Mysterious Noble Beasts

Chapter 284: :0 Stone of Change

[Successful swallowing. 】

[Digesting, analyzing, transforming...]

[Successful evolution. 】

[This substance has been transformed, and the race skill ‘Pray for Rain’ has been awakened. 】

[Successful swallowing. 】

[Digesting, analyzing, transforming...]

[Successful evolution. 】

[The life level has been upgraded, and the awakening race skill ‘steam explosion’. 】

"Ah this."

After a while, Shiyu\'s shocked voice came from Shiyu\'s residence and the ruins space.

Shi Yu looked at the recovered water slime and rubbed it vigorously, his expression unbelievable.


Susu tried to struggle.

Shi Yu said: "How to say it, I always feel a little bit at a loss, why are they just two high-level skills?"

"This is... a bet on a car overturned?"

[Name]: Praying for Rain

[Introduction]: High-level water system skills, you can call rain clouds through prayers, and rain rainstorms.

【Name】: Steam explosion

[Introduction]: High-level water system skills, converting water into high-temperature steam and then compressing and detonating.

They are all high-level water skills.

Although the former is the most cost-effective weather technique, and the latter is a powerful water-based attack technique, it cannot change the fact that they are high-level skills.

After Susu was asleep and digested for a day, he awakened two high-level racial skills, which Shi Yu did not expect.

You know, what it swallows is the last crystallization left behind after a suspicious totem-class mermaid sacrificed himself.

Shi Yu originally thought, what "super-level skills·Cry of Heaven", "super-level skills·Sky Sea", and "super-level skills: Holy Spirit Summon·Mermaid" would be...

As a result, there were two high-level skills that could be copied and taught easily, and Shi Yu cried.

Moreover, these skills can also be replaced by the upper level of the water element.


Susu looked at Shi Woo with watery eyes.

Is it good to pray for rain?

Is steam explosion bad?

It feels that after waking up this time, it has become much stronger.

"It\'s not bad, hey, I understand."

After a while, Shi Yu discovered the problem.

As we all know, race level is jointly determined by multiple aspects such as "vitality", "energy value", "physical fitness", "racial talent", "racial skills", "attributes" and so on.

Some pets have only one super-level skill, but because of their physical fitness, they can be called a quasi-dominant race.

Some pet beasts only have two super-level skills, but because of other attributes, it is possible to reach a high-level overlord race.

Shi Yu took a closer look at Susu again, and found that after it completed the swallowing evolution this time, the most important aspect of improvement was not "race skills."

But other aspects...

First of all, Susu\'s energy value is a bit higher, reaching a little over fifty thousand, and he is definitely the best among the king race. You know, its racial skill proficiency has not been improved at all.

Secondly, Susu\'s vitality seems to have also improved. The most direct manifestation of this quality is that it can increase the life span of the pet and the speed of recovery from injuries.

In addition, the elementalization of Susu\'s talent skills seems to be better.

"Look at elementalization." Shi Yu said.

"It becomes gaseous water."


Under Shi Yu\'s gaze, Susu instantly transformed into a mass of almost invisible gas, which was transformed into gaseous water, as quickly as it was transformed into liquid water. It seemed that this was the key to awakening the "steam explosion".

Now, Susu\'s panel should look like this.

[Name]: Mutant Water Slime

[Race level]: High King

"So it looks pretty good."

Shi Yu nodded, balanced development is the most important thing, this wave is not a loss!

If Su Su has a bunch of super-level skills, and the result is that his body is fragile like a bug, and he lacks blue and ischemia like a bug, Shi Yu will also have a headache. Now it\'s fine!

The reason why people’s dragons are strong is because of their tyrannical body. Even without skills, they can rely on physical attacks of the body alone. They are comparable to super-level power, hammering out a lot of powerful enemies. In addition, the dragon’s body has a first-class resistance to the elements. One is strong.

Now, Infinite Devouring can not only increase the number of race skills, but also strengthen Susu\'s shortcomings in other aspects, which is perfect.


"Come again, I\'ll give you another meal."

"Try to awaken an ultra-level skill this time."

After a while, Susu, who had just awakened, was fed a turtle shell and a bunch of general materials for teaching absolute sleep by Shiyu, and fell asleep again in a daze.

Shi Woo didn\'t know what skills Susu could awaken this time, but hoped that Infinite Swallow could transform absolute sleep into Susu\'s racial skills by teaching the general materials of Absolute Sleep.

At that time, the combination of absolute sleep and infinite swallowing of technological advancement should be able to swallow more advanced resources at the fastest speed.


After checking Su Su\'s changes, Shi Yu came out of the ruins space with sleepy eyes, and then went for a walk on a daily basis.

In the past two days, I have been studying that rare fossil, and it has been exhausting for him and the insects.

As a result, nothing has been studied.

Dreaming mythical creature fossils, and dreaming ordinary ancient creature fossils, seem to be no difficulty at all.

Dragon Palace has collected this stuff for hundreds of millions of years, and a bunch of Dragon Kings and Dragon Gods haven\'t researched anything, and Shi Yu doesn\'t know if he will be lucky.

However, unlike Dragon Palace, he actually has certain research advantages. Valley

Because of modern times, mankind has developed a special pirate dream system of meditation + pirate dreams.

This is a special dreaming ability that is exclusive to the human beastmaster.

Only the beast master can use it with the pet beast that steals dreams.

Created by the Emperor of Time, and then carried forward abroad, foreign countries even derived the special profession of Pirate...

"One of the prerequisites for dreaming Fossil is that the proficiency of the dream skill has reached a higher level. It is certainly not because of the proficiency, but the strength factor of growth level will also affect the performance of the skill. "

"Besides, the second condition is that the beastmaster uses the special meditation ideas created by Shidi, and the level of the beastmaster determines the effect of meditation."

"So, if mythical fossils can also dream, but the reason for not succeeding, maybe it is the state of me and the insects."



Shi Yu walked irritably on the street, trying to talk to Senior Sister Bai about petting the beast, but Xia Qingwei could not do it, or the blue-haired girl, who is always suffocated when studying alone, but walking on, Shi Yu\'s gaze was still attracted by the man.

It was the mechanical man from Xingdu University. He seemed to have just returned from the outer island alone at this time, riding a black mechanical steel giant eagle several meters high, majestic and majestic.

Shi Yu took a closer look.

【Name】:Machinery·Sweeping Wings

[Attribute]: mechanical, wind

[Race level]: High King

[Growth level]: King level

[Energy value]: 1.99 million

[Introduction]: Transformed from the evolution of Sky-Sweeping Wings.

It looks pretty good. As a young man, the energy value of mechanical pets is higher than that of the Dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering of Gudu University. Of course, this is also related to the type.

Dean Hao’s purple electric armor needs to be combined with the beast master to exert the strongest combat power. At that time, it will be possible to double the combat power. It is similar to Gao Xuan’s ultimate sacred dragon beast, but this mechanical man from Xingdu University , His mechanical pet is a creature transformation school, unable to fit with the beast master.

"Hi." Shi Yu greeted the sky.

Hearing that, Fan Yu, a mechanical master who graduated from Xingdu University, looked at Shiyu below and silently let the mechanical beast land.

"Shiyu?" After he descended, looking at Shiyu, he couldn\'t see through this junior. First, PY went to the Totem Frost Dragon to Dragon Palace, and then he contracted an inexplicable super strange slime, Shiyu\'s. The experience is really rich.

Unlike him, he can only take a bunch of technical reports and go everywhere to fudge the sea beasts into his research partners, which is very hard.

"Have you found a sea beast willing to accept transformation?" Shi Yu chuckled.

"No..." Fan Yu shrugged.

"Is there a goal."


"Would you like to have a chat."

"What to talk about." Fan Yu was stunned.

"It\'s okay to talk about anything. Regarding machinery, I am very interested in mechanical transformation now."

Fan Yu: Doubt.jpg

Facing Shiyu\'s approach, he always felt that Shiyu had no good intentions.

"For example, do you know Gao Xuan?" Shi Yu asked.

Fan Yu\'s expression changed and said, "You know, why do you mention him."

"Is he great?"

Fan Yu said: "Naturally, it is amazing... Among the mechanics under 30, almost no one is stronger than him... Oh, after this national competition is over, he might have a chance to be in the ancient country of Donghuang, under 30. Among the best beast masters, the strength ranks in the top ten."

"Do you mean relying on the mechanical rewards of the national competition?" Shi Yu asked.

"Do you also know?" Fan Yu was taken aback. He also got the gossip that he had a member of the fourth game in his family.

"That\'s right, the national competition is about to be held in one month, and now the reward news should have been revealed." Fan Yu nodded.

"What is it?" Shi Yu asked.

"??, do you know that."

Shi Yu laughed and said, "I know it\'s a mechanical material, but I don\'t know the specific type yet. I heard it\'s wind or ice?"

He also heard what Headmaster Feng said last time. After listening, he didn\'t pay much attention.

"Okay... The main reward is actually the Variety Stone of the Wind Element..."

Wind system!

Principal Feng they guessed right.

[Name]: Variation Stone (Wind)

[Level]: Level 8

[Introduction]: The ever-changing stone, with memory function, top mechanical materials, easy to awaken, easy to combine, easy to transform.

As soon as Fan Yu\'s words fell, Shi Yu quickly investigated the information of the Everlasting Stone through the illustrated book. UU reading

Then, the illustrated book popped up a bunch of reference materials and a bunch of reference videos for him.

Shi Yu clicked on a combat video.

In the video in front of me, what caught my eye was a woman with short black hair wearing a mecha combat suit.

Then, she began to summon the pet beast, and a cube prop appeared in her hand that looked like a "rubbing cube". As she threw it, the black cube immediately split into smaller black squares in the sky, and combined them in the sky.

In the blink of an eye, countless black cubes were combined into a super humanoid body full of black rock texture and huge rock wings.

【Alternate Stone (Dark), the main material that constitutes the overlord-level body·Black Wing Demon God. 】

[Driver: Xiao Shuang. 】

Turning off the video, Shi Yu opened some other videos, and found that this everlasting stone is indeed the top mechanical material.

With this as the main material, it seems that multiple mechanical forms can be transformed at the least cost, allowing the mechanical pet beast to switch freely between various mechanical forms, which greatly reduces the difficulty of the transformation of the mechanic. It was still huge just now. The mechanics of the mecha can be transformed into a battleship, a heavy truck, and a sniper cannon with the idea of ​​a mechanic in a flash!

"Hey." At this moment, Fan Yu saw Shiyu suddenly distracted, and couldn\'t help shouting.

"What are you thinking about."

"Do you know what an avalanche stone is?" he asked.

Shi Yu reacted and looked at him and said: "I know, and I want to have a billion points..."

I feel that if one day the Feng Qilin Phantom is researched out, it will go well with it... Even if the Eudemons can’t be researched out, just throw a white Rubik’s Cube and it will turn into a battleship or Gundam. Take possession of it, as long as he has a Gundam, this is a man\'s romance.

Fan Yu:? ? ?