Mysterious Noble Beasts

Chapter 283: : Maomao broke through

Day Qingdao.

By the river.

The little white dragon flew up trembling slightly, his expression unacceptable.

It looked at the water slime on the shore in confusion, and then at the eleven, bugs, ginseng babies, red pupils, and other big men who didn\'t feel strange at all, and fell into thought.

For a while, Xiao Bailong actually began to feel that this world was unreal.

Especially seeing the silent and questioning gazes of Bai Xi, Yu Shu and others, it even wanted to cover its mouth with tears.

It\'s not right, it\'s not right, how could a slime reach the king level, the commander level, no, it\'s difficult for the transcendent level.


"How can a slime be so strong!"

"Try again, this time I will attack!"

Xiao Bailong broke through.

Not too smart.

"Because it is not an ordinary slime, it is a mutant slime..." Shi Yu explained seriously.

Don\'t explain!

Believe you a ghost!

When Yu Shu, Yin Zhengfan and others watched Shi Yu said seriously, they wanted to complain.

How on earth did you achieve the contract are some weird pet beasts, but they are so strong!

In the beginning, the iron-eater, the scorpion worm, the ginseng baby, and now the water slime, can you change some pet beasts with matching races and strengths!

"Hmm!! (You attack, you attack! At the moment, Su Su looked at the White Canglong without any fear.

Not to mention that its strength was improved by the fruit of time at this time, even when it was at the Awakening level, it did not fear the strong at all.

If it wasn\'t for the Water Purifier King to stop it when it was on the water island, it would even dare to fight the king-level sludge dragon!

There is a reason why I have not grown up after so many deaths.

"I\'ll try..." Bai Canglong still muttered to himself without believing in evil.

The main thing is that if it does not defeat Su Su, its face will be lost!

Must win!

"Roar--" In an instant, Xiao Bailong\'s momentum rose steadily, and the substantive deterrence dissipated. Under Shi Yu\'s gaze, its energy value actually began to increase through special super-level skills.

Almost instantly, Xiao Bailong\'s eyes filled with purple meaning.

Dragon Secret Art! Dragon God Possession!


Just a few seconds after Xiao Bailong faced Susu to improve his strength, suddenly, a flying saucer outside of the sky!

"Idiot!!! Stop it!!!"

Accompanied by a loud shout, a mysterious object that looked like an alien flying saucer flew from the sky, swept a strong current, and hit Xiao Bailong\'s face with a "bang".

"Uh—" Xiao Bailong\'s eyes moved. Before his face turned, his face was instantly distorted, his eyes stared out, then his eyes rolled white, the brace opened twice, and he was smashed out again, only left. After dropping the UFO and spinning in place for a while, it suddenly stopped and turned into a majestic old tortoise.

Prime Minister Turtle glanced at the little white dragon that he had shot flying, then glanced at Susu who was unharmed, and he was relieved immediately.

It looked at Susu with an innocent face and a group of Bai Xi, Yu Shu and others who were even more incomprehensible with their mouths open, and then looked at Susu with a flattering look.

"My lord, you are not injured, this bear kid doesn\'t know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, I have already taught it for you, don\'t take it to heart, hahahaha." Prime Minister tortoise rubbed his hands and said to Susu.


"It\'s even harder for me to think."

The dragon guy, the mechanical guy, the blue-haired girl, and others are all embarrassed.

Bai Xi, Yu Shu, Yin Zhengfan and others, after a moment of confusion, unexpectedly calmed down.

Can they say that they are used to this magical reality that does not follow the routines.

"It doesn\'t matter... friendly discussion... friendly discussion... Prime Minister Turtle, what\'s wrong."

Shi Yu looked at Prime Minister Turtle and the little white dragon flying far away with shame.

The status of Prime Minister Kame is higher than he thought, so he dared to fight the third prince, 666~

"Master Shiyu, I got the resources, fast enough." Prime Minister Turtle took out a large box from his fourth-dimensional tortoise shell.

"Ah this ah this." Shi Yu\'s eyes lit up, super fast.

It hasn\'t been an hour yet.

Who said the turtle is slow? This is obviously a flying saucer!

"Then let\'s go." Shiyu was about to unpack with Prime Minister Kame.

"Resources to you, Master Sea Dragon King and Master Canglong King are looking for the Third Prince, I will take it with you immediately..." Prime Minister Turtle said with due diligence.

"That\'s okay..." Shi Yu nodded, suddenly feeling that the third prince was going to be a bit dangerous.

After a while, Prime Minister Turtle flew towards the sky with the white dragon whose eyes were staring at him, leaving Yu Shu and the others silently looking at Shi Yu.

"Yeah." Shi Yu waved his hand and took the resources back into the relic space.

Then he grinned at Bai Xi and the others, and said with a smile: "It\'s too troublesome to explain, Senior Sister Bai, I have something to do, you play first."

After that, under Shi Yu\'s farewell, the insects moved in an instant, sending them back to the house immediately.

"Teacher Ying..." Bai Xi looked at Jewel Cat, wanting to get some explanation from here.

The Jewel Cat passed by them gracefully, feeling Baixi\'s messy gaze, and said: "Don\'t ask, ask because the water is too deep, realize it by yourself!"

Immediately, it followed a momentary movement and left here.

Everyone: "..."

This is even more conclusive in everyone’s minds that it is a deep-sea beast in slime skin...

"I don\'t understand!"

"It\'s useless if you don\'t understand. The gap between people is sometimes larger than the gap between the white dragon and the slime."


Residential office.

With the joy of opening the box, Shi Yu opened the four resources sent by Prime Minister Kame.

Tears of the Mermaid!

The core of the fire sea spirit!

Million Years of Turtle Shell!

Rare fossils!

In the end, Shi Yu chose these four more suitable resources.

The main reason is that his analysis of other resources is too wasteful of time to swallow, and the awakening of new skills may not be consistent with Susu.

The first one, Tears of the Mermaid.

Although it is called the tears of a mermaid, it is not the tears of a mermaid.

It is the final crystallization of the mermaid after sacrificing herself.

It is rumored that mermaids are the darling of the sea. When they shed tears in the most desperate moments, the sea and the sky will cry, forming the phenomenon of sky weeping, and the sea of ​​sky will appear, causing violent storms and rain.

At that time, after the mermaid sacrifices herself, it will turn into a vague and vague water vapor, and become a "fish flying in the sky", perfectly controlling the weather.

The tears of the mermaid are the crystallization of the power left over from that time.

The elemental core of the Fire Sea Elf is naturally needless to say. Because of the high temperature and extreme cold, Shi Yu wanted to bet whether this combination of skills suitable for Susu and Crimson Eye could be developed.

As for the million-year-old tortoise shell, it has actually been modified.

It was the great, great, great-grandmother of all the tortoise prime ministers who transformed it.

It was an old totem-class turtle, it used super-level skills to transform the turtle shell into several guardian shells, gifted to the younger generation, and once had the effect of autonomous guarding.

Including rare fossils.

These were once outrageous resources with high levels and high quality.

However, with the passage of time, among these resources, the current highest level of the core of the fire sea spirit is only five levels left.

The tears of the mermaid and the million-year-old tortoise shell are only three levels left.

This is good, just in line with Shiyu\'s wishes.

Compared with these, the other resources are still slightly higher, and if they are swallowed, it is a waste of time to digest. After adding some delay, Shi Yu intends to look for more suitable resources after returning to Donghuang.


Susu: (??ˇ?ˇ?)

"Hmm! (Here!

Susu was very pleasantly surprised to see Shi Yu\'s arrival of new resources.

It can be swallowed again.

Tun Tun can become stronger, it likes it.

"Eh!" "Um!" "Mi!"

Seeing that Susu, who had the will of the overlord, didn\'t mind getting something for nothing, San Bao, Chong Chong, and Red Eye all began to poke eleven.

Look, this shows that adding a little bit will not necessarily corrupt the soul.

Who said that strength and will must be honed by hard training.


Eleven stubbornly turned his head, silently did push-ups...


After a while.

Su Su turned her whole body into a black hole, and directly swallowed the tears of the mermaid that looked like transparent spinel that Shi Yu picked out.

After swallowing this time, Susu did not immediately evolve like nutritious fruits and other digestible foods, awakening new racial skills. Valley

Because the quality of the swallowed item was too high, it instantly felt sleepy.

[Successful swallowing, digesting...]

It reluctantly looked at the huge white tortoise shell, the blue and red core of the fire sea elves like pebbles.

"stop looking."

"Swallowing and sleeping are more suitable." Shi Yu backhand patted Absolute Sleep to Susu, letting it swallow at ease.

"Come one by one, I can\'t eat hot tofu in a hurry! You can\'t make a fat man in one bite!"


Susu was taken aback.

It found that it had suddenly learned a new skill, just like the last time it learned Infinite Swallowing, it suddenly looked at Shi Yu with great joy and nodded vigorously.

"Go to sleep." Shi Yu continued.


After a while, Su Su was held in the palm of his hand and took back the Beast Rewarding Space, and fell asleep peacefully.

Susu\'s posture of sleeping in peace made them look envious.

Infinite Devouring is really a good skill!

The water system is so good...

Can learn such a powerful skill unexpectedly.

You can evolve by devouring resources...There is no limit to the type, even living creatures...

They really want to become a water system.

"More than... Originally, I thought that the red pupil and the fire element were daughters..." Shi Yu said, "but now it seems...the water element is."

Red pupil: (*+﹏+*)~


[Skills]: Tianshuang Cold

[Skill Level]: Super Rank

[Introduction]: Ice and time dual element skills, special ice element power, after mastering, you can transform your own ice element power into the sky frost cold air that can freeze time.

Not only can you learn the BUG skill of Infinite Devouring, but even the abnormal ice skills copied from Long Ma are all eligible for teaching.

If you think about it carefully, now you have the element that the water element controls, let alone liquid. Both fixed ice and gaseous water vapor can be transformed freely. The ice system and the water system are not separated. I don\'t know a hundred million years after Su was reincarnated, and it can be said to have a high degree of compatibility with the time system. Maybe it was reincarnated with a certain time system skill.

"Don\'t worry, it\'s hello if you are so good~" Shiyu smiled and said to Equatorial Eye: "General Frost, who freezes time, is definitely a better possession for you...a perfect match."

"Mi~" The red pupil gleamed.

"Ah..." But, suddenly, Shi Yu was very worried. Because of the feeling of teaching super-level skills, he really didn\'t want to try it a second time. The feeling of being deprived of life, the feeling of vitality, always let He had the illusion that he might learn the will of the hegemonic before eleven.

"Anyway, don\'t worry about everything, come and look at the rare fossils—"

"Bug, everything depends on you—"

after an hour.

Shi Yu and Chong Chong looked at the silent white rare fossils with bloodshot eyes, and their patience was gradually polished...


At the same time, all parties in the Dragon Palace are in action.

Dragon Palace City, the secret realm of the Sea Dragon King.

The little white dragon is being double-fighted by the couple of Sea Dragon King and Canglong King.

And let out a howl of pain.

"Oh, oh, oh, huh!!"

Next to him, Prime Minister Turtle, who had been watching for a long time, wiped his sweat, feeling a bit sorry for the third prince.

"This is the crystallization of the north wind."

After beating the disobedient little white dragon, the Canglong King gave the little white dragon an extremely rare resource.

"It allows you to master the power of wind purification. If you still want to be your third prince, at the day after tomorrow\'s Dragon Palace banquet, you can join the Dragon Palace City Environmental Protection Department."

"Before that, go and apologize to Master Canghai Elf!"

"Got it!!!" The third prince tears.

Wailing ohh Why a slime into a sea spirit reincarnated body ah!

Shi Yu pit it!

However, looking at it from another angle, Shi Yu is so awesome!

In an instant, the third prince admired Shi Woo even more.

After paved the way for the third prince, the Sea Dragon King and the Blue Dragon King were tired. Since the little white dragon was unwilling to follow the Beast Master, it was also a good choice to follow the Sea Elf.

Anyway, it is estimated that the sea elves will not follow Shiyu for too long, and the sea will be the real home of the sea elves.

After making friends with the sea elves, maybe in the future the little white dragon will have a chance to compete with other dragon king’s heirs for the position of the dragon god?

"I\'ll give you another task. After the Dragon Palace banquet, follow your Uncle Haig to help recover the colorful islands and include them under Dragon Palace City."

"Understood..." The third prince was holding his ass, unloved.

After kicking out the third prince and Prime Minister tortoise from the group chat, the couple, the Sea Dragon King and the Canglong King, chatted.

"Lord Dragon God is awake."

"Already called, but there is no sign of awakening yet."

"Hey, then according to the previous preparations, let\'s have the Dragon Palace Banquet first." Sea Dragon King said.

"Okay, by the way, did that little guy only take four resources?" Canglong King suddenly asked.

"Yes." Sea Dragon King said: "Why only take so little."

"I clearly told Prime Minister Kame and asked him to get more."

"It\'s also convenient for him to recruit new recruits at the Dragon Palace Banquet."

At this moment, the nature of the Dragon Palace Banquet had changed in the eyes of Sea Dragon King.

The human genius and the heirs of the overlord unite with each other? X

A display meeting where the overlords show off their offspring? X

To please, bind the sea elves, the new recruiting conference of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Dragon Palace! √

The idea of ​​Sea Dragon King is to provide Shiyu with resources himself, and then let Shiyu use these resources as a temptation to recruit new people to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and expand some of the Ministry of Environmental Protection\'s influence.

But Shiyu refused directly...At that time, there will be no resource rewards, so you can\'t use the name of the sea elves to recruit new people. Before the dragon gods wake up, they dare not arbitrarily spread the news that the sea elves appeared in Dragon Palace. After all, the sea There are many enemies of the elves.

You know, countless years ago, the western sea was called the Abyss Sea, the sea was dark and bloody, and all sea beasts were infected and turned into monsters.

Although it was later purified by the elves of the sea, and the sea returned to tranquility, the power of the abyss sea has never been cut off.

"Forget it, let them do it, and see the situation at that time, if Shiyu and the others can\'t come up with a decent reward, it will not be too late for us to provide it." Hailong Wang said.


At this moment, all forces in the Dragon Palace City are waiting for the Dragon Palace banquet the day after tomorrow.

The Ice Dragon has moved the remains of the Ice Dragon into Dragon Palace City and slowly renovated his new home.

My best friend Jewel Cat gives advice to the ice dragon while eating and drinking, and admires the totem-level life of the ice dragon. When will it be able to totem? Then, it will be upgraded from the guardian of the ancient capital university to the guardian **** of Donghuang. Up! The treatment is super doubled!

On the other side, the Legend of the Tyrant Sea is quietly guarding Qingdao, Shiyu and Canghai Elves. Everything seems peaceful, but at this time, there has been an uproar on the land.

The ancient country of Donghuang, the imperial capital, and the imperial capital university.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"



"You call me to come here just to watch this?" The principal Feng of Gudu University looked at the crazy foreknowledge owl with a dazed expression.

"No..." Chairman Ye and the president of Imperial Capital University were extremely silent.

"It\'s Senior Owl... broke through."

"Its proficiency in predicting future skills has reached perfection."

Principal Feng: "That\'s... what big event is foreseeing right?!!!"

The proficiency in predicting the future can only be improved by predicting the correct future. It is very difficult. Although it has broken through to the overlord level by resources, it has been stuck for a long time to predict the super-level skill proficiency of the owl. ……Finally broke?

Principal Feng looked at Owl unexpectedly.

"Wait a minute, you call me over this kind of thing... means..."

"Senior Owl said this time... the event that predicted the correct thing is related to Shi Yu." Chairman Ye said.

"Huh?" Principal Feng frowned, suddenly with a bad feeling, he said: "It... has it foreseen anything."

Chairman Ye said incomparably silent: "I had foreseen what kind of pet beast Shiyu would contract when he went to Dragon Palace. was done. The corresponding prophecy gave feedback to Senior Owl\'s ability proficiency."

"The content of the prophecy is...this time when Shiyu goes to Dragon Palace, he will contract...a water system totem!"

Principal Feng:? ? ? ? ? ?



His old man stared at the old principal and President Ye of Imperial Capital University, Hu Fei lustfully dancing.

Are you sure this is a prophecy, not a rumor or a lie?

Got it? Do you lie to me, the old man? How can a master contract totem!

The two men also shook their heads in confusion, and could only look at the owl.

The prophecy owl stared at Yuanyuan’s big eyes and said, “I’m just an owl, and I don’t know how to explain it to you. Anyway, if my skill proficiency increases, it should be hit... This is what I predicted for a hundred years. The most outrageous thing is out of the blue!!!"

"It\'s not a totem heir, it\'s a totem!"

"From today onwards, I am also a serious overlord, hahahahaha, hahahaha!! As expected, I am not born with an owl, and the universe is like a long night! Who dares to say that my prediction is unreliable!"