My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 737

"Why should I take care of him? Why doesn\'t he think about it? When did he really treat me as his own sister when he was so old?"


Xie Shu said, "little fish, you\'re wrong. Laifu is the only son of your mother\'s family. He..."

"What if he is a son? Is he inlaid with gold or silver? I have to serve him like a treasure. Why!

I worked hard to make money, one step at a time, and he worked there for half a month.

Now, if I can\'t make money, I\'m to blame. There\'s no door!

I\'ll just say one thing today. If you don\'t want money, I can kick you out if I make trouble. "

"You dare!" I\'m lucky to be late.

"How dare I!" Chi Ziyu stared, "I know you want to stop bullying me in the store by relying on Xingyun today.

Yes, I am a woman. I really can\'t beat you, but don\'t forget that there are people in my shop... "

"Don\'t be afraid, landlady. I\'m here. Who dares to bully you? I\'m the first to stand up and beat him!"

Changsheng, who is filling flowers with medicine, has long wanted to stand up and defend against injustice.

Look at what the third brother of the landlady said. He\'s going to kill everyone!

Chi Ziyu didn\'t expect that Changsheng would come forward. He was very pleased at the moment.

Gong Shu also came over from behind the counter. Although he didn\'t speak, he stood behind Chi Ziyu like Changsheng.

Changsheng and uncle Gong stared at Chi Laifu so fiercely.

Chi Laifu swallowed his saliva and counselled.

He had to vent his anger on Chi Zijiang, "elder sister, you have to settle this matter for me today!"

"Laifu, you calm down." Xie Shu hurriedly said.

Chi Zijiang\'s face turned white.

I didn\'t expect that Chi Ziyu married himself. His temper is getting bigger and bigger day by day. He is not bullied as before.

"Little fish, Laifu doesn\'t pay much. Just give him a little. He can go home and farm."

"Elder sister, why can\'t you give it? You don\'t have no money. Besides, didn\'t you introduce this job to third brother?

At first, you introduced the wrong person. The third brother couldn\'t get the money. You should be responsible. What does it have to do with me? "

Chi Ziyu didn\'t want to talk to her at all.

With that, Chi Ziyu got up, "go, I don\'t have time to talk nonsense with you, and I\'m not responsible for serving you."

"If I don\'t go, I won\'t!"

"Huh?" Chang Sheng began to twist his fist, creaking.

The young face was full of threats.

Chi Laifu can\'t sit still.

"Elder sister, what should I do about it?" Chi Laifu put the blame on Chi Zijiang. "You asked me to ask little fish for money. Now she won\'t give it to me."

"I have no money." Chi Zijiang stood up and really didn\'t want to give chi Laifu money.

Chi Laifu can\'t do a good job and can\'t get money. Why blame her.

She doesn\'t owe him.

"Don\'t pretend to me!" Chi Laifu was angry. "I don\'t care. I have to get the money today!"

Chi Zijiang dark pointed to Chi Ziyu and said, "find her..."

Chi Laifu didn\'t speak.

"Uncle Gong." Chi Ziyu suddenly turned back and said, "go to the Yamen and say we have a grievance here."

Gong Shuying said, "OK..."

"No, no, no!" Chi Zijiang was shocked and turned pale. "Don\'t be impulsive, little fish. If you don\'t give it, you won\'t give it. We didn\'t force you to give it."