My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 412

Xia Yunshu\'s reaction surprised Zhao Panpan.

Too calm.

She was not only calm, but also with a faint smile on her face, as if she wasn\'t talking about her at all. She was just a bystander.

When Xia Yunshu first transferred to another school, Zhao Panpan didn\'t know that she was Liang Mianmian\'s daughter. She didn\'t know until someone passed on Xia Yunshu\'s life experience.

It was also since then that Zhao Panpan began to pay attention to Xia Yunshu.

She didn\'t intend to tell Xia Yunshu about their relationship until Liang Mianmian went to school and saw how Liang Mianmian treated Xia Yunshu at the school gate. Zhao Panpan began to hesitate whether to tell her this.

The Du family had an accident, and they all left, including Liang Mianmian.

After learning about these things, Zhao Panpan made up his mind to find Xia Yunshu. It\'s just that I haven\'t had the right opportunity until now.

She thought Xia Yunshu would be curious even if she wasn\'t too excited.

Unfortunately, there was nothing. I couldn\'t see any other expression on her face.

For a time, Zhao Panpan had mixed feelings in his heart.

Although her father is younger than liang Mianmian, he married earlier than liang Mianmian, so seriously, she is two months older than Xia Yunshu. But she knew very well that if she had experienced Xia Yunshu\'s experience and learned that she had an uncle, she could not be so calm.

"Nothing, just tell you. Although my father is only the adopted son of my grandfather, he is still your uncle in name. He learned that you are in Yucheng and has always wanted to see you. If it\'s convenient for you, tell me to have dinner at my house."

With that, Zhao Panpan didn\'t say any more. He should speed up his pace and go first.

Xia Yunshu looked at her back as she walked away slowly.

Just an adopted son?

No wonder she hasn\'t heard of having an uncle.

She only heard when she was a child that Liang Mianmian and her grandfather depended on each other. Liang Mianmian\'s grandfather died of illness in his junior year.

"Boss, what\'s the matter?"

Seeing that the two girls around Xia Yunshu have left one after another, Xia Yunshu seems to have something on her mind. Jun Liu hurried to catch up.

Xia Yunshu thought back and smiled at him: "nothing."

Jun Liu looked at her and always felt that she didn\'t seem to be all right, but since she didn\'t want to say, he wouldn\'t ask more.

He looked at Zhao Panpan in the crowd ahead.

What did Zhao Panpan say to the boss just now? It can lead the boss to emotional fluctuations.

"Let\'s go to dinner. We\'re starving."

"It\'s strange to say, why don\'t you see Yue? According to her always noisy character, it\'s time to come to you after dividing the room. Why hasn\'t she been found? She\'s not the one who will cooperate with the class to arrange activities with the group."

"Probably afraid of being scolded?" Xia Yunshu said with a smile.

When you think about it, it seems so.

If he and the boss are not in the same class, he should not dare to come to the boss at this time. Qi Yue is noisy. The boss is not around. Now the boss is here. She doesn\'t dare to make trouble.

"Then don\'t care about her. Anyway, this place is so big that we will always see it. Moreover, we come out together in the whole grade. There should be activities together in the whole grade. We will see it naturally at that time."

Jun Liu is right. After lunch, there will be a group activity.

Everyone gathered on the playground in the village, and the leader of the team spoke and asked.

It\'s almost an hour since these requests were made.

Then, each class organizes to watch the vegetation. This is an assignment. Each person needs to find out at least 20 vegetation and write its name and attribute.