Sasuke said.

"The sacred tree that will **** Chakra from people, and he must not be reborn. Datongmu must be defeated." Gaara looked at Naruto and said.

"The guy called the golden style can make chakras into weapons, and can attack extremely fast, and the other is called the peach style, not only can absorb the opponent's moves with the reincarnation eye of the palm, but can also increase and fight back. In other words, if you directly use ninjutsu on Momoji, the tricks will hit you back." Sasuke explained.

"Yes, it's troublesome." Tuying groaned.

"It looks like I have to cheer up this time," Lei Ying said.

"The enemy has escaped. How do we catch them?" Naruto asked.

"The scroll recorded their positions, and I have read them with the reincarnation eye." Sasuke looked at Shigure and said, "You should be able to open the space path, too?"

"Yes, I also have reincarnation eyes." Shi Yu said.

"Yeah." Sasuke hummed, looked at Naruto and Bo Ren and said, "Let's go."

Naruto was taken aback and said, "Are you trying to take the blogger?"

"Hey! Don't be kidding."

"It's too dangerous."

"It would be better for him to stay and see his house."

All the movies persuaded, Naruto was naturally unwilling to let Bo Ren take the risk.

"I'm not kidding, the blogger is your son of Naruto, my apprentice, it makes sense to take him there." Sasuke looked at the audience.

Shigure looked in his eyes and touched his head and said, "If you are dragging along, maybe those two guys will escape."

"Let's go! Boren! When all of us fell, it was when you made up!" Sasuke didn't say more afterwards, and Naruto seemed to understand what Sasuke meant.

Everyone walked to the roof, and Sasuke faced the empty place and used his own reincarnation to create a space similar to Hiraizaka.

Immediately afterwards, everyone entered the space pathway one after another.

Shi Yu naturally walked in too.

After entering the space passage, they saw the big barrel peach-style and golden-style figures, and their reactions were also quite keen.

"Someone can enter this space!"

"Golden style, prepare to meet the enemy!" Taoshi reminded.

"Let's go together!" Gokage, Mingzuo, Shigure, and Bo Ren flew down from the air. Gaara launched an attack first. The sand quickly restrained the Tao and Jin styles, followed by Raikage and Water Shadow. He picked up his own big knife and chopped it down.

"These people! Is it the reincarnation eye of that black cloak?" Momoshiki was also surprised.

"Don't think you can escape from our palms!" Five Shadows was fierce.

"Eighty God Air Strike!" Shigure used the supernatural physique without saying a word, suppressing the two of Datongmu in an instant.

"Nine Lama!" Naruto folded his hands together and shouted, then his whole body was covered with golden yellow, and his eyes turned into a cross shape. Naruto has turned into a fairy fox mode.

"Suzano!" Sasuke directly used the Suzano prestige, covering Naruto's body, and then began to crush the two with absolute advantage.

"And us!" Gaara, Darui, Heito, and Changjuro also took advantage of this opportunity to continue to output, causing a lot of damage to Otsuki.

"Puff!" The gold-style red light weapon was directly broken into pieces, and he was seriously injured and flew to the side.

"Melting Escape·Greystone Sealing Technique!" Tu Ying spit out lime to completely seal off the gold style.

At the other end, Naruto Sasuke and Bo Ren Shigure played against Tao Shi.

"You don't need ninjutsu, just rely on physique to win." The four people surrounded Tao Shi, and Tao Shi also felt that things were tricky.

"Let you witness what our clan did." Datongmu Taoshi opened his hand and aimed at the Jinshi. Then, the Jinshi flew directly to Taoshi.

"Come on! Master Peach! It seems that the time for you to swallow my Chakra has arrived! Just like my father gave me power! Come on! Don't hesitate!" Jin Shi just rushed towards Peach.

"That's natural!" Tao Shi opened his palm without any hesitation, and ate the Golden Shi which had become a fruit.

"Damn it!" Sasuke rushed forward, and then slashed towards Momoji.

"It's too late," Momoshiki said.

Immediately after the surrounding smoke was everywhere, after it dissipated, the big barrel peach style had changed, the hair became longer, and there were two more horns on the head.

Immediately after Tao Shi yelled, it seemed that she had released a technique similar to Shenluo Tianzheng, and a strong wind suddenly blew around.

"Whoo!" Tao Shi rushed to Raikage with a very fast speed.

"So fast!" Lei Ying was shocked and kicked by Tao Shi.

Gaara controlled the sand and tried to grab Tao Shi, but Tao Shi used her hair to bind Gaara first. After breaking free of Gaara’s sand, an elbow hit Gaara’s abdomen. Gaara fell from the sky right now.

"Your Excellency Fengying!" Shuiying Changjuro yelled, but he didn't think Tao Shiki had rushed out from behind, and was knocked into the air with just one blow.

"Rock fist!" Hei Tu turned his fist into a rock, and then he punched it out, but was easily blocked by the big barrel peach-style, and then grabbed it with a claw, and Tu Ying immediately avoided, unexpectedly changing the peach-style to a swing. , A horizontal swipe knocked Tu Ying fainted.

Tao Shi actually defeated Si Ying easily.