Mysterious Noble Beasts

Chapter 294: : Great changes unseen in 0 years


This island has the title of Root of the World.

is the incarnation of the will of the planet, the tree of the world, and the habitat of its guardians.

In the center of Inatella, on a towering giant tree up to the sky, countless small bodies, cylindrical green bugs split out from it.

Their shape is very similar to the single-celled protozoan Paramecium, but each one is clearly visible to the naked eye. After these green tree worms split up, they quickly move in all directions.

Their destinations seem to be all over the world.

Kamikaze, the largest country in science and technology, the country of snowfields that has been in the snow all the year round, the country of glory that believes in the power of light, the ancient kingdom of dying spirits, the seven islands of the country of ten thousand islands...

and the country of the garden dominated by the half-human and half-elf elf queen, you can see this green tree worm.

There is also the ancient country of Donghuang.

In a garden at the headquarters of the Donghuang Association, a young man put down his teacup. He looked at the leaving tree worm, and then at the endless blue sky.

"Will this be a sign of some kind of disaster?" He exuded an aura that did not match his apparent age, and his eyes gradually reflected a giant tree through the sky.


The four sea areas in the southeast, northwest, East China Sea and Dragon Palace.

Legend of Bahai looked at the 12 youths in front of him and nodded.

This trip to the Dragon Palace is also a perfect ending.

"Prime Minister Tortoise, don\'t send it off."

Immediately, Legend of Bahai looked at Prime Minister tortoise who was holding a banner next to him.

"It doesn\'t matter, it doesn\'t matter, I wish you all a good journey." Prime Minister Turtle shook his banner.

It mainly looked at Shiyu and said with a smile: "Master Shiyu, come to play again next time."

"Yes, I will." Shiyu smiled, and that day will not be far away.

After all, he is now the Minister of Environmental Protection of Dragon Palace.

Although the Ministry of Environmental Protection is only in the initial stage of establishment and the department\'s operation has not yet entered the right track, it must be properly utilized in the future.

In addition, the secret realm of the Dragon Palace with the statue of the dragon **** and the remains of the sea is also closely related to the growth of insects and Susu.

The Legend of Bahai said to Shi Yu and the others: "All are ready, if you are ready, let\'s go."

Shiyu, Yu Shu and others nodded, and then, a huge blue giant with thick white hair all over his body was summoned by the Legend of Overlord.

I was unfamiliar the first time, but I became proficient the second time.

Was swallowed by the giant kun this time, Shi Yu and the others didn\'t feel any discomfort, and soon returned to the world of water elements.

In the world of water elements, there is still a huge water curtain, allowing everyone to share the perspective of the giant kun and see the outside world.

But this time, just after leaving the Dragon Palace, Shi Yu and others discovered a strange phenomenon.

"what is that."

Not long after leaving Dragon Palace, Yu Shu pointed to the big green fish swimming slowly on the water curtain, showing a dazed expression.

This big green fish looks very strange, at least in my impression, I don’t know this kind of sea beast.

Not only him, but other people also cast curious expressions, and then they shook their heads, not knowing them.

"There are more creatures on the bottom of the sea than on land, so it\'s not surprising if you don\'t know it." Shi Yu found that there was no information about this guy in the illustrated book.

"It looks very nutritious, green food." This time, there was no room for the ice dragon, and the gem cat was also swallowing the space. It looked at the green fish road that had just swam past.

Everyone grinned, that thing, obviously looks like a contaminated mutant fish species.

Many young people present didn\'t recognize this green fish, but they had come into contact with some hidden legends of Overlord Sea. After they also came to the inner space of the giant Kun, they got feedback from the giant Kun and fell into thinking.


Binhai Dojo.

When they left Donghuang, everyone left from here. When they returned, they naturally returned here. In a huge pool in a certain room in the dojo, a deep-sea vortex sent Shi Yu and the others out.

"Teacher, you are back!"

When Shiyu and the others were still adapting, Zheng Hai, the disciple of the Legend of Overlord and the head of the dojo, quickly came to greet them.

He looked at the teacher who was still expressionless, and Shi Woo and others whose mental outlook had changed drastically, he knew that this trip to the Dragon Palace City would definitely be a good harvest.

"Hmm." Legendary Bahai nodded, and then said, "You can entertain them."

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the room step by step. At the same time, Zheng Hai looked at Zou Tianwang and the others cheerfully.

"It\'s been long enough."

"Are there any big gains."

"By the way, you have contracted to pet the beast, tell me about it."

"Overlord dragon species, black dragonfly." Zou Yun said with a smile.

"Fuck." Zheng Hai was startled, and it really made your kid contract.

A new member of the overlord race **** favorite, Zou Tianwang is afraid that it will not be on the hot search again.

This time King Zou Tian is the only one who has contracted to the cub of the overlord race, so he is quite proud.

As for the others, although they have contracted to their favorite beasts, they are basically high-ranking kings or quasi-dominant races, and they are not so lucky.

Generally speaking, the overlord race still does not easily follow people. Only Zou Yun and Lu Qingyi, who are super geniuses, can be recognized by the overlord.

After all, the probability of the overlord race growing to the overlord level is very, very high. On the contrary, if human beings do not have the potential to grow to the legendary level, why should my overlord race follow you? Everyone is not in an equal position.

"Gu Hailong."

"Dragon Ao Fighting Shrimp."

"Longan jellyfish."

Then, under Zheng Hai\'s questioning, other people also talked about what pet beasts they had contracted.

After asking Shi Woo\'s side, Shi Woo couldn\'t help Zheng Hai.

"Water Slime."

Zheng Hai:?

He looked at Shi Woo, the most talented of several people, with a bewildered look. You are a super genius who has studied the evolution of iron-eaters and the evolution of the Sponge worm overlord race. Just contract for such a thing?

Even if the overlord race doesn\'t get the approval, he still has to contract a quasi-overlord dragon clan, is it fair to say slime?

"Although it is a slime, it is still quite strong, it is a mutant."

Before Shiyu finished speaking, Zou Tianwang, Yu Shu and others stopped hurriedly.

"Master Zheng, don\'t listen to him at Versailles. That thing can\'t be called a water slime. Have you ever seen a water slime that can kill the white blue dragon, the third prince of the Dragon Palace city, and the flood shark of the overlord race!!"

Zheng Hai:? ? ?

Wait, wait?


Binhai Dojo, a private room.

Back to the ground, Legend of Bahai sorted out his harvest in Dragon Palace, and then took out the communication tool.

Dragon Palace has no signal, so the communication tool has just been taken out here, Legend of Bahai has seen multiple messages from President Feng and President Ye.

They are concerned about Shiyu\'s situation, and let Legend of Bahai come back to let them know.

Originally, Legend of Overlord Sea was going to report directly to Chairman Dong Huang about the situation in Dragon Palace. However, seeing Shi Yu\'s two referees, especially when Shi Yu is an orphan, Principal Feng can be regarded as Shi Yu\'s half elder. Now, Legend of Overlord chose to explain the situation to them first.

Gu He opened the group call and directly called Principal Qi Feng and Chairman Ye at the same time. After a while, the two connected.

A light curtain popped up on the communication device of Legend of the Sea, a three-dimensional holographic projection, directly projecting a half-length figure of President Feng and President Ye in midair.

"Legend of Bahai, are you back? Is it going well?"

After being called by Legend of Overlord Sea, Principal Feng and Chairman Ye were taken aback.

"It\'s going well. You have sent me so many messages. Is there anything wrong?" Bahai Legend asked.

Principal Feng and Chairman Ye looked at each other’s projections, then smiled, and said, “Now that you have calmed down, it’s not a big deal. We have also sent a lot of messages to Shiyu, mainly to inquire about your stay in Dragon Palace. Case."

"Shiyu, did he contract an incredible existence?" the two of them tentatively asked.

The Legend of the Overlord Sea was startled: "How do you know..."

"Sure enough! What the **** is it." Upon hearing the words of Legend of the Sea, Headmaster Feng and Chairman Ye gave a serious expression. Fuck, Owl\'s prediction was really hit.

"Just to tell you." Legend Bahai said.

"Is it totem reincarnation!" Principal Feng and Chairman Ye asked.

Owl’s prophecy, Shi Yu contracted a totem. In the eyes of Principal Feng and Chairman Ye, it was impossible. After all, Shi Yu was only a master, and this level was not enough to support his contract totem.

However, thinking of the Chongxuan at the relics of Emperor Wu, and thinking that Chongxuan was reincarnated, then other totems can also be reincarnated. After analysis, they determined at that time that Shi Yu was definitely a contracted reincarnation of a certain totem.

This is super big news.

However, in fact, they calmed down very quickly, thinking that Shiyu’s iron-eaters, fantasy butterflies, ginseng babies, and sword spirits are all superpower overlord races, and they are relieved, even if the totem reincarnated, they still didn’t. It will surpass the overlord race, and even the race may not be as high as the pet beasts. It has been shocked so many times, and there is no need to continue to make a fuss. After all, it is not a totem of prosperity, and it still takes time to grow.

"Yes." Legendary Ba Hai nodded, causing Principal Feng and Chairman Ye to cry.

"It\'s really the totem reincarnation of Dragon Palace."

Shi Woo, this kid, sure enough, can surprise them again and again.

Wiping, it\'s too ridiculous, even if it is a totem heir, they will feel better, and the totem reincarnation is contracted, is it fair to say.

"Wait, this totem may be different from the totem you imagined." The legendary Bahai said: "It is not a certain totem of Dragon Palace, nor is it the former totem of Dragon Palace."


"You know the patron saint of the sea, the sea elves, the demigod-level ocean element elves born out of the belief in marine creatures that once destroyed the Western Abyss Sea. To be precise, it shouldn\'t belong to Dragon Palace."

"Shi Woo successfully communicated with the relics of the sea in Dragon Palace City, and found the reincarnation of the sea elves that had not appeared again in 3000 years, and successfully contracted it."

Principal Feng and Chairman Ye gave a stunned expression, but didn\'t react for a while.

"In addition, through the relationship between the sea elves, he united the four dragon kings of Dragon Palace to establish the Ministry of Marine Environmental Protection. He served as the minister and made 52 marine overlords and invited them to become core members of the Ministry of Environmental Protection. In addition, there are thousands of powerful kings and leaders who were invited to join him. Many of them are heirs. Well, the second and third princes of Dragon Palace have all become ordinary members of the Ministry of Environmental Protection."

"In the past few days, the Dragon Kings and the overlords of Dragon Palace and I have initially established the further cooperation between Donghuang and Dragon Palace around this Ministry of Environmental Protection."

"In short, because of these things, it took a little time, and then some may be busy." Legend of the Sea looked at the two.

At this time, Principal Feng and Chairman Ye\'s mouths were already wide open, their eyes were almost glaring, and they looked at Legend of Tyrant Sea in disbelief.

"Fuck." They shouted in shock.

The brain is a paste.

Suspect that the Legend of Overlord is bullshitting.


The patron saint of the sea, who has not reappeared in 3000 years, has been contracted by Shi Woo?

Shi Woo cracked the ruins of the sea?

Thanks to this relationship, PY has almost become the boss of many ocean overlords?

Wait, wait, it\'s a bit messy! !

Are you sure this is not a novel?

"Oh, there are a few more things. When the Dragon God of Dragon Palace City met Shiyu, he seemed to have reached some agreement with Shiyu. I don\'t know what exactly it is." Legendary Bahai said: "Besides, there is also A mutated poisonous dragon totem affected by taboo radiation invaded the waters of the Dragon Palace city and was sealed by the dragon kings. Its power fluctuations are suspected to originate from the meteorite, and this poisonous dragon totem is said to be coming from the direction of the seven islands. You are not here. Are you looking for Meteor? Maybe you can find something to explore in that direction."


Right now, Principal Feng and Chairman Ye are completely numb.

Dragon God?


Totem of Poison Dragon?

Is this Dragon Palace Banquet so exciting?

"I\'m slowly..."

"Damn, the shocking news recently... a bit too much." President Ye\'s expression was messy.

"How come there is always a feeling that the mountains and rain are coming and the wind is all over the building."

"What happened recently?" Bahai Legend asked.

Principal Feng and Chairman Ye looked at each other in astonishment before they recovered.

Immediately, Principal Feng sighed.

"That\'s too much."

"The chairman has recently issued a notice to the thirteen bureaus. If you take a closer look, you should have received the news."

"The World Tree has woken up, and soon, about a year later, it will start a new World Championship."

The Legend of Bahai looked startled.

World Championship?

He took a deep breath, very surprised.

The    World Tournament is a huge competition for young beast masters under 30 years old by the World Tree uniting the seven countries.

The champion of the World Championship will be awarded the title of "World Legend" and the blessing of the World Tree, and will almost certainly become a legendary beastmaster.

However, the difficulty of this competition is also very scary. The title of World Legend requires that it be the strongest legend under the age of 30 in the contemporary era. Only the legendary beast master under the age of 30 can be qualified to compete for the championship. To the legendary level, it is basically equivalent to the cannon fodder of the World Championship.

Dong Huang\'s last beast master Lin Feng, who was awarded the title of "World Legend", was awarded this title by the legendary Tianjiao under the age of 30 who successively defeated the other six nations.

"Now the entire Donghuang, the legendary beastmaster under 30, can you find five." The legend of Bahai was lost in thought.

"Regardless of whether it is possible or not, it is related to the blessing of the World Tree, and it must be fully prepared. There should be a period of time. Geniuses like Lu Qingyi and Zou Yun who have not grown up should receive key support in the future."

"It\'s a pity that Shiyu, this kid, may not be able to catch up." Principal Feng thought of Shiyu who had contracted five powerful overlord races. Shiyu\'s potential was not inferior to those in Donghuang who became legendary super geniuses under the age of 30, and even surpassed them. , But the date of the World Tournament is so uncertain. It will start in a year. Although Shiyu\'s growth rate is already fast, the hope of becoming a legendary beastmaster in a year is almost zero.

Otherwise, this will almost certainly become an opportunity for legend. No matter what profession the beast master is, whether it is archeology or breeding, it is very worthy of competition. This competition is related to the national luck.

Dong Huang has not shown signs of the next Legendary Beastmaster so far, so this World Tournament is very important for Dong Huang, or for every country.

"This is indeed a major event." Legend of Bahai fell into contemplation again.

Principal Feng smiled bitterly and said: "If this is the case, perhaps President Ye would not be so worried. It is said that the rules of this World Championship, UU reading may be a little different from the previous ones."


"The messenger of the world\'s initial tree is said to have not only notified the Alliance of Seven Nations, but also went to many totem countries. If there is no wrong judgment, this world competition may evolve into a world war for the blessing of the world tree. It is divided into Many camps, maybe those human beast masters from the Totem Nation can also participate. If so, it would be too chaotic. Indeed, the World Tree has never been just the patron saint of the Alliance of Seven Nations."

The words of Principal Feng fell, and the legend of Overlord immediately changed. In history, the competition between the seven countries in the World Tournament was fierce enough. If you join the totem forces, every battle, regardless of birth and death, I am afraid that it will not be over. Just by listening, he could already imagine a tragic world battle scene.

"What do you mean by the chairman." Bahai Legend asked.

"Sequence battles are held in China. Ten young beast masters under the age of 30 will be selected to participate in the world competition. The beast masters are free to register. This news will not be unexpected and will be announced in the near future. At that time, the national competition will be good. Regardless of the King of Kings Tournament, all domestic competitions will become the foil for this competition. It is said that in order to respond to and promote the World Tournament, the rules of this national competition will also have some changes."

"It\'s true that the mountains and rain are coming and the wind is all over the building...even a major change that hasn\'t been seen in a century." The legend of the sea is solemn, the world tree is the incarnation of the planet\'s will, and it is said that only the blue star will wake up when threatened, and can be The stars are regarded as threats, and the demigods are not worthy, and the sea spirit is the patron saint of the sea. It is also chosen to follow humans at this time. Although the level of the sea spirit is far from the world tree, these things When bumping into each other, it is indeed easy for people to feel like a big event is coming.
