My Wife is the Pirate Empress

Chapter 617:


The monsters were swept in by the tornado, the tornado was like a blender, and the monsters screamed miserably in the tornado!

All were stirred into two halves!

Chapter 579 Inuyasha Chapter 61 The Jade of the Four Souls

Chapter 579 Inuyasha Chapter 61 The Jade of the Four Souls

Inuyasha Chapter 61 Four Soul Jade

"This child is..." After solving the monsters, Blood Song walked to Shivyeye and looked at the black out-of-the-ordinary baby with his right eye.

"Inuyasha"! Fifteen Ye looked at the baby in the swaddling at the moment, and slowly said, "It\'s my child and the King of Tooth."

Hearing that, Blood Song nodded, knowing the gears of history, it seems to follow the trajectory of "Inuyasha"! This child is called Inuyasha, not Ahuang, Xiaohei!

Blood Song immediately received Fifteen Nights and Inuyasha into the West Kingdom. Only in the West Kingdom can the Blood Song completely protect them!

At this moment, the West Kingdom is no longer a time for the dog and monster clan and the ocelot clan to compete! And it has completely fallen into the palm of Blood Song!

Bloodsong is confident and wants to create this piece of Westland as a leading city. Bloodsongs want to create TV, electric lights and the like.

Of course, this requires the power of the system.

"System, I have experienced war, how many exchange points do I have now???" In a person\'s hall, the blood song entered the system space.

"You still have 1,500 redemption points."

The beautiful bodies of Asides, Hancock and others appeared in front of Blood Song.

Hearing that, Blood Song nodded, "Then what should I exchange, and give me a suggestion."

"First, use 1,000 points to exchange for a nuclear power plant"! Asides said, "Without a nuclear power plant, your electric lights, TV dramas and other theories can\'t exist at all." Asides thought for a while, said.

And Blood Song nodded in agreement.

"I think you still need a plan for the next 500! A plan on how to implement your founding of a nation." Hancock also opened his mouth and suggested to the blood song.

"Okay, then it\'s so decided." Blood Song agreed.

In the next moment, a nuclear power plant appeared in the barren hills of the West Kingdom. Blood Song asked Qi Tian to manage this nuclear power plant. Blood Song believed that with Qi Tian\'s ability to manage nuclear power plants, there would be no problem.

Then the blood song was in the hall, and I picked it up and read the plan of the founding of the nation.

"The first step is to settle the inside before you get rid of the outside world"!

Seeing this paragraph in the first line, Blood Song knew what he should do! In the West Kingdom, there is an elder system, that is, a company, in addition to the president, there is a board of directors!

Together, the board of directors has no lower power than the president!

The same is true for the West Kingdom. If the elders join forces, they can veto the decision under Blood Song! This is called the blood song for a burst of irritation!

The elders of the dog and monster clan, what kind of virtue exists, blood song is clear! Let me talk about the great elder first, his grandson is just a bastard, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked! It is conceivable that this great elder is not a good thing.

Then those who are near Zhu are red and those who are near Mo are black! The other elders are definitely not a thing!

But how can he take the elders? ? ?

Blood Song understands that to develop the West Country and make the West Country a great economic power, this presbytery is a goal that must be eradicated.

"Ding, a-level system task is found, do you accept it???"


"System mission, destroy the Presbyterian Church, the kingdom of the west, only I dominate."

Seeing this system task, Blood Song nodded. The next moment, the sound of the system resounded again.

"Ding, found the s-level task, do you accept it|"!

What? ? ? Hearing the s-level task, Bloodsong\'s brows wrinkled even more. When did such a task actually happen? ? ? ?

"Inuyasha" world. What will the s-level task be? ? ?

"Accept!" Blood Song replied after thinking about it.

"Ding, system s-level mission, making the jade of four souls!"

"Ding, the task reward is 10,000 redemption points"!

10,000 exchange points are indeed quite a lot, but asking Blood Song to make the jade of the four souls makes Blood Song feel embarrassed.

According to legend, the original "Inuyasha" was hundreds of years ago, a witch named Cuizi with high magical power, with the ability to extract the soul purification technique and eliminate demons. In order to deal with her, a large number of monsters, including ghosts, dragons, soil spiders and other monsters, became the strongest monster. In the long-term battle with this monster, Cuizi was physically exhausted and eventually lost, so she used her last strength to take away the soul of the monster, melted into her own soul, and then released out of the body. Therefore, both Cuizi and the monster were dead. The crystallization of the remaining soul is the "Jade of the Four Souls."

Then the jade of the four souls depends on the owner. It can become good or evil. In the hands of monsters or bad people, it will increase pollution! !

To create the jade of the four souls, wouldn\'t this let Xiao Cuizi die? ? ?

This kind of thing, blood song is absolutely impossible to do.

"Big brother, what are you thinking about, frowning." At this moment, in the hall, a figure jumping, lively and lovely, just ran out to the front of Blood Song.

"I didn\'t think about anything"! Bloody Song Road. After all, how to explain this kind of thing? ? ? ?

"Huh???" Suddenly, Xiao Cuizi hugged her undeveloped chest, watched the blood song vigilantly, and said with a daze, "Big brother, I know what you are going to do to me?? Do you suddenly think that loli is actually very good, do you want to enjoy the taste of my loli???"

"..." Blood Song had a black line on his face.

"My hair hasn\'t grown up yet, you can\'t move me." Xiao Cuizi said.

"You think too much." Bloodsong was helpless, and finally told the truth, "I was thinking about the jade of the four souls"!

The jade of the four souls? ? ?

Hearing these four words, Xiao Cuizi\'s small body was also trembling involuntarily.

"What\'s wrong??" Blood Song asked.

"Actually, there is another way to create the jade of the four souls." Xiao Cuizi thought for a while and said.

"What way??" Blood Song asked hurriedly.

Xiao Cuizi thought about it at this moment, and then sat on the thigh of Blood Song. Although Xiao Cuizi is still small, but on her delicate body, she has the kind of charming fragrance that a mature woman does not have!

Blood Song only felt a strange feeling in his heart!

" rascal"! Xiao Cuizi came back to her senses at this moment, and realized that she was actually sitting on the thigh of Blood Song, and she jumped up in a hurry, her little face was embarrassing!