My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 765

His face was full of complacency.

Chi Ziyu didn\'t look at her and didn\'t want to discuss this topic with her, so he chose to be silent.

Wang Yinger is too long to communicate with others. As soon as she opens her mouth, she can\'t stop.

"Sister in law, I\'m telling you something serious. Don\'t listen."

She\'s full of experience as a romantic woman. She\'d be happy to take a little apprentice.

"Farewell, sister-in-law. You\'d better feed your milk. I don\'t have time to talk to you."

Wang Ying\'er was very unwilling, "sister-in-law, why are you so..."

"Second sister-in-law, if you talk again, I\'ll let you go back to the house. Don\'t you think it\'s noisy." The late fish can\'t stand it.

Wang Yinger had to take back her words, "all right..."

Chi Ziyu was secretly relieved.

Shut up. It\'s too much.

"Second sister-in-law." Suddenly another voice came.

The speaker is a versatile man.

"Second sister-in-law, can you help me burn hot water? I\'ve been reading in the house all day. I\'m sweating and flustered miserably..."

Before Qi duocai finished his words, he suddenly stopped his mouth.

Like Chi Ziyu, when he looked at Wang Yinger, he accidentally saw something he shouldn\'t have seen.

Qi duocai swallowed his saliva and turned his face after he knew it.

His lips stammered and suddenly he didn\'t know what to say.

Wang Yinger stared at his red face and said with a smile, "third brother, you come to me to boil water?

Don\'t you see I\'m feeding Qiangzi? You need hot water to burn it yourself. "

"I... won\'t..."

At this time, Qi duocai still kept his reason and didn\'t dare to look at her.

His shy appearance is still very popular with Wang Yinger.

Such a man is rare in the village.

Wang Yinger smiled calmly. "You are really the third brother. You can\'t even make a fire. How can I be good? Qiangzi is still drinking milk."

Qi duocai was also very embarrassed. "It\'s really not good. I\'d better wait until my sister-in-law comes back..."

"Forget it, I\'d better come. You help me carry hadron."

With that, Wang Yinger broke hadron\'s milk without hesitation.

Hadron had fallen asleep eating, and even if he was cut off, he didn\'t notice anything.


"You\'re so shy. You\'re such a big man. What can\'t you see?" Wang Ying\'er smiled and didn\'t hurry to put down her clothes at all.

Under the half rolled up clothes, there were waves.

Chi Ziyu couldn\'t listen any more and frowned, "second sister-in-law, can you..."

The last few words are ashamed to say.

She\'s really a slut

Before Wang Yinger was pregnant, Chi Ziyu didn\'t think she was scratching.

Now out of the month, it is more and more unruly.

"Let me help you hold the baby. The third brother is a big man. Where can he do this?" Chi Ziyu walked over.

"What are you doing?" Wang Ying\'er stopped, "the third brother is not an outsider. What happened when I asked him to hug his nephew.

Right, third brother, come and hug Qiangzi. You\'ve never hugged him. "

Qiduo wanted to go and didn\'t want to go: "I..."

"Second sister-in-law, can you order a face?"

Chi Ziyu is really convinced by her shamelessness.

Isn\'t this the teasing of red fruit?

A man who has a husband and a child still wants to attack his uncle?!

Wang Yinger was at her ex husband\'s house. Unexpectedly, she dared to mess around now.