My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 790

In the morning, another girl named Xiaoya was recruited.

Xiaoya is an introverted girl with a round face and few words.

Chi Ziyu asked her what, and she answered what.

The voice is a little trembling and looks a little nervous.

The Chi Zi fish didn\'t mind and took her.

Xiaoya, like Xiaoqi, let Aunt Zhang take her to study.

With these two new AIDS, Chi Ziyu concentrated on the study of nail dyeing.

She brought a lot of Impatiens today.

If these flowers are put at home again, Xiao Wang\'s claws will destroy them.

While the flowers are just blooming, they are colorful and beautiful.

Chi Ziyu picked Impatiens in the backyard with a small basket.

Du Qi came bouncing over again, "sister, what are you doing picking flowers for?"

"This is impatiens. I pick flowers and dye my nails."

"Oh, really?" Duqi looked down at his clean and transparent nails. "I haven\'t dyed my nails. I don\'t know how to dye them."

"I\'ve seen others dye it before." Chi Ziyu said with a smile, "I\'m going to study how to dye it again."

"I won\'t, but I can help my sister pick flowers." Duqi said, "but sister, you want to dye my nails, okay?"

"Of course. When my Codan is ready, I\'ll dye your nails first."

"OK, OK." Du Qi applauded.

"This flower should be red or purple.

Remember that the color should not be too light. There will be no color on the nail. " Chi Ziyu told me.

"Well, I see."

Du Qi began to pick flowers carefully.

"Sister, you are really great. Why do you plant so many flowers?" Asked Du Qi.

"Just read more."

"Sister, can you still read?"

Chi Ziyu chuckled. "I know some. Xingyun taught me."

"Wow!" Duqi exclaimed, "brother-in-law, does he have a belly of ink? I think he looks like a scholar."

"Yes, he not only has a belly of ink, but also has a lot of good skills.

I\'m far from him. "

"No, sister, you are also very good. You can raise flowers and make a lot of delicious food.

I know so many expensive ladies and can live the life I want every day. Sister, I really envy you. "

"I learned all this hard to have today\'s day. No one is born omnipotent." Late roe path.

Just like qixingyun, she always thought he was born with everything and was too smart to reach.

In fact, in qixingyun\'s unforgettable past, he made unimaginable efforts, so that he will have today\'s excellence many years later.


Chi Ziyu picked half a basket of Impatiens.

Put the petals into the stone mortar, put some white sails and mash them.

Du Qi sat next to her and looked at her pounding the petals, asking a few questions from time to time.

Xiaoya quietly follows Aunt Zhang in the front yard.

Aunt Zhang told her how to water the flowers, how to judge whether the flowers are not growing well, and how to think that the flowers are infested.

These are taught by Chi Ziyu. Aunt Zhang has only learned the surface at present.

"Aunt, I think you know a lot. Have you been here for a long time?" Xiaoya couldn\'t help asking.

"I didn\'t come for a long time, but a little earlier than you. The landlady is very nice and can teach everything." Aunt Zhang said.