My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 751

Wang Shi straightened up and took a look and said, "duocai, don\'t pay attention to her. You cut your, you cut very well.

You see, your daughter-in-law and I cut like this. The second daughter-in-law can\'t work and wants to damage you. It\'s useless! "

With that, Wang dug up Guo Jinlian and said, "don\'t hurry to work! I didn\'t eat! The second son works faster than you!"

Guo Jinlian wiped her sweat. "Mom, I\'m so thirsty. I have to drink first."

"How long have you been drinking water? When you think you are a buffalo, you know how to drink water.

How can we have a lazy woman like you in our family without seeing you cut a few crops of rice! "

Wang Shi is really going to be annoyed by Guo Jinlian\'s lazy selling.

She said every day that her daughter-in-law was lazy and sold bad. In fact, Guo Jinlian was the only one who was lazy.

But every time Wang no matter how she beat and scolded, she seemed as if it hadn\'t happened.

He who should be lazy is still lazy.

"Mom, it\'s hot this day. If I don\'t drink water, I\'ll be dried into raisins." Guo Jinlian smiled.

Wang was so angry that he didn\'t want to talk to her at all.

In the twinkling of an eye, longan had gone in front of her.

Wang\'s strength came.

The old third daughter-in-law couldn\'t take the lead, so she bent down and continued to work hard to cut rice.

Guo Jinlian sat in the field, drank some water, and then moved back slowly.

When he came back, he saw that Qi duocai had been tired, his hands supporting his knees and half bent down. He didn\'t stand up for a long time.

Guo Jinlian couldn\'t help saying, "third, why are you dizzy by the sun?"

Before her voice fell, Wang was startled and shouted what was the matter and ran over.

Qiduocai barely stood up straight.

He said weakly, "there are some flowers in his eyes."

At this time, longan also came and said with worry on his face, "Togo, don\'t you have heatstroke?"

"I don\'t know..."

Wang wiped his hands and touched Xiaqi duocai\'s forehead and face.

It\'s hot like a fever.

"No..." Wang\'s face changed. "Many talents, you are afraid of heatstroke. They told you not to come. You have to come..."

Wang\'s heart aches to death.

Come to the ground and do evil. It\'s really.

"Togo, let me help you go home and have a rest. We are living in the field." Longan worried.

Wang also agreed, "versatile, obedient. Go home quickly, put a cold towel on your forehead and lie down for a while."

"The third is really comfortable. How long have you been down the ground? I have heatstroke. Why don\'t you change one of me..." Guo Jinlian said sour.

I knew she pretended to be dizzy.

The work in this field is really tiring.

"Shut up!"


"Duocai, go home quickly and don\'t come to the field to dry." Wang said.

Qi duocai nodded and let longan hold him back.

Wang did not forget to tell her, "the third daughter-in-law, come back to the field early, do you hear me?"

"I see."

Longan helped Qi duocai home. Qi shuipei and Wang Yinger were puzzled.

"Why did you come back?"

"Togo has heatstroke."

"Third brother, your body is too weak. Can you still get heatstroke?" Qishuipei couldn\'t help mocking.

"Stop talking, shuipei. Go and twist a wet towel for me. I\'ll apply it to Togo."


"Togo, how are you feeling now?"

After settling down, Qiduo lay in bed and longan asked.

Qi duocai\'s lips were slightly white and said powerlessly, "I\'m still a little dizzy. I\'ll just have a rest."