My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 750

Wang Yinger was feeding Qiangzi. She had to say, "I\'m feeding Qiangzi now. Just wipe Liang Zi."

"I won\'t say it, I won\'t! You hurry to carry the beam to me!"

Qishuipei impatiently stuffed Liang Zi back into Wang Yinger\'s arms.

Wang Yinger also pushed the man aside, and Liang Zi fell into bed.

Liang Zi fell and hurt and began to cry.

When Qiang Zi heard the speech, he bit Wang Yinger and began to cry.

Wang Yinger is in a mess.

"Shuipei, you can\'t learn to take a baby. You will take a baby when you get married in the future.

Sister-in-law, this is also training you. Why are you so ignorant? "

"I won\'t! I won\'t die!"

Wang Yinger listened to the noisy cry of Liang Zi and Qiang Zi and got angry urgently.

"No, no! It\'s not my son anyway. It\'s annoying to make him cry!"

Qishuipei snorted and went out without saying a word.

Wang Yinger never liked Liang Zi.

She said no matter, it really doesn\'t matter. Anyway, she won\'t feel bad.

Liang Zi kept crying.

The cry was loud and broke through the roof.

This reminds Chi Ziyu of the morning. That\'s how she was awakened.

"Shuipei doesn\'t know how to help sister-in-law Wang take care of her children at home. She can\'t be busy alone." Chi Ziyu couldn\'t help saying.

"If she can take care of children, pigs can go up trees."

"Let her go out to work and let her sister-in-law take care of her second sister-in-law\'s children at home.

My sister-in-law is so big that she has to go out to work. My mother is really patient.

Shui Pei, who only eats and does nothing every day, has grown fat all over. He doesn\'t know how to move. He\'s really lazy. "

Home in the rice field.

The sky is clear.

The ears of rice are golden, and the wind blows a fragrance of rice waves.

Qijiabao and qiduodi took off their coats, shook off their arms and were beating millet.

The others bent down to cut rice in the field.

A lot of water has been accumulated in the rice field. People step on it and their feet sink.

Wang\'s family and longan are both agile, and they like to work quickly.

They each cut six or seven rows of rice, long ahead.

Only Guo Jinlian and other thieves were left to catch up slowly.

Guo Jinlian is a slow person. She is not only slow, but also has a broken mouth.

The East parents and the West family chatted about the topic for a short time, shouting Qi Duojin and waiting for her for a while, and boasting about Wang\'s speed.

Qiduojin\'s speed is faster than Guo Jinlian\'s. it can be imagined that Guo Jinlian is a woman who pulls everyone down.

"Why are you cutting so fast? Wait for me. I can\'t catch up with you."

When Guo Jinlian realized her tortoise speed, Wang and longan had several new rows of rice cutting.

Qi Duojin is a little ahead of Guo Jinlian.

Only habitat is at the end.

Qi duocai went to the ground for the first time today. It\'s understandable that rice is cutting slowly.

It\'s just that the work is too tired and the sun is too hot.

He was so tired that he could hardly straighten up.

Every once in a while, I have to wipe the sweat on my face. I want to put down the sickle and quit countless times.

He cut rice very seriously and the stubble of rice was neat.

Guo Jinlian looked back at her uneven rice stubble, and then at Qi duocai. She was suddenly jealous.

"Third brother! You should cut rice to write. The land is so neat that no one looks at it."

Then Guo Jinlian laughed at herself first.

Qiduocai suddenly blushed, "isn\'t that so?"