My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 437

Xia Yunshu\'s arrangement, others certainly have no opinion.

A group of two may not be able to find more. They don\'t know wild vegetables at all.

Finally, Xia Yunshu, Qi Yue, sun Miao, Zhao Panpan, and Wang Xu took Mo Zhi and Yang Jin with them; JunLiu, Chu Zhan, Zhao Hai, Jiang Xiangming and Liu Quan.

Liuquan automatically selected that group.

Although he stared at Xia Yunshu when choosing the team, he seemed to hesitate, and finally chose the team where JunLiu was.

Many people have doubts about the sudden emergence of Mo Zhi, but Mo Zhi is not an ordinary person at first sight. Later, he learned that he and Mo DA are a family. He is more sure that his identity is not simple, and no one dares to ask more questions.

Several people went up the mountain, Mo Zhi walked behind, staring at Xia Yunshu\'s back in front of them, with dark eyes.

I don\'t know if it\'s his illusion. He always feels that Xia Yunshu is a little familiar.

But I don\'t know where I am familiar with it.

No matter his appearance, temperament and breath, there is nothing he is familiar with.

But the strange thing is that he just feels familiar.

But since he recognized him, even if Xia Yunshu didn\'t say it, Qi Yue would say it. It is estimated that Qi Jing will come soon.

Qi Jing is difficult to deal with. Now he can\'t openly abduct people. It\'s really bad.

However, he will not leave quickly because he knows that Qi Jing is coming. If you just leave, others thought he was afraid of Qi Jing.

It\'s all here. It\'s okay to meet for a while.

It is said that Jiang Huai came to Yucheng not long ago, confronted Qi Jing, and finally left miserably. As far as he knows, Qi Jing was not the one who nearly lost his life.

He can\'t find it. He hasn\'t checked it.

Since I\'m here, there\'s no reason not to meet Qi Jing.

He can\'t find it. It happened on the boundary of Qi Jing. Qi Jing may not be able to find it.

He is still very interested in Jiang Huai.

"Sister Shu, is this OK?"

"Yun Shu, is this OK?"

"Xia Yunshu, what about this?"

"Classmate Xia, is this OK?"

"Sister, what about this?"


Along the way, they asked Xia Yunshu every time they saw a plant. At the same time, they didn\'t forget to take out their mobile phone to take photos. They haven\'t finished the homework arranged by the school.

However, seeing that Xia Yunshu only answered whether she could make wild vegetables, they didn\'t ask much after the introduction was not as detailed as before.

Qi Yue didn\'t ask much, and they didn\'t ask much.

Sun Miao was careless and familiar, but Xia Yunshu didn\'t take the initiative to introduce, so she didn\'t ask.

The main reason is that there is a strange man in their team, and that man seems to be interested in Xia Yunshu. She saw this several times and he stared at Xia Yunshu.

Xia Yunshu has a boyfriend. This man is not simple at first sight. If Xia Yunshu performs better in front of him, he would be interested in Xia Yunshu. He directly launched an attack on Xia Yunshu. Didn\'t she indirectly become a trouble maker for Xia Yunshu?

With this in mind, sun Miao decided not to ask and not to give Xia Yunshu the opportunity to show her excellence.

"Classmate Xia seems to know a lot of wild vegetables."

Other people pick vegetables. Xia Yunshu also helps pick some occasionally with a sickle. Mo Zhi must not do it. He observed Xia Yunshu all the way.

"I\'ve read a lot of books and probably know some."

"If I\'m right, classmate Xia should be Miss Xia. It\'s said that Miss Xia has been ill and hospitalized for many years. I didn\'t expect to be so knowledgeable."

Xia Yunshu stopped digging wild vegetables, stood up, looked at him, smiled and said, "Mr. Mo is too famous."

According to the thinking of normal people, it should be to ask him how he recognized her identity, or explain that she was not ill for many years, but a vegetable for five years, or explain why she knew so much.

But Xia Yunshu is not.

She just didn\'t follow Mo Zhi\'s words and looked as if she didn\'t understand him and didn\'t find any loopholes in his words.

Mo Zhi looked at her smiling face, the strange light in her eyes flashed, smiled and said, "I\'m telling the truth."

"Miss Xia said she had some trouble with my sister. What\'s the trouble? I wonder if you can tell me? Mo TA has been bad tempered since childhood and used to being arrogant. She hasn\'t done much to bully people. If she takes the initiative, I\'d better go back and teach her a lesson."

Xia Yunshu was about to answer and suddenly stopped.

Then a rustling sound came.

Several people sprang out of the woods.

"Who is Xia Yunshu?" In broad daylight, the one color Black Hoodie and black mask are put up for people to find.