My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 764

Unexpectedly, her voice fell, Zheng\'an was quiet, and Xiaowang, who watched Chi Ziyu pluck chicken feathers, cried out unconvinced.

"Woof, woof..."

Wang Ying\'er was startled and tightened her hands holding Qiang Zi. "Your dog is sick. What is it shouting at me?"

In fact, his heart is a little empty. Xiao Wang is not stupid at all, even very smart.

Wang Yinger remembered that she had been bullied by Xiao Wang before.

Just now she was just boasting and had nothing to say.

Qijia, who doesn\'t know that Xiao Wang is better than others. It seems that he is a good hand.

During the day, when the master is not at home, they dare not come near.

Because I used to bite one.

Chi Ziyu smiled, "you scolded it. It\'s not happy."


Wang Ying\'er frowned.

The hadron in her arms suddenly burst into tears, and her small head leaned into her arms.

"This smelly boy wants to drink my milk again. I just ate it..." Wang Yinger said angrily and said,

"Sister in law, please help me move a chair from your house. I\'ll sit here and feed Qiangzi."

"If the sky is wide, can\'t you go home and feed?"

If someone comes later, I\'m not afraid of being caught.

To be a woman, you should have the most basic shame.

"Sister in law, just go..."

Wang Yinger\'s voice trembled as soon as she became coquettish. It\'s not what normal people can stand.

Chi Ziyu got goose bumps all over and was speechless to her.


She washed her hands and went back to the house to bring a chair.

Wang Yinger said, "sister-in-law, please help me loosen my belt. I have a smelly boy on my back. I can\'t loosen my clothes."

Chi Ziyu went to help her loosen her belt and help straighten the beam.

Liang Zi is still sleeping.

Wang Yinger sat down to feed her.

Hadron swallows loudly.

Chi Ziyu subconsciously glanced over and accidentally saw something he shouldn\'t see.

Well... It\'s a little big

Hadron\'s whole head was covered by her.

Realizing that he was wrong, Chi Ziyu blushed and turned away quickly.

She really didn\'t mean to see it. She was just careless

It\'s all because Wang Yinger is too open.

Seeing this, Wang Ying\'er couldn\'t help joking, "yo! Younger siblings, you\'re still shy. Everyone is a woman. What else is there to hide.

I\'m quite big. It\'s bigger than yours. Now the head is filled with milk. I don\'t know how much bigger it is than before.

You don\'t know that every time I feed Qiangzi, Duojin\'s eyes look straight next to me. He\'s eager to put me down immediately, ha ha. "


Sure enough, Wang Yinger\'s certain nature cannot be changed.

Wang Yinger gushed with great interest, "don\'t feel inferior. In fact, I think you are also very big. The fourth must feel very much."


Chi Ziyu\'s face changed and he was about to spit blood.

Wang Yinger is too open!

Can you give her some face? She doesn\'t want face?

"I tell you, let\'s be women. This thing must be big. The bigger the better.

Man, that\'s good. I was with Duojin before.

You don\'t know how many people in the village stare at me every day when I walk on the road. They all drool. "

Wang Ying\'er said, not forgetting to stand his waves proudly.