My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 800

Don\'t people have to work?

"I\'m not looking for him to play." Qishuipei proudly raised his chin, "I\'ll go to brother Li to collect for our family, hum."

"You asked Li Hei to come to our house to rush to collect? They have finished collecting their own rice?" Chi Ziyu was shocked.

If you call someone over after confiscation, it\'s too thick skinned

Li Hei immediately answered angrily, "it\'s just beginning to close. It\'s going to take a long time to finish. She forced me to come over."

"Hey! You\'re my man. Our family is going to harvest rice. Don\'t you know to take the initiative to help?

I have to run over and call you myself. You\'re not afraid that others will laugh at you. It\'s useless! " Qi shuipei changed his face.

"At this time, whose family is not in a hurry to harvest rice, there are only a few people in Li Hei\'s family working.

Other people are too busy at home. You asked him to work for you. Didn\'t you mean to make trouble for others? " Chi Ziyu couldn\'t help but tunnel.

"I\'m making trouble!" Qi shuipei didn\'t think he had done wrong and shouted, "I asked my man to work for me. Why not!

Anyway, I didn\'t ask my fourth brother to come. It doesn\'t matter to you. I think you\'re eating carrots and worrying about it! "

"Shui Pei, shut up." Chi Ziyu just wanted to return to qishuipei for a few words. As a result, qixingyun was interrupted by a cold voice.

"Fourth brother, I\'m not angry. Look at the fourth sister-in-law.

It\'s not that I can\'t eat grapes and say grapes are sour. It\'s not that I have the face to blame... "



"Go back and don\'t make trouble here."

"I just want to see you sell pheasants..."

"It\'s none of your business. Go back." Concise and ruthless.

"... oh."

Qishuipei had to go away in dismay, but Li Hei didn\'t go.

Qishuipei had to return to urge him, "Hey, why don\'t you go? Why are you grinding haw!"

Li Hei hated her barbarism more and more, and went up in silence.

Chi Ziyu looked at the two people leaving and shook his head reluctantly. "Shuipei is really too careless."

It\'s the same for your own family. I didn\'t expect it to be the same for outsiders.

Even if Li Hei is her future husband, she can\'t call him so naturally.

Just now, Li Hei\'s face was so smelly. It was obvious that Li Hei hated Qi shuipei\'s behavior.

"With her, she will pay for her arrogance one day." Qixingyun said coldly with a hook in the corner of his mouth.

"Mom, Dad! Look who I brought!" In the hot sun, qishuipei ran happily towards the golden rice waves.

Wang, who was working hard in the field, stood up straight and saw Li Heiqing\'s thin figure.

"Yo! Isn\'t this Li Hei coming?" Wang\'s face was strange, and he smiled with pleats. "Pei\'er, why did you call Li Hei to our house?"

"He\'s coming to help our family." Qishuipei road.

Li Hei is a polite man. Seeing Wang\'s coming, he quickly shouted, "aunt."

Wang smiled happily and was very pleased.

"Ah! You really are. Why don\'t you come to our house without saying hello in advance?

By the way, are they here? "

"No, they are also collecting rice in the field. I came alone."

"Then why don\'t you stay at home to collect rice? You have a lot of land." Wang made a courtesy.

In fact, I was very happy that the future son-in-law had a conscience and knew that he had come to work at his mother-in-law\'s house.