My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 799

"If there is a problem with the live pheasant sent by our family within three days, the shopkeeper can return it and we will make compensation." Qixingyun road.

"Yes, shopkeeper, since we have chosen to do pheasant business with you, we will not fool you with sick chickens. That will also smash our own signboard.

And you see, there is no problem which of these chickens in front of you is not healthy. " Chi Ziyu also said.

This is not her boast.

Usually she and qixingyun pay great attention to the health and hygiene of pheasants.

Clean diligently every day and carefully check the health of each chicken.

For chickens with small problems, Qi Xingyun will go up the mountain to dig herbs, boil them into a pot of juice, mix them with chicken food and treat them.

Moreover, as Qi Xingyun said, they will regularly check the body of pheasants and dispose of sick chickens.

Healthy chickens are fed medicine to prevent the spread of the plague as much as possible.

The stone in shopkeeper Cao\'s heart fell to the ground and smiled, "I naturally believe you. I believe you are not that kind of person."


The weight of these pheasants is measured when the two sides negotiate business.

Shopkeeper Cao brought his own scale.

Out of caution, qixingyun checked its weighing and confirmed that it was OK.

Then the pheasant was loaded.

The yard dam was full of millet, which spread evenly and reflected the dazzling sun.

The pheasant was carried out of the yard.

The carriages brought by shopkeeper Cao stopped outside.

The men who carried them were busy back and forth.

Li hei and Qi shuipei went to the gate of the yard.

Seeing several big carriages outside, Li Hei was very confused.

"What happened to your family?" Li Hei asked strangely.

"What can I have? My fourth brother sells pheasants at home. You don\'t see it." Qi shuipei didn\'t think so.

Speaking of selling pheasants, she was flustered.

The fourth brother is too cold-blooded and ruthless. He has so many chickens at home. He would rather sell them to others than send more to their family.

A chicken doesn\'t cost much. I don\'t even know how to be filial to my family. I really don\'t realize it.

"Oh, there are so many chickens in your family." Li Heiman is full of envy.

It is said that pheasants are very tonic, but they are also very expensive. I didn\'t expect that so many people raised them.

"Well, it can sell a lot of money. No one in our village has ever raised so many chickens."

In some ways, Chi shuipei is very proud.


While talking, they had entered the yard.

The last batch of pheasants had been carried out by the man, and the party also walked out of the chicken farm with laughter.

When Qishui Peili was excited, he rushed over, "fourth brother, you sold the chicken so quickly. What\'s the price? How much money did you sell?"

Shopkeeper Cao looked over inexplicably.

Qixingyun introduced, "this is my five younger sisters, named shuipei."

"Oh, it\'s your sister."

Shopkeeper Cao suddenly looked at Qi shuipei and smiled friendly. His look didn\'t fluctuate much.

Looking at shopkeeper Cao, Qi shuipei turned around and asked Qi Xingyun excitedly, "fourth brother, how much did our chicken sell?"

"Not settled yet." Qixingyun road.


"I said you went out so early today. It turned out that you were looking for Li Hei." Chi Ziyu looked at Li Hei, who was silent, and said.

She\'s strange.

What does Qi shuipei mean by calling Li Hei home at this time?