Mysterious Noble Beasts

Chapter 293: : Return to Donghuang

Dragon Palace Castle.

An island floating in the depths of the secret realm of Dragon Palace, Dragon God Island.

Following the thought of the Dragon God, a gust of wind engulfed Shiyu, Chong Chong, Ice Dragon, and Sea Dragon King.

When they reacted again, they had already appeared on a wide ground.

is a huge rock site like a mountain.

When the Dragon God decided to let the insects visualize the image of the Dragon God\'s will, she sent Shiyu and the others over with a single thought.


"Wow." After being teleported over, the ice dragon was taken aback.

Is this the dragon **** ruins?

On the island, an endless stretch of mountains stretches like a dragon\'s spine, permeating this vast land. In every mountain, under the white mist, there are magical statues, one after another, lifelike dragons. Only by appearance, it exudes the domineering power that evokes the past, as if it is an ancient **** sleeping in the ruins, waiting to be awakened at any time.

Looking at the stone statues and dead objects, they are more like strong men than the overlord class like cats.

After Shiyu and Chong Chong arrived, they looked at Dragon God Rock one after another and swallowed.

"Senior Dragon God, is this the image of the will of the dragon gods in the past." Shi Yu asked.


The insect\'s eyes are shining.

"To be precise, it is the image of the will of the dragon gods who are willing to leave traces of their own existence in the past." Dragon God said: "These stone statues are all former dragon gods. In order to let the descendants of the dragon family who come to the dragon **** ruins in the future, look. It was only when I was in my own heroic posture that I deliberately stayed."

"When the dragons perceive and look at the stone statues with all their strength, they can have hallucinations and see their once mighty power..."

"After all, it\'s just a bunch of guys who show excess desire."

"Although it is not a dragon, but it can temporarily transform itself into a dragon through that skill, there should be no problem in visualization"

"..." The Sea Dragon King was taken aback when he heard the current Dragon God comment on the old dragon **** who left the image of the will, but it seems that this is true.

There are no regulations that force the Dragon God to leave a statue of will in the Dragon God Ruins. Like the current Dragon God, there is no stone statue of his own.

However, these images of will are so handsome.

Sea Dragon King sighed.

It was the first time he came to the Dragon God Ruins, and he saw it almost one by one, and his knowledge rose greatly.

In its opinion, there are hundreds of stone statues here, and the dragon **** represented by each stone statue is stronger than the black dragon of his master.

When thinking of this, the Sea Dragon King gritted his teeth, it is obviously not much worse than the black dragon.

As a result, it turned out to be because it was not a female... and the Butterfly of Divine Feather, also because it was not a female, and was not contracted.

When I think that the nine pet beasts of Lin Feng Contract are all mothers, the Sea Dragon King feels bitterly hated, why is he not a daughter?

"Senior Dragon God, why is there a broken Dragon God statue there."

During    Shiyu\'s observation room, he suddenly found a blind spot and saw a smashed statue of the dragon god\'s will.

"That." The Dragon God looked over and said, "That is the statue of the previous Dragon God. I don\'t like it very much, so I just smashed it."

Shiyu, Chong Chong, Ice Dragon: "..."

"Next, the Dragon God Ruins will be open to you. You can come here anytime if you need them, but it\'s a pity that it is not a totem. You can\'t enter the interior of the ruins space, otherwise you can gain more, forget it."

Dragon Shendao: "Senior Ice Dragon is a totem level who can enter the interior of the ruins and accept the trial of the ruins."

"As for you and this butterfly, just visualize these images of the dragon god’s will from the outside. However, although they are just dead objects, they are left behind by the dragon gods of the past. Its strength is still too weak. During the visualization process , It may have a great load on the body and mind, so be psychologically prepared. Of course, if you can visualize it smoothly, it should have a good effect on its will training."



When I heard that there are side effects when visualizing the image of the dragon god\'s will, the side effects can also temper the will, and the insects suddenly brightened their eyes.

Is there such a good thing?

can not only exercise the fantasy dragon skills, but also exercise the will of the overlord. This wave is a win-win!

"Yes, I will let it pay attention." Shi Yu replied.

at the same time.

Ice Longyan asked bafflingly: "Lord Dragon God, can I just go straight to the trial of Dragon God Ruins."

"Didn’t the Sea Dragon King previously said that there is still any joining ceremony that needs to be carried out. Under the witness of you and many dragon kings, it is considered to be joining in the ruins by swearing an oath."

Dragon Shinto: "Forget the formalism, just go in, and then let the sea dragon king inform the dragon kings and let them know."

"Ah this." The ice dragon didn\'t expect it to be so simple.

"Okay." Seeing that the Dragon God was so casual, the Sea Dragon King nodded silently for a while. Speaking of it, the last time he joined Dragon Palace City, it seemed that the Dragon God had only sent a clone to deal with it. Anyway, it felt that it didn\'t look like the real body.

"That\'s all I have to say." After the explanation, the Dragon God looked at the Dragon God ruins, then looked at Shi Yu, and did not continue to say anything. After two steps slowly, he disappeared from the crowd. before.

Upon seeing this, the Sea Dragon King looked at Shi Woo with envy.

"If you want to come to Dragon God Island and the Dragon God Remains, you have to pass through Lord Dragon God’s bedroom. Generally, there are no special circumstances. Even the Dragon Kings can’t come here at will. You are very lucky. I can come to visualize the images of the dragon gods\' will, and if they cooperate with their skills, maybe they can really gain a lot, and the dragon gods will definitely not make a mistake."

"Has anyone else been here." Shi Yu asked curiously.

"I heard that the Dragon Emperor also came thousands of years ago. Before and after, I don\'t know. Anyway, take this opportunity." Sea Dragon King\'s eyes were complicated, and he didn\'t expect Shi Yu to be favored by Dragon God.

So, in the end, it’s his son, not worthy of Shi Woo?

After all, if Shiyu only has Susu and one pet beast is good, the key is that every one is so good.

Sea Dragon King sighed.

"By the way, it\'s the thing mentioned last time, Senior Ice Dragon, after you enter the interior of the ruins, you can carefully look for the will of the mirage dragon god. In the interior of the ruins, there are also most of the dragon gods in some special levels. I have traces of my own existence."

"Ah, good." Binglong nodded, then looked at Shiyu and Chongchong.

"But if you visualize this now, you shouldn\'t rush to find clues about Dragon Ball."

"No hurry." Shi Yu replied.

"That\'s it!" Ice Dragon said, "Ah, I think I should prepare to go to the Dragon God Remains again. Now, I\'m not ready yet."

is a trial-type relic after all. Although it can have a big harvest, it is estimated that it is not simple. The ice dragon intends to stabilize it.

"Then can we start..."

At this time, Shi Yu was gearing up, wondering if visualizing the images of the will of the dragon gods in the past can bring the insects\' will level to an intermediate level.

If you can, it really makes a lot of money.

"Hmm!!!" The insect cried out expectantly. It still felt that the butterfly\'s body was too weak and needed to evolve again.

You have a lot of thoughts... Shi Woo curled his lips.


The strength of the body is not as good as Eleven, the vitality is not as good as that of the baby, and it cannot become stronger as the Possessed Beast Master like the red pupil, and the affinity for the forces of nature is not as good as the elemental life such as Susu. Insects are indeed miserable. And the dragon clan are two extremes.

Generally speaking, when insects dominate in nature, they basically revolve around the insect sea tactics and rely on numbers to win.

But that being said, Shi Yu reminded the bug.

"The proficiency is secondary, and the evolution to become a dragon is also secondary. What you have to do is to temper your will. As long as your will is strong enough, the race can ignore it. Even if you are still a worm, you can slay the dragon."

"In short, although these dragon gods are strong, you don\'t have to pursue imitating their power too much. Just visualize their power and try to get out of your own way. A strong will is the foundation."

As long as there is the will of the overlord... the super-level skills are full, and the worm can also become a demigod.

Or, myth.

When the time comes, a single thread can kill everything in seconds.

"In short, give me the idea that I can defeat the Dragon God even if I am a green cotton worm." Shi Woo said telepathically.

"Hmm!!" The bug was said to be ablaze. It sounds good, but is it scientific?

Forget it, Shi Woo is not scientific at first, so I must be right to hear Shi Woo.


Three days later.

Because of waiting for Shiyu, after the Dragon Palace banquet, the Legend of Overlord and the others have not left Dragon Palace.

This also gave Yin Zhengfan and others more time to find their favorite beasts.

At this stage, except Baixi, all the young people who came to Dragon Palace this time have contracted to their favorite beasts.

Beast Ear Niang-senpai was not out of chance, but at this time, she was still thinking of Iron Eater.

The main reason is that she has a pet beast of the water system. Compared with another one, Baixi still likes the Jiuli war beast and wants to be a panda mother.

"What the **** did Shi Woo do."

After almost everyone had contracted to pet the beast, Yu Shu and others began to do nothing in Tianqingdao, wondering what Shi Yu was dragged by the Dragon God to do.

When they thought that Shiyu could not only be favored by the Ice Dragon, but also by the Dragon God now, they felt envy and jealousy.

Sky Qingdao.

Several people who have nothing to do, often fight in pairs.

For example, Yu Shu got on the bar with Yin Zhengfan, and had several fights in a row in the past two days.

conquered the new dragon pet and awakened Yu Shu, who had super-level skills, greatly increasing his combat power.

Naturally, I want to re-challenge this genius young man who had never been beaten in the professional assessment.

As for Shi Woo, he completely gave up chasing after him.

"Yeah, just hit it."


On the field, Yu Shu’s ancient seahorse and Yin Zhengfan’s desert monarch were colliding with each other. At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared nearby by Shi Yu and the bug on his shoulder were fighting towards each other. Yu Shu and Yin Zhengfan in the middle looked.

"Shi Woo?"


Seeing Shi Yu disappeared for three days and suddenly appeared, Yu Shu and Yin Zhengfan were taken aback, and Yu Shu almost subconsciously said, "Why did you get called by the Dragon God to go."

Shiyu scratched his cheek, can I tell you casually.

"The Dragon God saw that I was bullying the young generation of Dragon Palace too hard, so he called me over and beat me up."

"Huh!!!" The insect cried, and the dragon gods of all generations beat it again.


Yu Shu and Yin Zhengfan were taken aback when they heard Shi Yu say this.

Believe you a ghost!

They looked at Shi Woo’s smile and got beaten up. Can they smile so brilliantly? ? ?

"Hey, I\'m back!"

Not long after Shiyu returned to Tianqingdao, the Jewel Cat also ran from inside after a moment of movement.

It doesn\'t have much doubts, what Shiyu is doing these days, it and the legend of the sea have already known through the ice dragon.

"How\'s it going." Jewel Cat asked about Shi Woo\'s situation.

"It\'s more difficult to visualize... than we thought. It may have to be digested for a while before we can continue. We plan to prepare for the national competition first." Shi Yu scratched his head and smiled.

"Well, that\'s okay, let\'s go back." Jewel Cat nodded, and indeed he had been in Dragon Palace for a long time, and he was tired of eating fish and vomiting.

However, it’s a pity to walk now. The good sister of Ice Dragon is too slow. Jewel Cat still wants to wait for it to see if the Ice Dragon can get some legendary gems from the Dragon God Ruins. As a result, the Ice Dragon guy, After a long time, I didn’t dare to enter the Dragon God Ruins. Where is the chance of its breakthrough——