My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 948

"They all look good." Longan just looked at it and said, "I prefer this color."

She likes the pink dress with golden lotus patterns embroidered on the skirt.

"Well, let\'s take this one. I didn\'t wear it either. I might as well give it to my third sister-in-law."

"Give it to me?" Longan suspected that she had heard wrong.

Such good clothes are not cheap at first sight.

"Yes, we have known each other for so long. I haven\'t sent anything to you.

You just like this dress, so I\'ll give it to you as a gift. I hope you don\'t dislike it. "

Longan shook his head. "I don\'t dislike it. I like it very much. Your clothes feel so smooth. They must not be cheap."

Chi Ziyu smiled, "it\'s OK. See what else you like. Pick more."

"No, you have enough for me to wear for several years." Longan said, "I\'ll take a bath first. Is your bath downstairs?"

"Yes, I\'ll take you there."



Chi Ziyu fetched hot water for longan and helped her carry it into the bathroom.

Longan went in with a pile of clothes.

When longan washes out, qixingyun comes back.

He was surprised to see longan. Chi Ziyu briefly explained the reason, and Qi Xingyun nodded. It was no longer strange.

Dinner is for three people. They eat in the banquet hall downstairs.

Chi Ziyu only made two bowls of acorn jelly.

Out of politeness, she gave one to longan and the other to qixingyun.

At first, longan didn\'t find late fish, only two bowls of jelly.

When longan ate almost the delicious jelly in his bowl, he couldn\'t help asking Chi Ziyu what happened when he saw Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun being humble for a few pieces of jelly.

Chi Ziyu said with a faint smile that it was nothing, and then quietly accepted the jelly bar sandwiched by qixingyun.

She was willing to do such things. She didn\'t want to tell longan so that she wouldn\'t have a burden on her heart.

"Sister in law, what is your jelly bar made of? It\'s really delicious, but the color is a little strange." Longan said,

"It\'s vermicelli made of acorn."

"Acorns? Isn\'t that bitter?"

"I\'ve been to bitterness and astringency. Do you still feel very bitter now?"

"No, I didn\'t find it was acorn jelly. Your craftsmanship is really good, brother and sister.

Such bitter acorns don\'t have any bitterness. They\'re especially delicious. You\'re really good. "

"Third sister-in-law, you really flatter me."

"I mean, I really did a good job.

If I were half as capable as you, I would surely catch Togo\'s stomach. "

Isn\'t there an old saying? If you want to catch a man\'s heart, you must first catch a man\'s stomach.

Longan thinks that Chi Ziyu can make Qi Laosi stick to her so much. It must have caught Qi Laosi\'s stomach long ago.

Late at night, in a small house in a humble city.

"Cousin, why don\'t you sleep? It\'s so late."

Before going to bed, Xu Bingbing came to qiduocai\'s house and looked at it.

Qi duocai was still buried in reading and taking notes. He didn\'t notice Xu Bingbing\'s arrival at all.

Xu Bingbing looked at him from a distance for a long time and didn\'t see Qi duocai raise his head.

Cousin Xu Bingbing is really a hard-working man. No wonder he is so promising now.

After thinking about it, Xu Bingbing turned and went to the kitchen.

She wanted to make him a cup of refreshing tea.