My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 738

I don\'t know how many times I scolded Chi Ziyu.


Iron cock!

Be careful!

Chi Zijiang squeezed out a smile, "forget it, Laifu, little fish won\'t give you money, I\'ll pay you.

Later, you tell your mother that I gave you the silver. Little fish has a shop at home and has no money for you. "

Secretly, Chi Ziyu is rich but stingy. He doesn\'t even know how to help his own brother.

"Elder sister, you should have been such a good man." Chi Ziyu smiled, "why bother for so long? You come here to make trouble, and you can\'t get any benefit."

Chi Zijiang didn\'t speak, but said, "OK, let\'s go back.

Laifu, you go to our house for dinner first, and then you go home, so that you won\'t be hungry when you go home. "

At the critical moment, Chi Zijiang also wants to express his love for his brother as the eldest sister.


"Let\'s go, let\'s go." Chi Zijiang was also disappointed today. "Alas, there is no difference between having sisters and not having sisters.

Remember Laifu. Don\'t come to Si Mei if you have nothing to do in the future. It\'s only your eldest sister who is really good to you.

You haven\'t heard my mother say that the most heartless person in our family is the fourth younger sister

Now that they are rich, they forget their roots. Maybe they will forget us in the future. "

"Hey, what are you talking about? Don\'t slander our boss\'s wife. Believe it or not, I\'ll sue you in the Yamen!" Chang Sheng raised his fist angrily.

Chi Zijiang shrank and kept silent.

Xie Shu hurriedly pulled Chi Zi Jiang Ren, "come on, let\'s hurry home and don\'t stay here."

Chi Zijiang went out obediently.

As a result, Chi Zijiang went out of the gate and muttered viciously.

"Who are these people? I doubt whether Xiaoyu is our family.

How could I have such a heartless sister? Zhaodi is not as bad hearted as her! "

"Well, don\'t scold. Your sister can\'t be a man at first sight..."

"Yes, elder sister, you should make more money quickly.

I\'m going to rely on you later. I don\'t expect the black hearted little fish. "


"Landlady, how can people in your family go too far one by one? They know to take advantage of others every day." As soon as people leave, they begin to complain like a complaining woman.

Before, the scholar of Qijia came to the shop every three or five times to eat.

It\'s said that eating people\'s mouths is short. The scholar never said a good word after so many lunches.

People feel that they look down on those who open doors to do business, especially self righteous.

Fortunately, the boss\'s wife entertained him delicious. If you have the ability, don\'t come to dinner!

I thought there were ghosts in their shop before. Now it\'s delicious to go back and eat.

This face is really slapping.

I didn\'t expect another wave of such shameless relatives. It really disgusts people to death.

Chi Ziyu smiled calmly, "there\'s no way. People just have such a greedy heart. They don\'t know how to work hard and envy others every day."

"I despise such people most."

"I also despise them, but who makes them all my relatives."

Sometimes Chi Zi fish doubt whether they are born by the Chi family.

But there is no doubt that she is her own.

No matter how cruel the family reality is, she has to learn to accept it.

"Landlady, you must have suffered a lot because of them before."