My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 716

I still think Bingbing\'s family background is not worthy of me.

But now, people like longan can marry him.

Cousin Bingbing is so nice, and my mother likes her so much, why not?

He should have been brave and said it. The situation must have been different.

"I won\'t forget you, cousin..." Xu Bingbing was about to cry.

Qiduocai felt soft and hurriedly took out his handkerchief to help her wipe her tears, "don\'t cry."

Xu Bingbing took the opportunity to hold his hand and looked at Qi duocai with tearful eyes.

"Cousin, can you hug me? I really don\'t know when I\'ll see you next time when I go home this time."

Her hands are soft, like marshmallows.

Qi duocai was wrapped by her warmth and suddenly became intoxicated.


Qi duocai asked himself that he had never held Xu Bingbing.

At most, in those boundless dreams, he and she gallop

Thinking of these, Qiduo subconsciously blushed.

Xu Bingbing waited for him quietly.

Qi duocai slowly stretched out his hand and gave her a tight hug.

Xu Bingbing is immersed in his warmth and doesn\'t want to break free again.

"Can I kiss you?" Xu Bingbing suddenly whispered, "I know you don\'t want to. I don\'t mean anything else. I just

I miss you so much. I\'m afraid I\'ll never see you again... "

"No." Qi duocai rubbed her hair. "We\'ll see it later."

Xu Bingbing stared up at him and suddenly said, "cousin, do you love your cousin?"

Qi duocai pondered, "I don\'t know."

Xu Bingbing reluctantly pulled out a smile, "you must not know. In fact, I like you for a long time.

They all think I like cousin Xingyun, but it\'s not. "

"Really?" Qiduo thought he had heard wrong.


Xu Bingbing smiled at him with a bright smile.

Suddenly, she stood on tiptoe, Sakura lips came up to Qi duocai and kissed him gently.

Xu Bingbing wanted to kiss her. She hasn\'t felt her cousin\'s temperature yet. As a result, she doesn\'t want to release him after kissing.

In fact, she is not afraid of anything now.

Secular, rumor

That\'s bullshit... Being a man always has to open your heart.

If at this time, she can\'t show her heart to the person she loves, she\'s really too timid.

The same is true of qiduocai.

At the bottom of his heart, there is a warm-blooded heart shouting.

Leave her!

Leave her!

So he kept her kissing posture for a long time.

They looked at each other affectionately.

Suddenly telepathic with each other, entangled again.

This is their first softest and most touching contact.

Be as enthusiastic as you are.

Only each other\'s breathing is hot.


They came out of the back mountain one by one.

Chi Ziyu just ran into it.

Qi duocai absently arranged the folds of his clothes as he walked, and didn\'t notice the puzzled sight cast by Chi Ziyu at all.

Xu Bingbing, who came out later, was even more eccentric.

His face was crimson, and his red lips glowed faintly.

Like Qi duocai, Xu Bingbing doesn\'t care about everything around him. He just lowers his head and walks.

It\'s just the way you walk... It\'s weird.

Chi Ziyu noticed a dead grass on Xu Bingbing\'s head.

The bun is neat. I think it\'s just finished.