My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 411

"It\'s not perfume, it\'s disinfectant, but it tastes different from ordinary disinfectant. You need to take it." Just throw it to her. It\'s not far away anyway.

The girl happily accepted: "thank you. I didn\'t expect this kind of disinfectant."

But I was thinking that Xia Yunshu didn\'t seem to be so difficult to get along with.

No, Xia Yunshu seems to get along well all the time. She always smiles and smiles sweetly and well. But because there are school bullies around her, they don\'t dare to approach her.

"Can you lend it to me?" Asked Zhao Panpan.

"The quilt cover is brought from home, but the quilt core and others are home stay. I have a habit of cleanliness. In fact, I brought disinfectant, but my disinfectant doesn\'t taste very good. I\'m afraid it will affect you."

It can be seen that she has a mania for cleanliness. Everyone else only brought sheets and quilt covers, and she also brought a small quilt. It is estimated that if she didn\'t have too much luggage, she would have to bring even the mattress on the board.


After that, Xia Yunshu saw that other people also looked like they didn\'t want to borrow. She said, "I\'ll put the disinfectant on the table later. Anyone who wants to use it will take it by himself."

Then the other girls replied happily, "thank you, Xia Yunshu!"

How big is it? I\'m so happy.

Sure enough, they are still children of eighteen or nine years old.

Xia Yunshu\'s bad trace raised: "you\'re welcome."

When it was almost done, someone shouted outside the door to go to dinner.

There are more than ten B & B in this village, and naturally there are many restaurants.

So many people, of course, can\'t eat in one restaurant, otherwise we have to arrange several rounds, basically one restaurant per class.

On the way, sun Miao probably found that Xia Yunshu was in good contact. He chattered a lot around her. Xia Yunshu occasionally answered one or two words.

Zhao Panpan also walked with Xia Yunshu, but she talked less than Xia Yunshu.

Someone called sun Miao. Sun Miao left, leaving only Xia Yunshu and Zhao Panpan.

Perhaps it was deliberately to give Xia Yunshu the opportunity to contact other students. JunLiu didn\'t follow Xia Yunshu and walked with other boys. Qi Yue didn\'t come to her.

However, Xia Yunshu thinks that JunLiu may want to create opportunities for her to contact other girls, but Qi Yue is definitely not.

Qi Yue didn\'t come to her. There should be other arrangements in the class. It\'s hard for her to come over.

When sun Miao ran away, Zhao Panpan, who had never spoken, suddenly spoke.

She asked Xia Yunshu, "Xia Yunshu, do you want to find other relatives?"

Xia Yunshu stepped down.

Looking at her with her eyes, it seems that there is no emotion in her eyes, but it is inexplicable like a vortex. If you want to suck people in, Zhao Panpan can\'t support it in less than two seconds and directly staggers his eyes.

At the same time, he also breathed a long sigh of relief.

Why is Xia Yunshu so powerful? Just one look at her, she can\'t hold on, and she has a feeling of panic!

"I don\'t quite understand what Zhao said."

Until Xia Yunshu spoke, her voice was always soft, and Zhao Panpan\'s sense of oppression caused by looking at her slowly disappeared.

"You know you have an uncle?" Zhao Panpan looked at her and asked.


Is it Liang Mianmian\'s brother or brother?

She has never heard of Liang Mianmian having brothers and sisters.

I haven\'t even heard that Liang Mianmian has any relatives.

She didn\'t specifically check it, but she didn\'t think it was necessary.

Xia Yunshu didn\'t speak. Zhao Panpan said, "I follow my mother\'s surname. My father\'s name is Liang Jue. His legs are bad for walking. He sits in a wheelchair all year round. I heard that he had a car accident in college. At that time, he and my mother were already in love. Later, after graduating from college, they got married."
