My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 682

"Brother, what do you do to eat? I see you are busy every day, but you can\'t do anything well. It\'s useless at all!"

Qi Duojin couldn\'t stand her spitting and retorted, "it\'s none of our business. If you want to eat lotus seeds, just ask the fourth.

It\'s no use blaming us. You don\'t do anything yourself. You let us serve you like a noble family every day. Is that funny? "

"I don\'t care. Our family will plant Lotus next year. I will eat lotus seeds!"

Qi Duojin gave her a white eye and said, "next year you will be from the Li family."

"You..." Qi shuipei was so angry, "even if I marry out, I\'m still from our family!"

"All right, all right, stop arguing." Wang said, "second, if you can\'t speak, shut up and don\'t make a noise.

It\'s already hot. You\'re still chattering every day. I can\'t eat. Is it annoying... "

"Mom, let\'s go to the market in the city tomorrow. I want to buy lotus seeds and rattan chairs like the fourth brother." Qi shuipei said.

Qishuipei doesn\'t know how much she envies the basket rattan chair of the fourth brother\'s house. She\'s been sitting. It\'s as comfortable as swinging.

She can\'t wait to get down from her nest every day.

When they were not at home, she secretly ran to sit there.

But every time she didn\'t sit long, Xiao Wang rushed over and shouted around her.

The cry was loud and harsh. I knew there was an accident here as soon as I heard it.

Xiao Wang is now Da Wang.

Strong, agile and aggressive.

Qishuipei asked himself about a girl\'s family. He really didn\'t dare to be rough with Xiaowang. He had to run away in frustration.

But she really coveted the rattan chair and dreamed about it.

So she has been pestering Wang to buy rattan chairs these days.

Wang didn\'t want to buy it, because the bird\'s nest is not cheap at first sight, and no one in the village bought this money burning thing.

But after all, he couldn\'t resist Qi shuipei\'s stubbornness and reluctantly agreed.

"I was going." Wang said, "tomorrow we have to go to the White Deer Academy. We have to ask your third brother to come back and get married."

At the thought of buying rattan chairs, Wang\'s resentment against Chi Ziyu went up again.

If you don\'t do good things, you will bring harm to your family!

If their family hadn\'t separated, Wang saw Chi Ziyu spending so much money and slapped him in the face.

It\'s outrageous to see if she dare to be so arrogant!

Don\'t use money as money at all.

Even if you eat and drink every day and spend so much money on enjoyment, which farmer\'s family doesn\'t spend money as much as she does. What a loser!

Qi Laosi is really. He indulges her in everything. He doesn\'t know how to manage her. His heart is too big.

Is it up to her to kill and set fire in the future

"Old man, you\'ll talk to old four later. He runs outside with old four\'s daughter-in-law every day. He has to have a wedding at home. He doesn\'t know what it\'s like to help at home!"

Wang\'s heart is weak recently, so he doesn\'t dare to face qixingyun directly. Qijiabao is the messenger of any ideas.

She\'s not pro. At least qijiabao is pro.

Qi Xingyun\'s wings are hard. She doesn\'t listen to her adoptive mother. Her father should always listen to her.

"Well, I\'ll tell him after dinner."

"Fourth brother, they don\'t live at home every day. What did they do in the city, not buy a house." Qiduojin road.