My Wife is the Pirate Empress

Chapter 616:

But Blood Song\'s eyes were cold! ! ! !

"Where is that kid??? Tell me"!

Chapter 578 Inuyasha Chapter 60 Cong Yunya, Hell Dragon Break

Chapter 578 Inuyasha Chapter 60 Cong Yunya, Hell Dragon Break

Inuyasha Chapter 60 Cong Yunya, Hell Dragon Break

"who are you???"

"Yeah, what are you? We are going to tell you where the half-demon is???"

"We are going to eat it! Tooth King\'s son, it must be very good after eating!"

The ignorant monsters stood there and clamored, while Blood Song stood there quietly! Sixteen nights looked at those monsters and snorted!


Bloodsong\'s Cong Yunya was pulled out, and suddenly a trace of fierce aura bloomed on Cong Yunya, and the wind and clouds moved, asking who was the devil! Those monsters felt the terrible breath above the cloud teeth in the blood singer, and they wanted to escape.

But the next moment, their monsters were completely swallowed by the Cong Yunya of Blood Song.

Blood Song stood there with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth!

"You killed them, I ignore you." Sixteen nights looked at Blood Song and couldn\'t help stomping! Seeing the angry look of Sixteen Nights, Blood Song became even more puzzled, "Little girl, what are you doing???"

"Ask what I am doing?????" Sixteen nights snorted, "You killed them, then how should I find out the whereabouts of my sister??"

"I have a way." Bloody Song said.

Hearing this sentence, Ishikuya glanced at Blood Song involuntarily. How could Blood Song be found because the Southern Kingdom is so big? ? ? Even if the King of Tooth was there, it would be extremely difficult to find someone in the vast crowd.

Immediately, the pterosaur of the blood song began to show its domineering color!

See and hear the domineering condensed into the pterosaur, flying in the high sky of the South Kingdom!

Then I finally found Fifteen Nights, and there was a child with white hair and dog ears! Don\'t ask, that kid should be Inuyasha!

Xuege smiled at the corner of his mouth and glanced at Shiliuye.

"Did you not find it??" Seeing the blood song, I snorted again, "I tell you, I will ignore you for the rest of my life if I can\'t find it."

Blood Song stretched out his arm around Shiruye\'s slender waist, and then rose in the clouds and went towards the place where Shizuye was.

...I am the hateful dividing line...

"Woman, give me the child in your hand. This child is a half-demon???? When a half-demon is still a child, eating it is the most supplementary." The monsters looked at the woman in front of her. The little baby with dog ears in the middle screamed suddenly, with greedy eyes flashing in his eyes!

Under the hungry gazes of those monsters, Shiv Yeh felt scared for a while, but still clenched his fists!

"No, please don\'t eat my child, I...I am willing to replace him and be eaten by you!"

In this world, maternal love is great!

And Fifteen Nights is even more fond of swaddling babies! Because he is the only gift left to her by the King of Fighting Tooth.

Fifteen nights, how to protect this child.

After the monsters looked at each other, they all burst into laughter!

"You actually pleaded with us monsters????? Are you stupid?"

"That\'s it!" The monsters all laughed, "We will definitely eat this child. As for you, you can be a snack! Hahahaha, how good is the King of Teeth?? Eat it???"

After that, the monsters rushed towards Shifive Night with incomparable ferocity!

And the fifteen nights was even more frightened at the moment. The best monster she encountered in her life was the King of Fangs. Although the monsters of the West Kingdom ignored her, they treated her respectfully, but she did not expect to encounter them today. These monsters were so cruel, they really frightened her.

But she still hugged the baby in her arms!

"Stop it all for me"!

The monsters just rushed to the front of Shifive Nights, and they hadn\'t spoken yet. Suddenly, a terrible pressure fell from the sky! It\'s just being severely pressed on those monsters, and those monsters can\'t bear it! Standing there one by one, not daring to move.

"Sister, are you okay??" At this moment, two figures fell in the sky, and one of the pretty figures hurriedly ran to the front of Shifive Night.

"Sister, why are you here???"

"I\'m not worried about you...?" Sixteen nights smiled, and at the same time stretched out a hand and pinched the baby in Fifteen Nights\' arms!

"This kid is so cute."

Blood Song was already standing in front of the group of monsters, staring coldly at the group of monsters in front of him who did not live or die.

"You... are you the new master of the West Kingdom? Xiaoyaohou???"

"We don\'t offend the river water! I think we can just forget about this matter"!

"Yeah, just forget it, Xiaoyaohou, you follow your sunshine road, and I will walk our single-plank bridge."

With that said, those monsters are just preparing to leave. After all, the limelight of Blood Song is already very big. After supporting for ten minutes under the hand of Dragon Bone Spirit, it even stabbed the Dragon Bone Spirit with a sword!

In addition, Blood Song killed the Flying Demon Moth King with Cong Yunya\'s profundity!

The Southern Kingdom is the weakest country among the four great kingdoms. Where can you dare to be presumptuous? ? ? It is all ready to turn around and leave.

"Want to go???? Is it so easy????" Blood Song looked at the monsters coldly, a trace of killing intent in his eyes!

Bullying orphans and widows should be damned!

What\'s more, you can perform well in front of Sixteen Nights! In any case, in public and private, Blood Song feels that these monsters must die!

Bloodsong\'s cloud teeth were unsheathed again, and the fierce aura on the cloud teeth made these monsters feel terrified!

The monsters originally thought that today was a lucky day, but they didn\'t expect that today would be a day of death!

Did we go out without reading the almanac? ?

So bad? ? ?

The monsters looked at each other, and the next moment, they were ready to jump shot and ran away!

"Hell Dragon Broken"!

And how could Blood Song let these **** run away so easily? ? ? Cong Yunya in the blood singer bombarded it!

The black tornado swept across.