My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 752

"Well. Then you remember not to do the work in the field in the future. We can do it."

In fact, longan also feels that Qi duocai\'s body is very weak.

Every time they were there, he would walk 800 miles.

I fell asleep. I\'m more tired than her.

Qi duocai felt very bad. What do you mean, "ah yuan, I\'m sorry for you."

A big man can\'t even afford such farm work. It will make people laugh when it comes out.

"Don\'t say that." Longan loved him very much. "You are a scholar. You should let your big brother do the work in the field.

As for you, it\'s suitable to hold a pen and write, direct people to work, and be a dignitary in the future. "

Qi duocai sighed gently.

"Here comes the wet towel." Qi shuipei came in with a towel wet with water.

Longan affectionately put the towel on Qi duocai\'s forehead.

"Third brother, are you still working in the field today?" Qi shuipei asked.

"Your third brother is not well, so he won\'t go." Longan road.

Qishuipei tooted his mouth, "all right, third sister-in-law, go back to work in the field. I\'ll take care of my third brother."

She can\'t let her third sister-in-law be lazy and don\'t work. At that time, there will be few people at home.

"Well, then I\'ll go down to the ground."

The donkey cart drove all the way into the bustling city.

People in Jiangcheng have always been diligent. Every time Chi Ziyu came into the city, other people\'s shops have been open for a long time.

Of course, it can\'t blame the late fish for their laziness.

The main journey is too far. They can\'t get up earlier than those who live in the city.

"Here we are."

Qi Xingyun got off the carriage first and habitually went to the back to help Chi Ziyu.

Chi Ziyu opened his eyes vaguely from his sleep.

She slept a long time all the way.

It\'s just that there are some bumps on the road, so she can\'t sleep deeply.

Chi Ziyu didn\'t know what had happened, so he let Qi Xingyun hold him down.

"Ah --"

She couldn\'t resist a cry of surprise.

As a result, the voice fell, and several female voices were heard.

"Wow! That\'s so sweet!"

A woman screamed with naked eyes, which was louder than the scream of the late fish.

"Fangfang, this is not the handsome boss you said..."

"Yes, yes, it\'s not really him, is it?"

It was so exciting at the first meeting. Although they were very jealous, they were more envious.

Chi Ziyu was surprised again.

She somehow got out of qixingyun\'s arms and looked at them.

Don\'t know... What are these people doing?

In the twinkling of an eye, Aunt Zhang and uncle Gong came over.

"Boss, boss\'s wife." Two humanitarians.

"They are..." Chi Ziyu pointed at the girls strangely.

"Go back to the landlady. They came to our store to drink smoothie. They were already waiting when we came this morning." Gong Shudao.

"Yes, yes! We\'re here to buy things. Boss, your shop opened too late.

I don\'t think other people\'s shops are as late as you, which makes us wait so long. " A woman said.

She is the one whose name is Fangfang, and she is also the loudest.

Although he doesn\'t know Chi Ziyu, he looks familiar.

I think she came to the shop for tea every day.

Now tea is another source of income for shops.

There are not only tea, but also other drinks, snacks and fruits.

At first, belfry wanted to be provided free of charge.