My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 949

There are mint, lemon slices and Verbena in the tea cup.

"Cousin, are you sleepy? I made you a cup of awakening tea." Xu Bingbing is back again.

Qiduocai took it in surprise, "thank you, Bingbing."

Xu Bingbing smiled. "Cousin, you don\'t have to see me. You live in our house. I should serve you."

Qi duocai smiled bitterly, "it\'s also strange that I didn\'t study well in those days. Now I\'m a teacher. I can\'t help but let the students face-to-face problems.

I\'m ashamed, and I don\'t want to be useless anymore. "

"How could it be? Cousin, you are so knowledgeable that you can\'t be useful.

It\'s just that the students\' questions are too biased for you to answer. "

"You don\'t have to comfort me. I was called by the dean to preach last month.

He said that the level of the students I took was generally lower than that of the students in other classes.

The dean said that if I didn\'t make progress and teach well, I would leave the college and go home to farm.

Bingbing, I don\'t want to, I really don\'t want to. Now I work hard every day.

I tried my best to make up for my mistakes, because I really don\'t want to go back to the countryside. "

"No, no, cousin, don\'t think about it. You won\'t go back to the countryside." Xu Bingbing was very uncomfortable.

For a long time, she thought that Qi duocai simply liked reading and studied hard, so she was busy and couldn\'t go home.

I didn\'t expect that there was such a hidden reason behind him.

My cousin must be under a lot of psychological pressure.

Qi duocai looked dejected, "my father and mother, they all have great expectations for me. They want us to be successful and proud.

If I am really expelled from the White Deer academy, they will be very sad. I am afraid to see their disappointment.

They have cultivated me for so many years and put all their hopes on me. I can\'t... I really can\'t... "

Said, a good big man, because his heart was depressed, tears burst down like a dike.

Xu Bingbing looked very distressed. He quickly found a handkerchief to wipe it for him. "Cousin, don\'t worry. It\'ll be fine, really."

Qi duocai sucked his nose and suddenly leaned against Xu Bingbing\'s shoulder, crying like a child.

"Bingbing, you know, I haven\'t been home for two months. I miss my father and my mother so much. I miss ah yuan so much.

But I dare not go home now. I\'m afraid I\'ll feel guilty and collapse when I see them.

I dare not tell them this. I don\'t want them to worry.

I just want to swallow these hardships alone. I said I would give them the best in the world. "

"But now you..."

"I beg you, don\'t tell your mother about it. I\'m afraid she will tell my mother that I will survive this difficulty."

"Well, cousin, I believe you, you are so powerful, you will survive."


Chi Ziyu moved a quilt into the guest room, "sister-in-law, what do you think of this quilt? Is it thick enough..."

"It\'s very thick, sister-in-law. It\'s much thicker than our quilt.

It must be more than ten kilograms. Don\'t worry, I won\'t be frozen. "

"OK, let\'s have this bed. I\'m worried that you sleep alone and are afraid of the cold."

Longan smiled bitterly, "I haven\'t slept alone since I told Togo."

Chi Ziyu knew that he had touched her sad thing again, so he comforted, "don\'t worry, it will be fine."