My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 715

Mei Niang sighed at last.

I thought to myself that Chi Ziyu is a woman with some skills. Under Wang\'s claws, she not only has no weakness, but also becomes more and more frustrated and brave.

Now even Wang can\'t fight her.

Mei Niang really wants to stay and see the power of Chi Ziyu.

But Wang didn\'t mean to keep her at home.

Mei Niang repeatedly hinted that she wanted to stay for a few more days. Wang didn\'t understand and prevaricated her with other words.

Don\'t say a word to stay.

Mei Niang had no choice but to get up and go out.

Do not know why?

Mei Niang always felt that Wang was not so warm to herself now.

Wang\'s attitude towards Xu Bingbing is the same, and he even means to be on guard.

Mei Niang didn\'t expect them to be so unpopular now. When she left, she felt cold in her heart.

Wang was not so cold when he wholeheartedly instigated their mother and daughter to hook up with Qi Laosi. Now how can he turn his face and refuse to recognize others.

Is this a bridge breaking across a river

After lunch, Xu Bingbing went to Qi duocai alone to talk and express her reluctance.

"Third cousin, I didn\'t expect you to get married so soon."

Xu Bingbing\'s heart is sour and empty, as if he is missing something.

This depression has been going on all day.

She\'s really upset.

Qi duocai threw himself on the bride today. At this time, he was not interested in Xu Bingbing.

Just nodded, "well, it\'s rare for you to come to our house for a wedding wine this time. I thought you didn\'t come like the last full moon wine."

"Last time my mother was ill and couldn\'t come." Xu Bingbing said, "you don\'t know I especially want to see you.

I heard you tried to go home after the exam that day. When you came home, you didn\'t know to come to my house to play. I haven\'t seen you for so long, but I miss you. "

Qi duocai is not an elm head. He still knows what Xu Bingbing means.

At least he had an idea about Xu Bingbing, and this idea lasted for a long time.

During that time, Xu Bingbing always appeared in his dreams.

It made him restless and couldn\'t stop.

I woke up sweating.

Cousin and cousin are always the most likely candidates to collide and spark.

He doesn\'t know

If he had been brave and said the feelings buried in his heart, maybe it would be different now.

Xu Bingbing is the first person in his life.

From now on, this first person will be buried in the memory forever.

Then pull it out, it is unspeakable pain.

For a moment, a corner of Qi duocai\'s heart was fragile and lonely.

"Bingbing, you should find a good family early. You should be happy." Qiduo thought and finally squeezed out such a sentence.

In the face of his first love, he really didn\'t know what to say.

Xu Bingbing was moved to cry.

Why did she hold on to her fourth cousin at the beginning? It is clear that the third cousin is affectionate to her.

Why is she so blind.

"I understand, cousin." But now it\'s too late to say anything.

She and he have long been impossible.

"You\'re fine, Bingbing." Qi duocai whispered, "it\'s true. You\'re the white moonlight in my heart. I\'ll never forget it in my life."

That should be a confession.

Confess that you used to like her.

Just my mind has been reading, and I haven\'t thought about love at all.