My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 436

"Is classmate Xia also from country y? That\'s really predestined." Mo Zhi looked at Xia Yunshu and smiled. The meaning of the smile was unknown and evil Qi was rampant.

Use Mo Da to test and determine his identity?

In his opinion, I\'m afraid that from the beginning, the big miss of the Xia family recognized his identity. She hasn\'t made it clear until now, but only to make it clear in public on occasions with more people.

I\'m afraid I can see that he came because of Qi Jing.

Pure and clean is true, so is smart.

Know how to use Qi Jing to crush him.

In front of so many people, he was identified. If he did anything unfavorable to them, it would reach Qi Jing\'s ears, unless he killed dozens and hundreds of people here.

He wouldn\'t do such a stupid thing.

Yucheng is the boundary of Qijing. Although this village is far away from Yucheng, it also belongs to Yucheng boundary, which is the territory of Qijing.

Xia Yunshu\'s threat was well known, but he had to be threatened by her. Not only that, he also pretended with a smile that he didn\'t hear anything. Otherwise, didn\'t he tell them clearly that his purpose was impure?

Only one photo made him suffer a loss, or did he suffer a loss without any defense. It\'s really the woman Qi Jing likes.

"It\'s really fate." Xia Yunshu smiles unchanged.

"Well, classmate Mo asked for leave when he transferred to school. Is something wrong with your family?"

As soon as Xia Yunshu asked this, JunLiu looked at Chu Zhan.

Chu Zhan, who received his sight, somehow understood his meaning and pulled his face slightly, He said: "I didn\'t expect to meet Mo TA\'s family here. My name is Chu Zhan. I\'m the monitor of class 10. Mo TA suddenly asked for leave for many days. As the monitor, I was a little worried. Thinking that Xia and Mo TA seemed to be familiar, I went to ask Xia if he knew the reason why Mo TA asked for leave. Xia should have asked for me at this time."

"It turns out that it\'s Mota\'s monitor. I\'m Mota\'s brother. Thank you for your concern. There\'s nothing wrong at home. Mota is in poor health and needs to go to the hospital regularly."

Xia Yunshu and others: "

It\'s really ruthless to discredit your sister. You\'re still so calm.

Chu Zhan\'s mouth was slightly undetectable and smoked: "so it\'s true. Is Ms. Mo DA in good health? Her family is in country y. as a classmate, we can\'t visit her."

"If you\'re worried, it\'s a disease brought out of your mother\'s womb. You need to check it regularly. It\'s not a big problem."

Turning to Xia Yunshu, he smiled deeply: "in addition to hearing my name, has classmate Xia heard anything else about me?"

"Didn\'t Mr. Mo ask clearly." Xia Yunshu smiled.

"Even in country y, not everyone is qualified to hear Mo Zhi\'s name, and anyone who has heard this name doesn\'t know Mo\'s family? What does it mean to be in Mo\'s family? Mr. Mo is sure that I have heard about you now?"

His eyes did not dodge at all. He directly met Mo Zhi\'s eyes, and his smile was simple and broad.

Mo Zhi took a deep look at her, then smiled and said, "it\'s not necessary. If you want to go up the mountain, you\'ll have to delay your time."

Xia Yunshu didn\'t say any more, so she smiled and swept over the others: "it\'s still not safe to work in a group of two. I think with the tools brought by Yang Jin\'s children, we have a total of six sets. Let\'s act in two groups, with three sets of tools in each group."